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The guy at the apple store said it takes 3-5 days.... UGHHH

I’m so upset.

I can’t believe this happened. I’m sorry guys 😭

Update the guy said I can turn it in Sunday so lll wait and use my monitor just so I can watch ONE PIECE and upload the other reactions I recorded.



That’s unfortunate but it’s okay 😓




Its okay take ur time


Shit happens. Hope you can take the time to chill and relax


Time to look for a pc ;)


I’m going to try to use my curved monitor just to edit something to post but once I turn it in to the apple store I won’t have it for a couple days. The guy said it can still plug into the monitor so I’ll try that


This is why Apple computers are lame. If it had been a non-apple laptop you could have used a repairman (or done it yourself) and had it done in a few hours, not a few days.


it's okay jamie! you're still the best

Thomas Stark

Sounds like the perfect time to get a little rest. Anybody who gives you a hard time obviously doesnt pay attention or isn't a legit fan of your reactions. Just the anime you watch.


Bless us with Tik Toks until then 🙏🥳😈🔥

Commander Dodge

Oof and that is another why I don't trust Apple products. But no need to apologize, it isn't your fault that they take forever to fix stuff. We'll be right here patiently waiting in the meantime.

Eric Rinehart

3 to 5 days is pretty good sucks but least it's not a month long cause have to order parts to fix it


Look at the bright side now you can take a vacation😎🏖

Jimmy Orchid

It’s life, nothing much you can do about it.

Garris Tacheene

Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow


You know what, it might actually be better to watch these next three episodes back to back


We will wait. Just take your time 👍👍


Hope he at least gave you a good price, cause Apple anything is expensive as Hell.


Thats why you drop apple for any other brand. Youll save on cost and repair (including repair time)


We'll always be here. Thanks for the updates.


PC Master Race


I've never used any Apple products mainly due to my cousin telling me their ecosystem is really closed, so it is a nightmare to get their products repaired due to the lack of compatibility. I hope everything works out for you. Thank you for the update.


Make sure you make a back up just in case.

John tran

Hope you have warranty for it or at least apple insurance for it. Had same situation and took a chunk out of my paycheck for a tiny crack lol


Sounds like the cost would be as much as this Macbook or a good iPhone


Take a pc if you want and watch a tuto on how to build a pc youself, it can take few hours but for what it's worth you can gain 300 to 800$ raw power if you buy a prebuild for the same price, on g2a you can find windows 10 for 10 bucks and for downloading a bunch of commun soft like chrome or what ever you can go to ninite.com, hope it helps