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With quick thinking you decide that it wouldn’t be the greatest idea to go off road in a place that you’ve never been before. Especially in your panic. You continue pushing your way through the thick vines, and eventually, they begin to thin out a bit. Escape is in sight! You expend the rest of your energy sprinting to the exit,”OOOMMMHFF” the wind is knocked out of you as you ram into some sort of tree or wall face-first. You collapse backwards and hit your head on the way down. Your face feels fuzzy as dark spots appear in your vision. You attempt to keep your eyes open, but the fuzziness in your head lulls to unconsciousness. The last thing you see is the vines…moving?

You come to again in no longer than a few seconds. The first thing you notice is the pressure around the ends of your limbs and head. You crack your eyes open and attempt to move, only to see that the thick moving vines from before are tangled around your arms, legs, and head. Your heart sinks into your stomach as your immediate reaction is to fight against them to break free. The struggle is hard fought, but only ends up in a few budges after fighting for what felt like ages. There isn’t much you can do with your petite body to fight against these vines. It wraps around your waist and squeezes tighter in response to your protest.

You surrender in pure exhaustion, gasping for each and every precious breath. You still struggle a tad in hopes for mercy, but you have already half accepted that this is the end for you. Dying to some sort of pesky everyday vines. Pathetic, you thought for someone of your caliber. There was nothing more to do though, you dread the next action of the rouge plant. Another vine with a flower at the tip slithers up towards your face. You don’t even think to close your mouth as it slides itself inside and down your throat. You attempt to hack and gag instinctually to no avail. Before long you feel the vine make its way down to your stomach, then pumping it full of something. You’ve seen this one before, a carnivorous plant or animal that injects their prey with a fluid that melts their organs so they can slurp them out like a flesh smoothie. You attempt to scream but all that comes out is a faint “MMMMPPHHH MMMMMHFFFFFFF” with your throat filled.

The vine continues pumping the sticky liquid inside of you, fear overwhelming your spirit at your inevitable demise. Yet another vine pops up and easily tears all of your clothes off piece by piece leaving you completely naked, your pathetic manhood from your submersion in the pond open to the air. Despite being nude, you feel even hotter than before. You aren’t sure if it was the poison filling your stomach or just your adrenaline kicking into overdrive. Unknown to you, your already large eyes shift to an orangish amber color, followed by your hair turning the same shade of golden orange. Your lengthening locks reach the floor from your slightly elevated suspended position. Your already feminine body is accentuated as your hips and waist expand is thin respectively.

More vines begin to wrap around you, one of them being a vine with a cylindrical looking flower on the end. It slithers up between your legs and hovers over your erection, an erection coming from the arousal caused by whatever the vine in your mouth is still pumping in. “MMMMMFFFF! MPHHHHHHH HMMMM!!!” you grunt, sounding like an anime girl deepthroating cock. The flower of the vine covers your throbbing manhood as a pulsing warm feeling overtakes your crotch. Something inside the strangely soft but durable flower caresses your dick, your eyes roll back in your head from the raw power of the aphrodisiac flooding your system. As the flower does whatever it can to milk you of your seed, a strange feeling overtakes your nipples. You manage to point your eyes down to see that you don’t have nipples anymore, just bright pink flowers. The vines brush against the flowers, the sensation is powerful! They must be more sensitive than human nipples, just the air brushing against them causes you great arousal.

Only moments after enjoying your flower-nipples, behind them you feel a sloshing pressure. The flesh behind the flowers filled out, but only into slight B-cups. The great pressure still remained though. The pressure isn’t the most of your worries though, a melting sensation is felt on your cock as you come dangerously close to reaching climax. As the flower removes itself from your manhood, your entire body shakes and shutters with orgasmic bliss. The flower melted away and consumed your dick, nothing left. The vine in your mouth stops pumping your stomach full of thick sticky fluid and pops out of your throat letting you breathe easy again. “Ahhhhh….. Ahhhhh… ahhhhh… KYAAAHHHHNNNN'' you scream while recovering your breath as a vine impales your fresh sopping pussy. You hadn’t even realized it, but now it feels like the essence of nature is flowing through your body. Vines forming on your arms, face, body, legs, vines that you can control!

Of course, that isn’t all. Your vaginal walls hug the vine in your womb closely, squeezing it enough for the vine to start leaking the same fluid that was being pumped into your stomach moments ago. You try to ease up to stop it, but the strong aphrodisiac effect only causes your pussy to clench tighter around the vine causing more fluid to come out. “This f~AHHNNN~cking perverted forest!” you cry out as your ass and thighs start to jiggle slightly with the movements of the vines. Your thighs fill full of squishy fat, gurgling and sloshing, skin incredibly sensitive to the touch. Eventually your thighs squish together to remove the thigh gap and wrap around the vine that’s inside of you. Your ass follows shortly as it grows out to be big enough that it bounces with every step you’d take. Thick and seductive lower body doesn’t quite fit your petite and flat upper body, but as the vines release you and slide out of your pussy you’re just thankful that you’re free and alive.

1 Week Later

You found out that the pressure under your flower nipples could be relieved by pollination. There were plenty of bees and other insects that could do it for you, and it felt like heaven. It’s like if your nipples were gushing out milk but ten times as pleasurable. You’re often left on the floor shaking from the raw sexual pleasure of the experience. A side effect of relieving the pressure that builds up every day is that your breasts get much larger. You didn’t quite notice it at first, but before you knew it your breasts are now massive H cups. You don’t mind too much though, being a guardian of the forest means you’re strong enough to support them. Not to mention these handy vines that can pump out this warm sticky orange liquid. You hear some rustling out in the woods and go to investigate. Someone littering? You needed a friend to guard the forest with you, and this ungrateful hiker looks like just the target to be transformed…


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