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You defeated a - Level 32 Armoured Giant Mole.

| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

With the mole dead, Noah shuffled past the stalactites, and approached the next chest. It had the same locking mechanism as the previous wooden chest. As he unlocked it and swung open the lid, his excited eyes widened even further.

Reflected against his pupils was a shiny weapon that looked like it was made of bone. It clearly wasn’t a System designed weapon, but it had the same theme as the dungeon he was in. Bone, monster-like. The shaft of the spear looked like it had been carved from the spine of a giant mole. While the attacking point of the spear was made up of a dark metal that he hadn’t seen before. It reflected the light from his light crystal. It was savage looking, like a shark's-tooth, it was finely serrated.

Uncommon - Level 25 - Long Bone Spear: A spear carved from the bone of an old Giant Mole. The blade is crafted from a fine piece of sturdy metal glass and notched with minute serrations. Highly effective against flesh.

| +7 Str, +5 Dex.
| Extra damage against flesh.

Noah grabbed hold of the weapon and adjusted his hand this way and that. It was quite difficult to get used to as the shaft was on the thicker end of what his hands were comfortable with. If he was taller, it wouldn’t be a problem, but he was cursed to be on the shorter side of humans.

Regardless, it took him only a moment to get accustomed to it. He had used many weapons back on Earth. Table legs, metal poles, bottles, you name it. When push came to shove, he had to rely on anything he could get his hands on when he was jumped out on the streets.

Moving back to the weapon, he was expecting it to be of Rare quality judging by the box, but maybe it just had a higher chance of giving out Rare equipment. So that meant he was lucky to receive the Uncommon mage’s hat from the boring wooden box?

He wasn’t sure, and that just meant he would have to do some more testing–more looting.

Noah continued his way through the tunnels. Sometimes he would encounter a giant mole, but after defeating a few of them, their strategies didn’t change. It made defeating them much easier than even the lower levelled dinos or femora he had encountered back on the surface.

Of course he killed them and took the experience for himself, and the extra Level he had received. But he was beginning to wonder where the main boss of the dungeon lurked? Would it be in one location, guarding the master chest or was it more of an always moving kind of boss?

Noah didn’t know, but he was just waiting to find out.

Half the day had passed. He would have been able to walk through it faster, but he still had to remain cautious. The moles were known for burrowing and digging holes, so he was forced to slow down, and keep an ear out for the surrounding earth.

The last thing he wanted was for an enormous mole to break out of the wall and squish him into the deep earth.

He had also only found one more wooden chest, but only received a common pair of leather clothes that was more like a trash item than anything. It had no bonuses, and only three measly stat increases to Constitution. He wore it, but he would be thankful of upgrading it soon as it was already chafing against his flesh.

Noah was careful not to touch the walls in case they had a sensory ability. Finally, he saw light ahead, and that meant one of two things. Either he had found the surface, or he was approaching another big room. In hopes of finding another chest, he quickened his steps.

Peeking into the room, Noah’s shoulders recoiled back the moment he saw the twitching of a nose in the distance.

Level ?? - Giant Mole King.

That has to be it. Noah thought to himself as he peeked around the corner of the wall with one eye. Even with just that, the mole king was already twitching its nose in his direction.

Noah contemplated for a moment before buying a higher ranked scent blocker, rare to be specific. It was a steep price, costing him five-thousand Grace Coins, but if it secured him a World First Title–then it was more than worth it.

He sprayed it onto himself and Krall, then stepped out into the entrance of the tunnel. Thankfully the mole king didn’t react to his emergence. Taking a muted breath, Noah took in the surrounding area. The monster had tunnelled into an old mine shaft. Wooden platforms lead all the way up, presumably to the surface. On the floor was another wide, wooden platform that had a large table in the middle of it. On the table was another silver chest.

The dungeon reward. Noah grinned in delight.

At the front of the wooden platform was a wide area where the mole king moved around. The walls were filled with various smaller tunnels that the humans, or whatever species existed here had created. On either end were the large holes that the mole king must have dug out.

Next up was trying to figure out a plan of action. Thankfully it didn’t have armour, which opened up his possibilities by quite a lot. He doubted he could kill the beast with one charge, so it would most likely become a long drawn out fight, but he needed to injure it badly the first time.

