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A new rhythm game was coming out on VR, and you were lucky enough to have a week early access for the game. You haven’t played too much VR before, and you still got a little motion sick from everything moving around you despite you not actually moving. You were quite the rhythm game enthusiast though, and were willing to try any new ideas for games people thought up. You’ve played nearly all of what mobile has to offer, and you’ve gone to the arcade countless times and perfected your skill on the games there. VR was the next step for you.   

 You fidgeted as you waited for the download to complete on the game. Your internet was a little spotty, so the download took a little while. Luckily for you these types of games generally did not require any sort of connection to be played, aside from those with scummy microtransactions that required you to login to access. Those were the worst.    One of your favorite parts about VR is the ability to use a character model in the game. You uploaded most of your best plays onto YouTube, gathering yourself a sizable following. After enough videos of you completing nearly impossible maps as various different anime girls, your channel exploded. You placed the headset over your head snugly as the download finished up. You selected a new favorite avatar to play as before setting up your recording software and booting up the game. You were pretty sure the character was some sort of vtuber, but you weren’t entirely sure. She was hot, and had some huge tits, so it didn’t matter too much to you.

You load into the game, flashy colors surrounding your field of view. It made your head hurt a little bit, but you supposed you could just turn down the brightness and it would be fine. You took a look at the song selection and saw many familiar titles, even some from your favorite artists. One title caught your eye though, “Addicted to the Bass.” You hovered over the song and instantly fell in love with it. You selected the second highest difficulty as that’s usually how rhythm games went for you. The easier difficulties were never necessary, you just had a type of intuition. You place the controllers in the leg holders, this game was played primarily with your legs, not your arms. (DRS Tribute) On top of having a natural talent for rhythm games, you also had a bit of experience with shuffle, making the basics that many found hard to learn come easy to you.    

Your confidence is high as you wait for the first notes to appear. They hit hard and fast, you struggle to keep up as you break your combo over and over again to the tricky patterns. Your screen fades to a dark red as your health bar lowers, eventually ending your run in a fail. “Damn bro, what is this…” you groan. Your pride was shaken, was this game really that difficult? Before you were able to start again, your body shrank down; joints cracking with every movement. You found it a bit strange, you were never the knuckle-cracker type, but you couldn’t see through the headset as you adopt feminine posture to fit your petite body. You try the next song, shaking your legs out before it starts to prepare, your view strangely lower than before.

The intro of the song wasn’t that bad, just typical running man and steps, nothing crazy. A clean full combo throughout the first half minute. However, everything broke down afterwards. You broke your combo the same way as before, your screen turning a dark red before the bright red fail was plastered across your screen. You hacked and wheezed as it felt like you were choking on something, clearing up a moment later. “Jesus, what the fuck.” you whispered, unaware of your voice having raised many octaves because of the blaring music. You readjusted the now loose head straps to better fit your smaller and rounder head and face.    Retry, your limbs felt light as you seamlessly made your way past the intro yet again. You were able to retain your combo through the more difficult part after the intro, but you still missed a bit. A better performance than before for sure as you entered the second half of the song. The charting was insane! You’re caught short of breath as the patterns intertwine, failing the second drop almost instantly. You put your hands on your knees and bend over in exhaustion. Your breaths quickly became moans of “Oh fuckkkk…” as your thighs widened with soft fat, your ass following. You shook a little as your hips pushed out, in relief you let out a girly “ohhhhnnnn.”

You stood back up straight, your lower body jiggling slightly from the movement, thighs touching each other as you got into place to play the song again. You would not be beaten no matter what, you weren’t even on the highest difficulty. You start again, only to make it through then fail on the last part due to the strange sensation of something tickling at your back. You shake back and forth only for the tingling to sweep around your back even more. You reach your hand back to feel, soft hair? That wasn’t the only thing though. You feel like your chest is filling up with something, something soft and warm. You press your hands over your chest only to feel a hot pulsing coming from it. You panic and put your hands under your shirt and sink your slim fingers into hanging flesh orbs. “Oh my gaaaaawd…” you moan as you brush over your wide erect nipples. You hear a countdown and snap back to reality, attempting to take off the headset. For some reason it doesn’t budge at all. Adrenaline surges as the song starts again.    You have no choice but to attempt to clear it. It was impossible to focus through your still ballooning breasts rubbing and bouncing against your shirt with each movement of your legs. You collapse in pleasure as you cum spurt and spurt of seed in your pants, instantly failing the song yet again. “MHMMMMMM, NO~~YAAAAAAAASSSSS!!” you cry out as you climax multiple times in a row, your entire body shivering, shaking, and jiggling from the bliss. Your head feels fuzzy as your manhood slurps inside of you, organs pleasurably rearranging to form a womb and ovaries. A fertile slick slit the entrance to it. Your consciousness fades with headset still on your head, still basking in the sensations of your sensitive new body.

