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This hot redhead waves her hand at you at the hotel bar. How do you open?

There is no point in hiding it any longer. I'm working real hard to be able to drop a new build of my mystery game, now officially titled HYPNOTIZED BY MY ASSASSIN, starring the seductive Veronica Monforte, pictured here in an AI generated concept art.

Basically, the game is a long, slow burn, where you are asked many different questions (not unlike a personality test) in order to secretly determine the way in which Veronica will make your last night on this Earth a memorable one. There are three possible endings (thus, three H scenes) and I am currently barely putting the finishing touches on the first one. The H scenes are only in the three endings, but I've tried to make the rest of the game intriguing and sensual, with a woman dominating you in ways previously unseen in the Peach Punch universe.

I said three endings, but in fact, I have added a fourth one, where you manage to escape with your life, after last week's poll. I understand why you would want one, but be warned, it's the 'most boring' ending, since, you know, you flee from the girl. Also, I had no art commissioned for such a scenario, since I wasn't originally planning on adding it, so there's that. Perhaps later I might add one scene where you do get the nookie but also come out unscathed? I'll see how the game is received first, to judge if it's worth producing one more scene for it.

Otherwise, it's been quite a challenge to produce an entire game in two months, especially given my current day job schedule, but I've been working hard to give you a unique and interesting experience. I was working with the assumption that it would be as easy as making A Killer Gal last year (which was produced in barely a month, which is an impressive feat when I look back at it), but my circumstances changed since then, so it took more time. Sorry about that.

Still, I've been trying to make a more engrossing, involved and immersive game than A Killer Gal was, so please look at it as not only a remake, but a thorough overhaul of the entire idea.

However, in the eventuality that I cannot provide a full build before the end of the month, are you okay with playing an incomplete one instead? The worse that could happen is that you play the game, answer the questions and arrive at one of the endings that wouldn't be completed, so you wouldn't have an H scene to reward you. Does that sound acceptable? Let me know in the comments how you feel about that. I'd rather give you an incomplete build than to skip an entire month without offering you guys something. I'd feel really bad about it.


Apart from that, no other news this week. I still haven't heard from my two commissions I ordered earlier this month, but this was expected, as the artists I work with are unfortunately pretty busy. I'll obviously keep you posted as soon as I have some news. You know how enthusiastic I get with these things.

And that's it. Today is Black Friday, and I'm eyeing some new gunpla kits, or maybe more 30 Minute Missions and 30 Minute Sisters to boost the ranks of my cyber waifu death squad. It'll depend on what's available, I suppose.

Until then, stay safe out there!



Just Me

I mean… I don't mind playing an incomplete build, but I also don't mind waiting till it's done, especially since you seem to be kinda close anyway. Unless you'd estimate that the final release is a full month or more away, I'd probably just hold out until then and skip the pre-final build tbh. This project is an unexpected bonus in my eyes anyway, so I don't feel like you are falling behind on delivering on promises or anything.


I also prefer to get a nearly finished product than a WIP where quite some stuff is missing. Feel free to release it if you feel like it, I’ll wait for the 1.0 :)