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Yesterday Megan recently posted one of these images on her Instagram, stating in the caption that it was a crime that she had not posted it until now. I then realised that I had never posted them on here either! Another crime! 

The first five images were taken using natural light. The room I use to shoot in looks out onto our little cul-de-sac, which means I have to keep the curtains closed for my shoots. However, not long before this shoot with Meg I had purchased a large sheer white curtain, the plan being that I would use it to protect the modesty of my models from passers-by, whilst also allowing me to try some natural light studio work. The quality of light in that room very much depends on the weather, and I generally have to boost the ISO a fair amount. These were shot at ISO 1250, but I am learning to embrace the grain! I really need to do more of this as I love the softness of these images.

The second set of images were shot with my standard set-up I use for my b&w work. Megan asked if we could go for a fashion vibe for the last few, and because of this (and unusually for me) I decided not to roll out the paper roll, and also not to crop out the areas either side of the paper roll.

I've got another shoot coming up with Meg soon. In fact, she is going to stay over so we can get two days of shooting in. Any (sensible) requests of what you might like to see us produce?



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