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You spend a good amount of your time studying. More than a good amount of your time, almost all of your time in fact. Every day is consumed by math notes and biology work, give or take a bit of physics. The stress of the situation is overwhelming, many days you forget to eat in the pursuit of getting more studying done. You can’t even take a break when you try to rest, the thought of studying more plagues your mind always. Not to mention on top of the studies dozens of other expectations society has of you. You just wish that the pressure could stop for a moment, if you could just have a month or so to purely relax. No, that can’t be the solution. Spending a month doing nothing would only sink you deeper. You wish that… you wish that you had a girl in your life to comfort you. You were always a fan of the ‘mommy’ figure, huge breasts with milk sloshing around inside them would be wonderful. Your mind drifting off into the bliss of a huge-breasted girlfriend allowed you a moment of respite to sleep.

You wake up the next day, for some reason incredibly hot. You toss the blankets off you swiftly to cool down. It was the best sleep you’ve had in the last year though, so that's a plus. You lay there for a little longer with your eyes closed just enjoying the moment of rest slowly slipping by. You crack your eyes open and swing your legs over the side of the bed. A confusing sensation is felt in your legs as they brush against the bed, you look down to see that your legs are entirely covered in light brown fur with some leopard patterns. You examine the rest of your body, your arms and torso covered in fur too. Your hair is still a dark brown, but your ears have moved to the top of your head. Of course, no leopard is complete without a tail. A massive tail fluffed out behind you, whipping slightly. “What the fuck!?” you say out loud, patting yourself down in disbelief.

Whipping your tail around to see the end, the tip of your tail is a bright blue. Soon enough, your lengthening hair also turns blue. Your hair reaches slightly below your shoulders but no further. You run your hands through the soft cyan strands, your attention quickly diverted to your face as it feels tingly. You put your hands on your nose to notice that it’s more of a small snout, it must’ve been that way when you woke up. The tingling causes most of the angles on your face to face into soft curves, along with your eyes growing slightly, your skull accommodating for their bigger size. They shine a bright blue to match the rest of your natural blue color throughout your body. Your eyelashes lengthen to match your more feminine eyes.

It turns out that all of that heat during the night somehow burned off most of the muscle that you had. Your already furry feminine looking body becomes even more cutesy as your shoulders and chest crack down thin and fragile. “Erk… that cannot be right, what’s happening to me?” you say in confusion as the changes continue. You consider calling for help as it feels like someone is squeezing your waist with two giant hands causing it to cave inwards. No, you wouldn’t want anyone to see you as a furry freak, you thought as your lower back gained a natural curve to accentuate your non-existent butt. Indecisive and afraid of what will happen to you next, a strange pleasurable feeling radiates through your lower body as your hips gently push out larger and larger. Some fat pads the area around your hips, their breedable proportions unfit for having male genitalia.

You place your small hands on your hips, so arousing, your mind wandering off from the severity of the situation. The same tingling that was in your face takes over your thighs, ass, and chest. Your nipples widen considerably while they push out into cute A-cups. The soft breeze from the window in your room causes your nipples to perk up while your tits grow to C-cups then stop. You move slightly, the bags on your chest jiggling to match. The tingling on your ass grows in intensity, lifting you off the ground slightly as your asscheeks slowly gain mass. You squirm in your seated position causing your breasts to jiggle slightly again while your ass continues to balloon out to match your womanly hips. “Hahhhh, haaahh, ahnnnn…” you pant in a girly voice as the tingling moves to your thighs. Without hesitation, your thighs bubble out and gurgle full of soft flesh. They squish against the bed and crush your erection with their massive size. Your mind fogs as your hands drift down to your cock and start stroking. You don’t even need any lube, the copious amount of precum running down your shaft is enough.

The slight sound of schlick schlick schlick fills the room as you use your gentle hands to pleasure yourself. In your lust, you’re completely unaware of your moderately sized breasts growing with each pulse of pleasure that goes through your body. “MHMMM AHHH, AHHH!” you cry out, not caring if anyone hears you. A familiar pressure in your crotch builds up as you make sure to maximize the pleasure of every stroke up and down your cock. With one fateful stroke, a rush of dopamine and orgasmic bliss fills your mind and body. You can feel the sensation of your seed being pumped out of your dick, but no cum leaves. The thought doesn’t plague your mind too much as your dick slips through your precum slick hands. Your shaft shrinks inside of you to form your vaginal walls, the head of your dick becoming your new throbbing clit. Your testicles are next, slurping up inside of your to become your ovaries while also opening up a tight dripping slit.

“Jesus… oh my god…” you pant in your stereotypically cute voice. After recovering from your mind breaking orgasm, you notice the new massive size of your breasts. They must be somewhere around K cups, beyond what any natural human could have. On top of that, when you tried to move, a slight sloshing sound could be heard within them. “No fucking way…” you mutter as you reluctantly place a hand over a nipple and squeeze. The heat in your breasts grows, but no milk comes out. You squeeze your left boob with both hands as hard as you can, it’s pleasurable causing your pussy to gush with sticky fluids, but you can't milk yourself no matter how hard you try. You figure that someone else must do it for you. It won’t be hard for you, you’re a hot woman with giant breasts and a huge ass.

A few days later…

It turns out that not many people are like you! Most people were put off greatly by you being a furry animal woman, and even more put off by you wanting them to drink your milk. Even when you did get someone to do so, apparently the meaning of you not cumming when your genitals switched was your milk having some extra special properties. Shortly after drinking your milk, they became a furry woman with similar proportions to yours. Giant tits, huge swaying hips, and a tight pussy to match, just like you. Your victim ran away as fast as they could, but with no amount of running could they escape from the massive breasts permanently attached to their chest. No one in the city would want to associate with you again.

After only going a couple days without being milked, your breasts have nearly grown out of the alphabet scale, and they are now warmer and milkier than ever. You expected them to stop at one point, but with every moment that you don’t get milked, they grow a little larger. You sit down on your bed and have a professional come and measure your size for a bra, your last one already not fitting your sloshing milk filled tits. As he wraps the tape around your chest, he reads out a number that is 5 inches more than it was before. “T~they’re still getting bigger!” you stammer in surprise. How could you live your life with these massive bags of pleasure on your body, you can’t do this forever. Maybe you could do something with a milking farm to calm the warm pressure behind your nipples…


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