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Hey guys atm just have no computer. I tried Turing this on and off but I think the screen is cracked... I have no idea how it cracked I never closed it and left it in the same spot...

my luck is awful. I am taking it to the apple store today but I’m not sure how long screen fixes take.... 😭😭😭😭😭

I’m so frustrated I had so many videos to edit today that I can’t now.... ugh 🤦‍♀️

I’m sorry guys. I really hope this only takes a day...

I do plan on getting a PC soon but atm I can’t buy one until next month.

It says online it could take an hour so I HOPE IT TAKES AN HOUR!!!! 😭😢



Frenzy X

Dw take your time


Damn, hopefully you’ll be able to get it fixed. Good luck 🤞


No stress just take it easy we'll be here when you're ready 😊


No stress, it's life. Don't bother.


I think so. A screen repair is covered thank goodness I have apple care 😪


Take your time ;)

Monster Zero

Ask Sanji maybe he did it 🤣

Eric Rinehart

Hope you check to see if you still have a warrenty I heard Apple charges alot to just to fix a screen on a phone can't imagine on a monitor even then it took a month to fix a crack or dead pixels on my mointior because need to get the parts to fix the screen


np, take your time :)


If it's only the screen? How about connecting it to a different screen/TV and getting display that way?


Sadly newer macs can break fairly easily if say you have one of those webcam cover things. Not saying you did but basically any small object with enough thickness can end up cracking apple screens.

Eric Rinehart

Also may just be cheaper to buy a new monitor if it's not a labtop computer


No problemo we'll wait


The weird thing is... I didn’t close it. I left it open like I usually do and woke up to the screen cracked... I have no idea how. My cat can’t even reach where I put it

m dunt

You should get someones help picking PC parts, order them then get your local computer store to assemble for a labour charge if you wanna do it cheaper ( ask the store first )

Commander Dodge

Damn that definitely bites and it's definitely weird how that happened when it was never closed or moved. No need to apologize though, it wasn't your fault. I'm sure that they'll take care of it as soon as they possibly can!!!


good luck building a PC right now, it's better to get a prebuilt. And for what she normally does (doubt she's a hardcore gamer, but I could be wrong) a good prebuilt should be enough to cover what she normally does.


Just take your time and we will wait for your return. Take care


I've had about 4 Macbooks in just my campus being sent for that same issue. They don't have any idea how it occurred either. The other common issue I see is where the black glass on the lower left of the screen cracks and exposes the ribbon cables. The glass panel seems a bit fragile.


I still like Apple tho despite almost everyone commenting how bad it is. It's really not.