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Although your local area treated you like a freak for your mysterious condition, you figured that there must be some niche group of people that would be interested. You take a quick browse through the internet and the many fetish categories it contains. You looked into the lactation fetish people, but they don’t want to turn into a girl. They just want to suck on some milky tits. Even a lot of the furries declined your offers, disappointingly. But wait, what if there’s a fetish for specifically becoming a girl? Jackpot!

After a few personal appointments with clients that involved drinking from your bountiful breasts (making you feel much less swollen and tender in return), you hired some milking staff for yourself. You make thousands a week off of your milk, and the milking process is one that you would never want to let go. You haven’t felt so good and fulfilled in your life before. Eventually, though, the government began to take notice. They immediately made a hefty offer to you, they take down and wipe your business from existence on the internet. And in return, they give you all the comforts and securities you could ever desire, and a job with them. Your little business is doing well, but whatever these people are offering you sounds interesting, so you accept.

You know that your country’s government doesn’t know about your various other sites used for those who are more ‘dedicated’ to receiving your product in person. Not all is lost for you after you accept. It isn’t long until you’re given your first job, a rather simple job, infiltrate and convert. Your target is a wealthy CEO, a CEO of a corporation your government has finally decided to crack down on for terrible pollution and mistreatment of their workers. Thank god your government is actually doing something useful for once. They informed you that this CEO happens to be a furry, and has been interested in those transformed by your services for a while. They know that if you’re able to get to him and private and slip one of your puffy nipples into his mouth, it’ll be over for him. You’re not sure how or why they know this, but you’re more than ready to accept the job.

Your buddies from the government are right, the moment the thiccest furry he’d ever seen shows up at his door he rushes out to greet them. “Oooh, hello. I heard you’re here for business reasons ma’am?” The CEO asks. Luckily for you, this man isn’t the typical old, fat, balding guy. He’s rather attractive if you do say so yourself. Not that it matters too much though, you prefer women over men for the most part anyways. He’ll make a great girl. “I’m here for a little…more … than just business you see.” you say to him seductively as you press your breasts against his chest and close the door behind you. You haven’t been milked in two days in anticipation of this mission, having your breasts sucked on is still your favorite. He willingly accepts your advances, “I didn’t think a young, rich CEO like you would be into furries. What a surprise… a welcome one…” you say softly as you pull at your shirt and bra revealing more of your left tit. “Well, uhm, I ahhhh…” he stutters. “Don’t worry about it darling, I know exactly what you want. Just let me give it to you.” you reassure him.

You push him onto his bed, a power move especially since he’s more than half a foot taller than you. The feeling of dominating a man is a bit of a rush. You take off your tight shirt and leggings right in front of him, watching a tent grow in his pants. You sit down on the bed, straddling him, your pussy rubbing against his cock through your panties. “This is what you want, right?” you ask him as you slowly undo your bra, letting your massive sloshing boobs free. You rest them on the man’s chest and lean yourself forwards to slide a nipple up to his mouth. Almost immediately you hear a “Mhmmnhhh” from him followed by a sucking sensation and the familiar feeling of milk flowing from your breasts. Stimulating one nipple causes the other one to leak milk as well. The mission never included sex, but the throbbing rod pulsing against your womanhood is too  much to handle. You slide off his pants, his erection slapping against the back of your ass. You slide the part of the panties covering your dripping slit to the side and sandwich his dick between your fat asscheeks. You move back and forth, the erection teasing your clit and becoming slick with your pussy juices. You’re completely in control of him, not that he could resist if he wanted to. He’s already drunk enough of your milk to the point where his frame has been reduced to that of a girl. His shoulders and chest are thin, his hips the opposite, wide and fertile. His waist also significantly smaller, his face softening to match the rest of his cute body. He could make a perfect femboy, but you’re not quite into that.

You raise your ass off of his dick for a moment, then teasing the head of his cock with your pussy lips for a moment before plunging it into your vagina. “OUOOHHHH!” you gasp, you haven’t had a dick inside you for a while. Fur begins to sprout all over the CEO’s body, dark grey on his limbs, white on his torso and face. He doesn’t even notice as he’s simply entranced by your sweet milk flowing into his mouth. You were never sure if it was addictive, but this is pushing you towards believing so. You slowly raise your hips up, then release them back down, your ass jiggling and rippling as it slaps against his crotch. Gulp after gulp, his hair turns jet black from the roots and quickly flows across the bed. His nose reforms into an animal-like button nose while two fluffy grey ears pop up on the top of his head. All you can hear from him is slight moans while he sucks on your full breast, moans that are rising in octaves by the moment.

The tempo of you bouncing on his dick increases, the slaps and plaps of your ass becoming louder and louder. His chest starts to move a little when your ass slaps onto his crotch. Chugging more milk, his tiny blossoming breasts grain size rapidly, ascending up to D cups with puffy pink nipples. Luckily for you, this mind is so numbed by arousal from your breasts that he doesn’t even notice that he has his own. He switches off to your other nipple and continues his lustful drinking of your milk. Your own arousal is reaching its peak as he looks more girly by the moment, his thighs and butt squishing against the bed under your weight. You feel his dick twitch against your vaginal walls and quickly pull out, who knows what would happen to your breasts if you got pregnant. His cum splatters over your stomach as you rub your clit to bring yourself to orgasm. The sight of his erection shrinking into nothing while he sucks on your nipple arouses you even more, but you know the mission is done. The previous CEO is now a furry girl with a sopping, twitching pussy begging to be pleased.

Despite your mission being done, you can’t get her off your tits no matter what you do. You attempt to gently remove her head, then shove her, even hit her, but she won’t budge. The milk keeps flowing from your bountiful bust. “Hey, dumbass! Stop fucking sucking on my fat tits, I get it, but you don’t want to do that!” you shout at her. She doesn’t seem to hear you at all. In your orders and one-on-one consultations, you always made sure to dose your milk correctly as it seemed to have effects past just turning people into furry girls. You haven’t found out yet, but you’re scared that you’re about to. You helplessly continue trying to get her off your tit, but to no avail. You can only watch as her proportions grow completely out of control. Her breasts balloon in size, her lower body matching. Her tits gurgle and jiggle as they expand to nearly be larger than yours after being milked. Her thighs squish out wide against the bed, nearly hiding her freshly formed womb completely. Her ass bubbles out to what pornstars dream of having, perfect for hours of fucking and rough handling every day. Her stomach gained a significant bit of fat, becoming a cute squishy tummy.

Relieved that her changes weren’t too bad, you relaxed, assuming she would stop. Only to still feel the sensation of milk flowing from your breasts! You panic and try to get her off you again, but it’s as futile as ever. You watch as her clothes somehow morph into pink cow print thigh-highs and string panties that barely contain her womanhood and gigantic squishy thighs. A long, thin cow tail whips out from behind her and two shiny white horns sprout from the top of her head just in front of her fluffy ears. Finally, the feeling stops. She removes her plush lips from your nipple, milk still spilling out, and stares at you for a moment, then her breasts. She lets out a confused sounding, “Moooo?” in a cutesy tone. You look at her in shock, and become even more shocked when you watch her huge breasts start spraying out creamy white liquid. “Moooaahhh, Moooo, Ahnnn, mhmmm, mooo!” the girl moans as she squeezes her breasts, pure pleasure and bliss surging through her body. It turns out that such a massive dose of your milk allowed the past CEO to start producing her own, and now the only way she could express herself is through moans and moos. You felt bad that you were not able to stop her, but at least she looks like she’s enjoying her new body. And hey, you got your job done. No one would be seeing this asshole CEO ever again…



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