He had learned where the vital areas were of the moles at this point after fighting dozens of them. So he wasn’t too worried about missing, he was more cautious of the mole king reacting to his attack. It just meant he had to pick the opportune moment.

Glancing at the man-made tunnels, Noah and Krall walked into the depths of darkness. Behind a large cluster of stalactites, he waited for the monster to approach him. The closer the better. He didn’t want to give the mole king a chance to react and if he was further away, his success would greatly diminish.

He gave Krall another stimulant as the monster was approaching. It was larger than all the others he had encountered so far. And unlike the others, it had a long, scooped horn growing from its forehead that branched out near the top. It reminded him of the rhino-beetle back on earth.

Noah was hoping to gain an estimation of its abilities before fighting it, but there were no other enemies in sight. He would just have to be extra careful.

Thud. Another step forward of the mole king made Noah’s blood pump. He could feel the heartbeat clash against his rib-cage, he just hoped the monster couldn’t detect it.

Again, the addicting sensation pervaded around his body, making him clench his grip around his new spear. It was the feeling he longed for. Thud. Noah prepared himself. The moment the monster was close enough, Noah used all his Skills, and [Charged] forward.

His spear lashed out like a phantom image. The moment Noah moved his muscles, the blade of his spear already met flesh, then sunk deep within the beast's body. An intense impact from the mole king's tough hide made him grimace, thankfully, his shoulder didn’t pop out of place this time.

Noah didn’t allow Krall to attack, instead he was ordered to jump back the moment Noah had landed his attack. It was the correct choice. Krall leapt back and the monster’s horn slammed the earth from where he once stood. Soil and rock was crushed, and splashed into the surroundings from the mighty hit.

His heart lurched at the hit, the feeling of doom it brought made him aware that if he got it by it once–it would be difficult to survive.

Gulping that thought to the back of his mind, he dodged another slamming hit. It was faster than the others, but it was clear the mole king was just a stronger variation of the previous monsters he had defeated.

He kept his guard up, not knowing whether it had any tricks up its sleeve. Krall bolted to the side as Noah [Thrust] his spear into the monster's side. As Noah retrieved his spear, he noticed a stream of red exiting the first wound. It meant his first attack had worked. Now he just had to stall for time, and survive.

But the mole king wasn’t as simple as the others. There was a reason it was the defender of the dungeon. Just as Noah was approaching once more, it stomped on the ground. A tremor rumbled the cave’s floor as Krall had to fight against the stumbling vibrations.

Noah ordered Krall to jump back, but the tremors had caused rocks to emerge from the surface. His foot caught one of the rocks, sending him tumbling. He was quick to react, he rolled, and launched to his feet, but the mole king was waiting.

It thrusted its horn forward. Krall took another step backward in an attempt to escape the range of attack, but it wasn’t enough. The horn clashed against the armour plating on his chest, cracking it, and throwing him to the ground once more.

Noah was tired of being ground into the dirt on Krall’s back and leapt off. His spear lashed toward the mole king's eyes to stop it attacking again. Thankfully it blinked and backed away from the spear’s point. He used the opportunity to mount Krall once more. He needed a way to avoid the stomping tremors. It was clear it was a Skill, but he didn’t want to risk testing its usage.

Glancing back to the man-made tunnels, Noah retrated backwards. Each time the mole king attempted to attack, it was met with a spear [Thrust] to the eyes.

It decided to close its eyes fully and charge ahead, ignoring the spear. But Krall took a sudden step forward. [Overpower] filled Noah’s arms as he launched his spear into the beast's chest. His spear-tip disappeared into its flesh as it reared back in pain.

You don’t try that again. Noah grinned and retreated into the tunnels.

Roaring in pain, the mole king chased him. It ignored the rock walls of the tunnels and slammed into them. Its body comprised almost three of the tunnels, but Noah had already broken through the walls, and emerged to its flank in a sudden [Charge].

His spear tore past the flesh in its side once more, and after the attack, he wasted no time, and retreated back into the tunnels.

The whites of his eyes were the only visible object within the pitch black tunnels.

Chase me. Noah took out his bow and fired the arrow at the hesitating beast.

Challenged, the beast ignored all sense of plan or common sense, the promise of invading flesh brought the hulking mole forward.


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