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The eyes in the shadows read your thoughts and immediately take action. The hands appear again, and strip you of your revealing dress, replacing it with cattle print thigh highs, panites, and sleeves that fit your incredibly feminine body. You feel betrayed, you wanted them to ravage your pussy, not cover it. The eyes see your disgruntled face and decide to cut straight to the point. A pair of hands performs some ritual-like motions, forming two white orbs in between them. Each of the hands takes one white orb and approaches you.

“Wha… what is that?” You stutter as the hands press the orbs against your tits. They feel cool on your sensitive nipples, making you shiver a little. The hands pressed the pearly objects onto your nipples harder, the chilly but deeply pleasurable feeling radiating through your breasts. “Haaahh…. Mhmmmm… haaahnn~” you pant as the hands press even harder. Eventually, with a simple pop, the orbs phase through your nipples and enter your tits. It feels like a volcano of orgasmic bliss erupts through your body as you scream out,”AAAHHHNNNNNN FAAAHHHCCKKKKMMMMM~” as your entire body contract and shakes from the waves of pleasure. Your pussy squirts out unimaginable amounts of girlcum, completely soaking the floor beneath you and your panties. Your back arches and you feel your mind melting out of your ears from wave after crashing wave of feel-good chemicals pouring into your brain.

You feel something snap around your neck, after recovering from your mind-shattering orgasm, you notice that it’s a bell collar! Inspecting your body more, you find that your ears are softer and more pointed. There’s two stumpy horns on the top of your head, and there’s also a cow tail whipping around behind you. While you continue feeling yourself up, the hands reappear. You watch as they immediately get to kneading your breasts. You noticed that your nipples felt a little tender after you woke up and were wondering why that was. As the hands grope at your tits, a bit of white liquid starts beading at your nipples. “Uhhh, wha~MILK?” you exclaim out loud. As soon as the phantom extremities notice they immediately squeeze your breasts, causing the beads of liquid to turn into streams of warm creamy milk. The sensation is better than masturbation, you think as you drool from your mouth lost in the blissful and relaxing feeling. The tenderness in your nipples fades away as milk pools on the ground in front of you. You still aren’t sure of where you are exactly, but these hands seem to have your best interests as a milk producing cow in mind.


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