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I think I have mentioned in a previous post that Sian had been abroad in the Caribbean for a few months and was worried about her tan lines and how they might ruin our images. I assured her that most of my ideas for our first shoot following her return actually involved her tan line and that I wanted to make them a feature!

The first set that we shot was the set with the ripped jeans, that I posted a while back. But I was also very keen to shoot a set on my red paper roll backdrop, and I knew exactly how I was going to edit the tones. I wanted her tan to look as if it was almost glowing! I also wanted to play around more with my new 35mm lens, and different angles & shallow depth of field, something I had started to put into my work a lot more whilst Sian was away.

As usual I got carried away with the editing, and probably should have been a bit more selective. But I'm sure none of you are complaining!

This coming week Sian goes away for another six months again, so no more shoots with her for quite some time. However, I have a huge number of images from the three shoots we managed to fit in to keep me busy!



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