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Vivian does give the best hugs!

With express permission from the artist Manob0028, I can share with you their sketch from my upcoming commission, starring the massive and powerful Vivian, applying a back-breaking bear hug to the small fledgling Rook.

There are variations that I will keep a secret for now. Let's just say that those asking for some pec' flexin' shouldn't be disappointed by what happens next.

I am personally blown away by the art so far. Vivian looks drop-dead gorgeous, and that arm! Dang, that's one mighty fine muscular shoulder and bicep combo right there.

In a quick conversation between them and I, Manob confirmed their love for muscle girls, and I believe it shows in the affection and details put into each commission. I prefer when artists can inject genuine passion in their craft, so I believe I have found a very talented artist that happens to be a good match for what I do here with Peach Punch. #blessed as the kids used to say.


About Hypnotized By My Assassin, I am working hard to finish the game. So far, two endings out of four are complete, but I haven't done any testing of the scenes and the effects I've added, I just want to reach the finish line first and then take the time to look back and fix whatever is wrong.

I've been experimenting with new techniques and ideas, and it is taking more time than usual to complete a scene. I'm adding layers to each CG, and sometimes movie overlays; in short, I really want to step up my dev game to offer you all a better narrative experience.

Hopefully, I should be done next week. I just gotta stop adding all sorts of stuff into it. I'm a...disorganized person, if you hadn't noticed.


And that's that, for this week.

Winter is hesitant to arrive, leaving us constantly in transitional weather, which is ideal to create awful, icy-rain-and-slippery-ground conditions. If you are living something similar where you are, please be careful!

Stay safe out there!



Marek Jarecki

Love bear hugs and scissors squeezes.


When Will we play bearhug mission.


The commission isn’t delivered yet, there was a delay, so it isn’t looking good for a december release, unfortunately.