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Despite the raunchy and outlandish nature of the Succubus Academy, the general population of this world seems to be rather ignorant to it. Succubi had to keep their operation of converting unknowing men under wraps in order to not get found out. Their demonic magic could do a lot, but they have limited energy and it has its limits. It’s the entire reason they convert all these men in the first place. Amongst the oblivious members of society is Tim. He lived a rather mundane and normal life, a couple of hiccups and exes along the way, but nothing that would be considered abnormal for someone of his age. He goes about his day like anyone else would, same patterns every day with minimal variation. Tim is comfortable with this repetition though, he sees nothing wrong with it. It’s what he has to do to contribute to society and work his way up to make a living after all.

“Aaaaghhhh, do I really have to do this stupid speech crap? Everyone knows we’re the bad guys, just sluts looking to convert more men! We don’t need to advertise this shit!”

“Ara~ara, you have quite a mouth on you young lady,” Kira’s mother responded, “you know, you have a lot of comforts afforded to you. Plenty of essence straight to you every day to keep you healthy and strong. But that comes with many responsibilities.”

“I want to be out sucking people's souls, cool shit like that! I’m a woman like you mom, you know how we succubi feel!”

“I understand, you’ll be out of this castle in no time. We’ll still be keeping a close eye on you though, you have a lot of power. Not to mention a body other succubi would drain a thousand souls for.”

“Am I an object to you mom? God… just leave me be!” Kira shouts as she barges out of the room and slams the door behind her.

“Well, I may have pushed her a little too far.” her mother mumbles as she prepares a search party for her.

Kira had been thinking about escaping for a while now. She’d tested out some of her powers before and if everything were to go as planned she could transfer into someone else’s body and still preserve her abilities. She even has a victim in mind, the same person with glasses takes the same path through some backwoods every day. A creature of habit, Kira thought. He will be perfect to possess, people probably won’t know he’s missing, she hoped.

Kira set up camp on the man’s daily path. It should only be five or so minutes until the man appears. 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… there! Right on time! Kira jumps out of the bushes, Tim not really paying attention to where he’s going walking right into her. “Watch where you’re going dweeb! You should make way for a princess like me.” Kira declares. “Wha… who are you? Princess?” Tim responds, dumbstruck by the girl dressed in a frilly but revealing dress that he just ran into face first.

“Alright, let me make this easy for you to understand,” she says in a seductive but still slightly annoyed voice, ”you’re an idiot, but a special idiot. You’re gonna have a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a little fun with the princess of succubi.” Kira is right in Tim’s face again, but this time her hand creeps its way down to his crotch and starts rubbing.  “Princess of succubi,  what the fu~mhmmm…” Tim tries to protest before Kira locks her lips with his. Kira knows no one comes down this path, she’s free to do anything she wants without having to expel any more power than she has to. The soft sound of lips smacking echoes lightly through the forest as Kira continues to caress Tim’s growing erection through his shorts. Tim decides to gain some confidence and makes some use of his hands, wrapping them around Kira’s bubbly ass, fitting for the princess of succubi. Kira moans a small “mhmmphhh” into Tim’s mouth, turning him on even more. Kira slides a hand under Tim’s shirt and slides it up his chest, then onto his back, pulling him in closer. He continues to grope and squeeze at her soft and squishy rear, eventually attempting to creep his hands under the fabric of her dress. Kira immediately breaks the kiss, “Getting a little adventurous huh. You’re really the type to just make out with whatever hot stranger you find in the woods.” she taunts him. “Not like it matters to me.

