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With quick thinking you decide that it wouldn’t be the greatest idea to go off road in a place that you’ve never been before. Especially in your panic. You continue pushing your way through the thick vines, and eventually, they begin to thin out a bit. Escape is in sight! You expend the rest of your energy sprinting to the exit,”OOOMMMHFF” the wind is knocked out of you as you ram into some sort of tree or wall face-first. You collapse backwards and hit your head on the way down. Your face feels fuzzy as dark spots appear in your vision. You attempt to keep your eyes open, but the fuzziness in your head lulls to unconsciousness. The last thing you see is the vines…moving?

You come to again in no longer than a few seconds. When you open your eyes, you see the vines rummaging through the foot you dropped when you fell. God knows what would have happened if you got caught up in those vines.

Dashing past the vines that were distracted by the food you so wisely brought with, the light of the parking lot is in sight! You ignore your exhaustion as you stride leaps and bounds in pure fear of what could have happened if you didn’t choose to bring some extra food and water with you. You burst out of the woods and back into the world you know and love. Luckily, you didn’t lose your car keys on the way out. You fumble with them with your small hands shaking as you insert them into the ignition. Another stroke of luck, your car starts successfully! You slam on the reverse then into drive, speeding out of the parking lot as fast as you can.

The drive home was humiliating with the reality of your now feminine body. You hoped it would wear off in a few hours. To your surprise, after a few hours of sitting at home your old, strong body began to return to you. A wave of relief washed over you, your stupid mistake of going to this place would be forgiven… or so you thought.

After a very long night's rest to recover from your exhaustion, you wake up rejuvenated. However, as you get dressed you see a strange mark on your crotch when you change your boxers. You put your hand on it and it just feels like skin. Soon enough it starts glowing. You attempt to wash it off with soap but the glow only gets stronger. You quickly find yourself just as feeble and thin as you were before, panic ensues. You attempt to do anything to get the mark off you. In your panic, patches of fur sprout out from skin until your entire body is covered by pale cream fur. Your breath is knocked out of you as you fall to the floor, noticing a collar with a bell on it around your thin neck.

A tail and ears sprout out from your behind and head. Your face feminizes with bright blue eyes and cyan hair to match. A gold ring pierces your button nose, followed by your still small nipples becoming pierced. Your erection doesn’t last long, a tight dripping vagina taking its place with fertile ovaries. An overwhelming heat takes over your body, your thighs and ass rapidly gaining mass to ridiculous proportions. You squirm in arousal as your hips crack out incredibly wide to account for your massive squishy thighs and sensitive rear. Trying to move them causes them to jiggle greatly, turning you on even more. Cow themed thigh highs and panties form around your lower body while your top half gets cow sleeves and a cow print top that fits tight around your flat chest.

Your breath heaves as you know what's about to happen next. Your tight top is stretched by the plush fat rapidly accumulating beneath your nipples. They jiggle and stretch the latexy fabric containing them until they burst out, revealed to your very own eyes. You watch them fail to stop growing, ascending in size, quickly leaving the realm of being described by any character in the alphabet. They weigh down greatly on you, each one had to be more than 20 pounds. To your dismay, their weight increased as they rested on your massive thighs, squishing against each other. As you attempt to move you hear a sloshing sound inside your giant breasts as your somewhat normal nipples rapidly expand in size and thickness becoming larger than a dinner plate each. You press on your breasts by accident, and a warm liquid comes trickling out. A slight cutsey moan comes out of your lips as you press harder causing the liquid to spray out faster. You’re scared of what’s happening to your body, but the feeling of milking yourself is too good.

1 Month Later

At first the milking was an equivalent to masturbation, only doing it maybe a few times a week. Just like masturbation though, it quickly became an addiction. An addiction that was greater than masturbation could ever be. The marking on your crotch makes it so that every time you’re milked, your breasts grow slightly larger and it becomes even more pleasurable. Additionally, it leaves you very prone to becoming addicted to it. At one month of milking yourself, a problem arose. The milk wouldn’t stop spilling out no matter what you did, and the mind melting pleasure that came with it didn’t stop either leaving you a mass of sensitive flesh constantly pouring out milk. Your readers and watchers reported your absence, but all the search parties could find is a thicc furry girl lactating all over your carpet.


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