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Walking through the town, you notice a rumbling in your stomach. All of this sprinting around and near-death scenarios has left you incredibly hungry. Perhaps you should have brought the food with you. You figure that the townspeople wouldn’t mind it too much if you snuck a bite of some of their food. They seem to have plenty anyways. You stroll around, eyeing up the various foods that they offer. You eventually spot some delicious looking fruit, clearly not any fruit normal human society had seen before. It was the size of an orange, but if it was skinned and the actual part that you eat was rainbow colored. You nick a fruit or two from the stand and walk away like nothing happened.

You make your way into an alley behind some bushes. You tried to remain calm after stealing from a society of otherworldly creatures, but your posture gave away that you had done something amoral. You pulled out the rainbow colored fruit and took a bite of it. The taste is sweet like normal fruit with a mix of something else, something you haven’t tasted before. You continue chowing down as you pull out the second one of the fruits. As you take a bit into the second you hear a voice from around the corner.

“It’s always you newcomers, you never think to ask anyone. Stealing this and that. How about you just use your words huh?”

The voice rounds the corner through the bushes, and a catgirl dressed in full witch attire enters your vision. “I think you deserve a punishment, one I give out pretty often. That fruit imbued with the essence of the woods will help me greatly.” she says as your entire body vibrates for a long 10 seconds then stops. “Who the hell are you?” you shout out in a familiar girly voice. “Wha the fa…?”

“Well, I’m a vigilante of course. People like you who refuse to play by the rules, deserve a little punishment.” She responds as your entire body shrinks down, all of your unsightly body hairs removed by the vibrations from before. You attempt to run away, but unsurprisingly to no avail. No good witch vigilante would allow the criminal to get away. Soon enough your small body changes to fit its new size. Your shoulders and waist thin while your hips push out to breedable proportions. Your back arches to push your butt out while your face and skull shift. Your face becomes round and cute while your skull changes to accommodate for your larger amber colored eyes. Messy dark grey hair slides down your head and nearly to your shoulders, streaked with lines of black. Your hearing fades, then returns shortly after. You pat your non-existent ears, then the top of your head to feel two fuzzy ears on top to replace your human ones.

“Stop this, what the hell are you doing crazy lady?” you shout at her in anger and confusion.

“You’re not the first one,” she says as the skin around your eyes blacken to look like a mask, "plenty of people have gone through fitting transformations before, and they always integrate into society just fine. I put a little mark on your face to signal your thieving tendencies.” You notice that your body looks completely androgynous, putting a hand over your crotch revealing that not even your manhood remains with your strangely feminine but still genderless body. “Wait… no no no! I was just passing through! I was hungry!” you plead. “You could have just asked, and I promise, you’ll fit in here just fine.” she reassures you while a strange feeling opens up between your legs. You rub your petite fingers against your pussy lips through the fabric of your clothes. “Now this just won’t do, here you go, this will better suit you.” the witch says as your clothes shimmer and form into a cattle print bra and panties with orange and black thigh-highs. Only the panties are close to fitting you with your wide hips.

The slightly strained panties rub against your fresh slit. They get a little tighter on you for some reason. You soon discover that your asscheeks are inflating outwards, gaining soft squishy mass by the second. You sink your hands into the flesh and let out a low “mhmmmmmm…” from the tingly pleasurable feeling as they continue growing in size. Your thighs follow shortly after, your thin legs are becoming complimented by your gurgling and bulging thighs. They accentuate your ass, and leave a slight, seductive thigh gap. Your fingernails are shaded a bright amber, similar to your eyes as you move your hands up to your tingling nipples. You can’t help but be allured and aroused by your transformation, turns out becoming some sort of animal woman is a fetish of sorts for you.

The tingling grows stronger, into an itch. You pinch at your nipples to get rid of the uncomfortable sensation, and discover a pleasurable one instead as your nipples grow three times the size they were when you were a man. Your mind is lost to the pleasure of your chest, you don’t even care that you’re growing breasts caused by said pleasure from your chest. You keep rubbing and twisting as they reach jiggly C-cups. “nnnnAAHHHHH” you scream out, nearly reaching climax as your breasts soar past D-cups and filling out the bra at a massive E-cup. Their mass is squished by the bra as you continue rubbing them through it, “AAAAHHH, AAAAH, AAHH, AHNNNNNNN!!~~” you cry out from the pure ecstasy of your first nipple orgasm. A bushy grey and black tail shoots out behind you during your orgasm, whipping and wagging around signaling the bliss overloading your mind.

“Ew, did you just cum from playing with your tits? I don’t think I made you into a pervert, did I?” she says, disgusted by your lustful actions. Upon a little brainstorming by the witch, this sort of perversion is natural to racoon folks. They’re able to cum much easier and become aroused easier as well. It’s historically been known as a challenge for them to integrate into society well because of it. “Ah, that makes sense. Well that is something racoon girls are known to do. Hey, at least you’re a hot one.” You sit there, listening but panting in the afterglow of your climax. “Oh, and that little black mark on your face isn’t natural. That’s only given to racoons who steal, so you’ll have a hard time being trusted, is what I’m saying.” You really don’t care too much at the moment. This body feels rather amazing, whatever that witch did you wouldn’t mind if she did it again. “Gah, you’re not even listening. I’ll leave you to figure it out by yourself.” She says, exhausted with you. You really don’t care, but after you recover from your fascination with your body, you’ll find out that living with the mark on your face will be more than a challenge.


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