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Following the sun out is probably your best choice, it’s the only sense of direction you’re going to get out here. The only problem is knowing if you’re even going the right direction, in your panic from the pond you lost your natural sense of direction. You figure that at least, even if you’re not going the right direction, going one way is better than running yourself in circles.

After what feels like hours of wandering towards the sun, it begins to fade. The trees around you get darker, you attempt to walk the same way you were going before, but now you’re not so sure. Fear overwhelms you, are you even getting anywhere at all? Will you ever get out? What creatures lurk in the shadows here? Your only option is to proceed forwards, you don’t exactly know where forwards is, but even if you tried going back you’d probably end up going forwards anyways. The air around you begins to chill, the trees fade away with the light. It’s more like walking at the bottom of the ocean now. You swear you can hear whispers around you and call out, “Uhmmm, hello?” Your voice shaking.

The whispers grow louder, you whip your head around to find the source, only to discover faint blue eyes in the darkness. You want to run, but pure fear petrifies you in place. Light blue essence materializes around you, forming itself into spectral hands. The hands run themselves through your hair, turning it pitch black, silky, and long. They caress your already feminine face, turning your features a little more angular and sharper, but still cute looking. They wrap their fingers around your waist, squeezing it and relieving pressure from it, shrinking it down small enough for someone to easily wrap their arm around. The hands do the opposite to your hips, pulling them, stretching them wide, providing much more space between your legs. Space that will soon be filled.

“Quite cute, she will be.” a cacophony of voices echo around you. “Shall we fit her?”  A black dress twirls around you as the spectral extremities remove the clothes you have on leaving you completely naked. But only for a moment as the dress slides over your soft body. The dress is tight around your chest and opens up to reveal your back, your back that suddenly cracks and curves inward to push your butt out. Black gloves cover your hands and forearms, silky fabric decorated with golden wrist cuffs.

The hands decide to start groping at your flat chest, causing a building heat to grow where they touch. “S~stop…” you plead faintly while your face flushes red from embarrassment. The hands grope at your nipples, nipples that poke through your tight top and feel more tingly and sensitive than normal. Your blushing grows greater as you bite your lip to avoid hearing your sweet girly voice. You want to do something to fight back, but you’re far past the point of no return. Your only choice is to accept the pinching and groping as your budding breasts strain the fabric struggling to contain them at C-cups. Soon enough, they burst out of their constraints, bouncing out at a grand DD-cup. “Haaaaahh~, haaaahh~, haaaah~” you moan lightly as the hands sink into your soft chest flesh, your nipples growing wider and larger as your breasts jiggle from gaining even more mass. The sensation of the spectral entities twisting and poking at your nipples is novel, but purely divine. Your cock throbs and oozes out precum from the pleasure as your breasts hit an impossibly perky F cup with plate sized areola.

The drapes of your tight dress barely cover your small but cute butt as is, but the hands don’t care. They place themselves on your erection, nearly in pain from how pent up it is. The hands are already slightly lubricated in nature, but your copious amounts of precum helps as they expertly stroke up and town your shaft while lightly teasing the head. “MHMMMMM, NAAHHHOOOO~” you scream mixed in fear and pleasure as you watch your dick shoot out ropes of sticky semen, shrinking smaller and smaller with each spurt. When your member is barely visible, your balls slurp inside of you and what's left of your cock slides back on your crotch before vanishing inside you as well. Moments later, a strange wet feeling opens up between your legs, a fresh wet pussy and throbbing clit in place of your previous erection. Your pussy lips are puffy and aroused, incredibly sensitive to touch as you will soon discover once the hands get to filling you out.

Your behind already looks bigger than normal due to the arch in your back, but the hands aren’t satisfied with you yet. They push the veils covering your butt to the side, your fresh pussy lips  revealed between the wide gap in your legs. A third spectral hand appears to assist, the two originals groping and caressing your ass and thighs while the third rubs itself against your puffy pussy while caressing your inner thigh. The cacophony of whispers grows louder as your thighs bubble full of soft fat. The hands slide themselves up and down your soft skin while one caresses your sensitive inner thighs causing your vagina to gush out sticky clear fluids. Your thigh gap narrows to almost nothing, and the hands decide to move on to making your abnormally small ass fit your thicc thighs. “Ahhhhnnnnmmmm…” you moan as the hand rubbing against your lips pushes itself inside of you, your vaginal muscles grip the fingers inside of you as they gently push in and out. Your ass gains volume just as swiftly as your thighs did, jiggling slightly as you form a perfect peach shaped bottom.

All at once, the hands pull away, leaving you sopping horny and desperate for more. Only the glowing eyes in the shadows remain, and they whisper to you. “Show us…. Show us… we DEMAND it…” You’re in no ability to refuse, you’ll do anything to get the hands to assault your womanhood again. Their slick coolness on your skin feels so right…


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