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The soothing sensation of the pond grasped at your mind. Despite how much you panicked when it changed your body , you want the comforting feeling back again. This stress wasn’t worth it, so you make your way back to the sparkling pond. You slide your feet into the water again, the calm chill overtaking your being as your calves enter as well. You push off the side of the pond and submerge your entire body in the refreshing soft currents.

Slight ripples vibrate through the pond as you sink your entire body into it. The water tightens around your thin body, no… your clothes tighten around you. You run your hands  down your clothes to find that they morphed into a tight one piece women's swimsuit with some blue details. You succumb to the water as you slowly lower your head into it. You hold your breath for nearly an entire minute, completely serene as your longer strands of hair shorten. Bangs form on your forehead while the longer parts of your hair tie behind your head into a ponytail. It lightens to a pale grey while your eyes glow an ocean blue. As you breach your head out of the water, two fluffy grey ears pop out of top of your head, not replacing your human ears that still remained.

All of your anxieties leave your mind as you place your soft hands on the puffy fluff on your new ears. They twitch as you poke at the somehow sensitive fuzz, you massage the fluff balls with your thumbs as your mind dissolves into a deep serenity. Blush fills your cheeks as you groan out a feminine,”mmmmmmmmmmmm.” Every inch of your body feels warm despite the chilly water surrounding you. As you continue to massage your ears, what little remained of your previously proud manhood shrinks smaller with every movement of your thumbs. Your sack swiftly slips inside of you to form a pair of pink pussy lips, a womb and ovaries forming in their place. Your barely standing penis shrinks tinier until it slips inside of your vaginal folds, becoming a throbbing clit. “MMMMaahhhhnnnnn!” you moan as you slip a hand under the water to prod at your tight womanhood through the tight suit.

The water swirls around you gently, beginning at your lower body. You place both your hands on your hips as they pop and crack out wider, giving you an hourglass shape with your wispy waist. You slide your hands back to your flat ass and rub slightly, the pond’s currents cause your thighs and butt to slowly inflate and stretch your suit out even tighter. The fabric of the swimsuit wedges into your pussy even harder, putting pressure on your clit and pumping pleasure and heat through every inch of your girly body. You squish your cute ass with both hands, whispering a gentle “ahhh… fuuuckkk” as you feel a sparking feeling from your nipples. You gaze down to see that they’re clearly poking through the thin swimsuit, and at least twice as large as they were when you were male. A mixture of calm and excitement sweeps over you as you feel a great orgasmic pressure behind your large perky nipples. “Aaahhn, aahhnn, aaaahhh” you heave seductively, with each breath your chest filling with soft flesh. Your rapidly growing breasts jiggle slightly as they grow, stretching out the suit and generating even more pleasure from your pussy. The growing stops at a firm and perky D cup, sufficiently accentuated by the skintight suit.

You pull on the suit around your crotch, attempting to alleviate the pressure between your legs, but only rubbing your clit harder. Your face didn’t quite show it, mirroring your now calm mind, but the sensation was divine. You tease and tickle your clit, already on the edge of climax, you don’t last for too much longer. The building orgasmic pleasure had you bursting at the seams, until all at once it released through every nerve in your being. “Mhmmmmmm, shiiiiiI~” you purred.  Your entire body tensed up as you tilt your head back slightly from the crashing waves while you continue tweaking your clit to get the most pleasure possible from the climax. Slightly lightheaded, you make your way to a more shallow part of the water that you could sit down in.

The afterglow was abnormally long, it was like someone was lightly teasing your nipples and pussy while caressing your entire body for hours on end. It must’ve had something to do with your animal-like features. It was dusk out by the time you had finished bathing in bliss. To your surprise not much about your mind had really changed. Give or take wanting to be ravaged by a giant cock and a more calm demeanor, you’re more or less the same person. You figure that you should probably make it out before it gets dark. The path is still as clear as ever, and this body is rather athletic, lucky you…


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