Tim isn’t aware that he’s now at the same height as Kira, not to mention that his face nearly matches hers as well. His eyes a faint purple, his jawline softening, his cheekbones rising slightly to give him signature cute pinchable cheeks. Kira pushes him to the ground in his stupor with a slight thud and a groan. She slides down his shorts and boxers, his throbbing cock bouncing out standing straight up in front of her. “Wow… that’s ahmmm, bigger than I expected.” she says reluctantly. “Nothing I can’t handle though!” She slides her head down to Tim’s crotch and teases the tip of his dick with her tongue. He shivers slightly from the sensation, her tongue felt nothing like the girls that pleasured him like this before. He managed to look down and see that her forked tongue wrapped all the way around his shaft multiple times. The feeling is sublime, the way her entire tongue slides up and down to stroke and cover his entire member all at once. Tim thinks it can’t get any better until she swallows his entire cock in her mouth, deepthroating him. “Gnnhhk, ghhhnkk, ghmmmm” she gags slightly from this being the first dick she’s throated. Despite Kira’s fledging status as a succubi, the pleasure Tim derives is nothing short of heavenly. His entire body shakes and shivers as Kira milks him dry of his seed, all of it being pumped down her throat.

When Kira is finished consuming his essence in the most direct way possible, Tim finds that he’s less with no more than a virgin pussy between his legs, ripe with pure lust. Kira notices that his womanhood has the same traits as hers, and that she now has a cock that looks quite similar to his. Tim sees the more masculine looking Kira with a huge dick in front of him and tries to scurry away. “Nuh uh uh. We aren’t done here.” Kira says in her now manly voice. To Tim, Kira looks something like a muscular futa with himself being a petite girl with no assets. “Wait… no… stop! I don’t want to be a girl, I don’t want to be fucked! Please, just choose someone else, I wont say a w~AHNNN~!” Tim moans in a cutesy high pitched voice as his dripping virgin slit is penetrated by his own cock. “NAAAHH~AAHH~AHHN, STAAPHH~AHHHH~” Tim cries as she picks him up and impales his petite body over and over with ner new manhood. It would appear that a side effect of Kira’s spell is that both of their swapped genitals have double sensitivity.

Tim manages to turn his focus to Kira’s face, only to see his own face reflected back at him as red strands of silky hair cover his eyes from the rough ravaging of his virgin pussy. Two crystal black horns sprout out on the top of his head, signaling that his new body is royalty of the succubi. Somewhere between the crashing waves of pleasure, Kira managed to swap their clothing, Tim now donning the revealing dress. “FAAAHHHH, NAOOOOOHAHAHHNNN!” Tim screamed as Kira’s relentless fucking continued. With each slam into his vagina, his assets slowly grew to match Kira’s while her own deflated. Tim felt his chest gain a bit of bounce after a couple more thrusts, Kira feeling a bit more jiggle from her crotch slapping against Tim’s ass now filled with womanly fat. With each time Kira’s cock slides in and out his vaginal walls, his sensitive chest gains a little more size, eventually ending up at Kira’s perfect perky D cups. Big enough to be seductive and pleasurable, but not too big as to be a burden. His breasts aren’t the big show though, his ass and thighs filled with soft fat and muscle enough to form a perfect heart shaped bottom, barely contained by the straps of his dress. Tim’s brain nearly leaked out of his ears from the pure pleasure he’s receiving, clearly indicated by the ahegao-esque expression on his face. Kira soon reached her limit, Tim filling his own cock pumping a load of cum inside his new womb, then another, then another load of warm semen.

Kira pulls her manhood out of Tim’s slit, hot cum dripping out of his pussy. “Lucky me!” Kira says in excitement, “I can still use my powers!” She quickly summons then retracts the god Surtr, the source of her power. “Oh, and don’t worry,” she says while sliding Tim’s panties back over his still cum dripping vagina, ”I gave you a tad bit of my own powers as well. I mean, my luscious body is enough. But since you took it so nicely, I gave you some power to get my pesky family off you. Specifically the ability to make people INCREDIBLY horny to the point where they can’t physically resist fucking you. It’ll also make them completely forget about you, so that’s a nice bonus. Anyways, ciao!” Tim attempts to get a word in before she vanishes. How long before he can go back to his body? Why will her family come looking for her so vigilantly? How the hell did she summon Surtr? Not a word escaped Tim-now-Kira’s mouth before she disappeared before his eyes. Tim stands there in shock, peach ass sticking out from her skimpy dress, the outline of her pussy still dripping visible through the thin panties. She couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. She will have to let the people they send after her fuck her brains out? Kira penetrating her felt a little good, no, more than a little good, but how much longer could she go before the only thing her mind craves is sex…


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