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Your wits not quite with you from the adrenaline, you just keep powering through the woods hoping to lose the giant spider woman. The spot of the bite feels a little numb and fuzzy, at least it doesn’t hurt. You whip your head around, the spider woman no longer behind you, at least not in sight. You collapse onto the ground completely exhausted, your consciousness waning from the extreme exertion. You want to close your eyes, but as you blind your vision… changes…

You blink a few times to try and make it go away, thinking it’s the poison making you blind, you panic attempting to accept your fate. After blinking and panicking a little, your vision goes back to normal. In fact, it looks even sharper now with more covered area. You place your hands on your eyes, and then on your next set of eyes, and then on your next set of eyes. Your next set of eyes? “Holy fuck…” you whisper aloud to not attract any more unwanted attention. Your lips grow slightly fuller while your hair fades into an even lighter color, a soft shade of lavender. The longer parts that you had before are replaced by a short cut. The cut looks good on your six-eyed face.

The fuzzy tingling sensation of the bite radiates through your arms. You touch your skin only to feel nothing, you expect to be losing your limbs, but based on the fact that you now have six eyes you really have no idea what's coming next. Your soft thin arms gradually turn harder and more purple, hands following. The joints of your elbows and fingers crack painlessly, morphing with sharper edges and harder exteriors. The sensation in your arms gradually returns as the purple corruption stops spreading as it wraps and spirals up your upper arm. You run your hardened hands against your shell-like exterior, the feeling is still there, but it feels strangely cold.

Suddenly, a wave of heat courses through your body. You feel your dick springing into action more with each beat of your heart. The heat is supernaturally strong enough to disintegrate your clothes off your body. “What the… how this is?” you mutter in a higher pitched voice. “Shit! My voice too, is this poison making me?” Your question is answered as your chest suddenly surges outwards, filling itself with soft sensitive flesh. The feeling of two jiggly orbs weighing down your body is strangely arousing causing your cock to leak precum. As you wrap your cold hands around it your breasts surge again, nipples following in becoming incredibly large and sensitive to even the wind.

A tight grey sweater appears around your body, tugging on your hips while also squeezing your waist. The soft fabric hugs your breasts and supports them, taking some weight off your chest. The squeezing becomes stronger, thinning your waist and curving your back to show off your tits and accentuate your ass. “Gnnhmmmmm…” you groan as the tugging sensation follows, spreading your hips out wide and padding them with some sensual fat on the sides. You feel the poison's effects ramping up even more, it feels like your throbbing dick is about to explode as the warmth of the poison wells up inside it. Without even touching it, a sudden burst of pleasure floods through every neuron of your body. “AHNNNNN, FAHHHCKKK MMHMMM~” you fail to keep your voice down as your entire body shivers and shakes in pure bliss. Your dick  blasts out ropes and ropes of hot sticky cum, shooting out everything it has. Cumming your brains out, you fail to notice the semen stopping and your dick shrinking into nothing, balls following.

Your fresh pussy pulses with a similar hot sensation that your dick did, unfortunately for you, you don’t have time to go pleasuring yourself again. The corruption begins to spread across your legs, your thighs thickening along with your ass at the same time. You lose all sensation below about halfway down your thighs and below, thankfully, you can still feel your ass jiggle full of feminine flesh into a heart shaped bottom. The feeling of weight on your chest and ass is foreign, but for some reason you just can’t help but shake the arousal.

You look down to inspect your feelingless legs, only to discover that you have no feet! Just sharp purple appendages! You attempt to move them, but to no avail, there's no way you can walk on these. Suddenly, another sensation takes over your lower back compelling you to fall flat over onto your tits. You watch in fear as to what’s to come, a strange tail-looking thing growing out from the base of your spine. You expect it to stop growing, but it doesn’t stop at a small size, it just keeps getting larger. “Wait, not just a g~girl, a fucking…. A fucking spider??” you exclaim in disbelief as the bulb on your back grows large enough to flip your back upright again. A distinctive white skull paints itself on the shell while more appendages begin to sprout from the base of the bulb. More sharpy jointed extremities sprout outwards, leaving you with eight spider legs in total now. Sensation returns slowly, like waking up from laying on your arm all night. Having a giant spider-like lower body feels incredibly surreal and strange, but moving it feels almost instinctual.

Of course, the poison is a poison after all. There are more adverse effects than just becoming a spider girl. After deciding to use your few found web spinning abilities to make yourself some cute silk panties to cover your womanhood, you make another discovery. An unknown furry animal brushes against one of your legs, and it feels like someone is touching your breasts or clit, but it’s… it’s your legs. The poison makes it so your entire body covered in the purple shell is just as sensitive to pleasure and touch as your nipples or pussy. You hope that the poison will wear off soon, you’d hate to embarrass yourself collapsing in pleasure just from someone stroking your legs…


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