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“I don’t know how much better I can explain it to you, just… just summon it!” Zouken shouted at Shinji. Shinji was in a cold sweat trying to summon his servant, no matter how much he focused on it, it wouldn’t be summoned. “I…I just can’t…” Shinji sputtered while Zouken continued to launch a verbal assault on him. Shinji was no saint, far from it, but Zouken was one hell of a terrible person, always pushing people past what they could do and eventually breaking them for his own gain. Right when Shinji was on the brink of tears, a bright purple light shimmered in front of him. Believing that he finally summoned his servant, the tears stopped welling. However, as moments passed, the shimmering purple light didn’t produce a servant. Instead, it began swirling around Zouken.

What the hell are you doing? Stop that, you child!” Zouken shouts panicked as the light swarms around him. Shinji only looks in rage at whatever terrible fate is to await Zouken. All he wants is revenge for the abuse. He watches as Zoukens skin fades to a blemishless spotless creamy white, making him look much younger. Did he cast some sort of beneficial enchantment on Zouken, no… he casted the spell with sadness and hatred in his heart. Zouken attempts to move or cancel the spell or anything, but he’s completely immobilized. A few faint cracks can be heard as the purple light swirls, his body shrinking down and seemling reversing the aging process with it, looking more like a scrawny, short young man now. Zouken’s eyes begin to shine bright purple as his face softens, becoming less angular and cute looking while still having ferocious eyebrows.

Shinji, more confused than anything now, can’t help but watch as Zouken looks like his age is rapidly reversing somehow. It looks like life was just pumped straight back into him, except, this time was different. His entire body looked weaker, more petite. His arms didn’t have the defined muscle of a young man, his shoulders and chest were thin, his waist even thinner. Something clearly wasn’t right here, and Shinji was going to find out what exactly was wrong. The little hair Zouken had thickened as more sprouted out, shining violet purple hair. Beautiful locks cascading down his chest and back, incredibly long, impossible to take care of without some sort of magic. The purple light intensified as his body was completely stripped of clothing, Shinji steps back at the sight of his tiny member sputtering what little seed he had. “Maaaoohhhhh” Zouken moaned in a sultry womanly voice as what was left of his dick sucked up inside him, balls following to form a tight vagina with wet pussy lips. Not to mention a highly sensitive clit.

Shinji attempts to slowly creep out of the room, but the sultry voice catches his attention. “You’re not leaving, you know what you’ve done, yes?” it asks. “Of course you don’t. Don’t move, let me show you.” Shinji is frozen in place, like stone, forced to watch whatever was happening to what used to be Zouken. “Who… who are you?” Shinji panics, but to no response. He watches as a red snake-like mark appears on the stranger’s forehead, followed by her lower back curving to accentuate her behind. Her hips push outwards while her ass is filled with plush fat and firm muscle. Her thighs follow her ass, inflating with soft flesh, filling out her curvy womanly lower body. Black and purple string panties appear around her crotch to cover her womanhood.

The woman places her petite hands on her chest as her areola expand while her nipples puff up and grow in sensitivity. She pinches her nipples, causing her to let out another soft “Mhmmmmmm” as her breasts begin to form at A-cups. She massages them lightly, they swell out into C cups, then a bra materializes around her thin chest. It doesn’t quite fit, but that wouldn’t last for long as they gurgle full of soft flesh into luscious DD cups perfectly fitting and stretching the bra a little bit. “Ahhhhhhhh” she lets out a refreshing sigh. “Now, you know who originally summoned me, right? The one you hurt so much?” Shinji doesn’t have anything to say as the lights of the manor begin to flicker, chants in an unknown tongue assaulting his ears.

His entire body feels like pins and needles, the same thing that just happened is happening to him, he knows it. The same process begins again, the same popping, the loss of all of his unsightly body hairs leaving his skin smooth to the touch. His eyes shimmer the same violet as the woman’s while his face softens just like hers, except even cuter and not at all ferocious looking. The puzzles suddenly click in his head, this is Sakura’s servant, Rider! Just who is he becoming then? It feels like his entire body is being squeezed except for his hips which were being tugged on aggressively. He tries to grunt, but no noise makes it out of his vocal cords, he’s completely frozen. His core flattens out, and with his thin waist, forms a tight but smooth core. Entirely feminine, he was becoming a girl too. His heart sank, he knows all the terrible things he’s done to women, especially Sakura. “Ah, I see. You know exactly what you’ve done. I won’t be as merciful with you, I’ll let you remember everything…” she leers.

Shinji’s bright violet eyes shake slightly, the only movement he could do of his own will besides breathing. Speaking of, his breathing seemed to get lighter with each inhale and exhale he took. His clothes changed to more feminine attire, a brown skirt, striped panties, and a tight shirt with no bra. His entire crotch area convulsed as his fate was sealed, a dripping pussy now in the place of his previous manhood. “You just loved sexually assualting her, right?” Rider taunts Shinji as he feels something press against his slick pussy lips, then shove itself in. Rider gave back some control as his face contorts into an ahegao expression, beginning to lose his mind to the pleasure. Purple hair sprouts from his head all at once as the phantom member is inserted inside of him. With each thrust, a pressure wells inside his crotch. His thighs bubble out large and squishy, but quite big enough to remove his thigh gap. In fact, you could see the curves of his plush ass straight through his legs.

“You’ll know yourself as the body of Sakura, enduring relentless assault. However, others will not see you as her, to not tarnish her reputation any worse than you already have.” Rider says with disgust. Shinji’s limbs begin to move, but not of her own accord. She lifts up her shirt to expose her pussy getting impaled. Shinji wants to cover herself, but his attempts are in vain. Rider has full control now. Shiji’s chest soon begins to bubble up and fill with each thrust that ravages her insides. They jiggle full quickly, surpassing C cup, then surging into incredibly sensitive DD cups that match Rider’s. Her hands pull her shirt up, breasts flopping onto her chest as the invisible dick continues to pound her insides. She feels a slight twitch inside her, followed by a warm liquid being pumped into her womb. Her face is still left in orgasmic bliss while the cock slips out of her, cum leaking out with it. “I’m sure your mind is in shock, despair, horror even. But I’m sure your body will love this. You can’t get pregnant, lucky for you. But these phantom objects harassing you will come back every hour, on the hour. Oh, and they won’t just be in your pussy too. Everywhere. Your tits, your mouth, your entire body. Have fun…” she says maliciously as she fades into the night. Shinji’s mind is in despair and panic, but her body is more than ready for more public humiliation, to be came inside over and over…


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