You wake up slowly, dazed and confused with two F cup weights hanging off to the sides of your body. You grumble some unintelligible sounds as you open your eyes to see an intimidating man in front of you. He walks up to you and raises your head to slide something around your neck, a black collar with a flower attached.    “Looks like yet another slut who didn’t read the terms and conditions. Typical of you beta testers, so confident and wanting everything right away.” the voice boomed, the chuckled. You attempt to speak, but whatever he did to you restrained your ability to create any intelligible words.   “Well, since you didn’t read the terms, let me explain it to you simply. You signed up for some, experimental, testing of the applications of vr. All you really have to know is that you’ll be under our command until the end of beta. This collar I’ve so graciously gifted you, you’ll be our pet for that time. One more thing, the collar links your mouth directly to your vagina, and if you end up cumming five or more times… well… we are legally obliged to remove the collar and send you back home, but we are not so obliged to turn you back.” he lectured you. Your heart sank at the end, five or more, just like the game.

“Now, open your mouth and stick your tongue out slut.” he commanded. Your body obeyed. Your mouth opened wide as you formed a typical ahegao face, drool dripping from your tongue. He orders you to your knees with your mouth still wide open. He grabs a lock of your hair and slowly shoves his massive cock inside of your mouth, your puffy lips perfectly fit to wrap around it with a muffed “MMMMPPHHHHHH.” He wasn’t lying, you could feel your slit spread wide open as your vaginal walls were stretched by his fat dick. As he slides it in and out your eyes and hair fade into a different color, eyes turning mostly blue with a faint hue of pink, your hair following with the cotton candy-esque colors. A strange sensation hits you at the bottom of your spine, a large fluffy wolf tail with the same bright colors as the rest of your hair pushes out behind you. It wags involuntarily back and forth from radiating pleasure.    Your mind turns to mush and he forces your head up and down on his throbbing manhood, the slightly salty taste entrancing you. Your hearing fades for a moment, but then returns even more powerful than before as cotton candy colored wolf ears appear on the top of your head. The man runs his other hand through the soft fluff, they twitch slightly and provide you with even more pleasure. “SMMMMH SMTHHHHHSFIFHH” you’re only able to muffle through the curse of the collar and the cock deep in your throat, surprised at the sensitivity of the ears. The rough mouth fucking continues, your sopping slit continuing to open and close, dripping its sweet fluids onto the floor. Your massive breasts jiggle and bounce in every direction and he forces your head up and down on his pulsing erection, sparking and tingling with pleasure.

The thrusting of his cock is relentless, up and down, up and down as your insides are ravaged by the curse of the collar. Your brain feels like it’s melting out of your head, completely unable to think as waves of bliss crash through every nerve in your body. All you can do is let him force you to choke and gag on his member, a member that was pulsing and throbbing much more than before. You could feel your vaginal muscles hug the outline of his dick, on the verge of climax. “MMMMHMMM MHHMMMM MHMMM MHHHMMM” you moaned as he quickly slammed his erection in and out of your mouth before slowly sliding into the back of your throat, pumping loads of hot seed inside of you. Your pussy quivers as you feel a strange heat deep inside of it while your entire body shakes from pure unrelenting pleasure. He slides his cock out of your mouth. You’re a complete mess, a mix of saliva, cum, and precum around your mouth and dripping onto your pillowy breasts, and flowing down the rest of your soft body. There's nothing behind your eyes but pure orgasmic bliss, your mind completely destroyed. Only five times? In a week? You’re barely able to conjure the questions in your mind. But your mouth pussy felt so good, you could do this all day, easily. You’ll make it out of here, but in your old body, unlikely. The fate of being a jiggly, overly sensitive slut with a mouth linked to her pussy was only four pleasurable orgasms away.


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