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As they fell through the air, the wind swept his moist hair back, then Noah’s powered spear made contact.

Feeling a crunch being transmitted through his spear, Noah’s eyes were already on the other two. They had heard the attack and were already scuttling over, the thick hairs poking out the side of their noses twitched.

Despite there being no System notification for the kill, Noah was certain that he had severed the monster's spinal cord. It flopped to the ground and grunted in desperation. The mole wanted to get up, it clearly wanted to eat him as the delicate mouth muscles spasmed in a futile attempt to open its jaw.

However, he no longer had the luxury of surprise assault. The moles were upon him.

Remaining calm, Noah used the elevation of the larger mole to mount his attack. Krall focused on the one to the vanguard. Roaring, Krall smashed his club into the monster he faced. While Noah [Thrust] his spear to the one at the flank.

His spear tasted the metallic tang of red as he repeatedly stabbed it into the monster's nose. Noah quickly realised that the hide of the beast was at its most durable where he was stabbing–the nose. It made sense. It relied on its snout to dig through hardened earth, and whatever else lay underneath. If it wasn’t tough, then Noah seriously doubted they could live with their weaknesses. The mole always met their enemies head on, rarely was it the other way round where they themselves were attacked from behind.

Noah knew he wasn’t dealing a lot of damage, but regardless, blood spilled. The stench of copper wafted throughout the room as a plan entered his mind.

He wasn’t one to wait when he had decided something. Making the beast close its eyes with a spear stab, he used [Shadowed Presence], and leapt off Krall’s back onto the cave’s floor.

A plan of suicide, maybe, but not to Noah. From the bonus of his Class, and the use of [Sneaking] alongside [Shadowed Presence], made his footsteps barely audible. Perhaps the moles would hear it on a normal day without any other noise, but with Krall releasing his bestial roars, and the intense thwacking of his hits, Noah’s movements were covered.

Reaching the mole’s side under the cover of darkness, he used [Overpower] and stabbed his spear into the beast's chest. He was aiming for the heart, but it seemed his aim was a little off as the beast thrashed in pain.

Noah rolled to the side and [Thrust] his spear into the side once more, only for the beast to smash its body to the side.

Slow. Far too slow. Noah dodged to the side and repeated the same action until the red marked the floor in a puddle. Stab. Finally, the beast fell to the floor.

Where Noah found success, Krall was struggling. The mole grabbed hold of his foot and pulled him down from the corpse-made high ground. It stomped down onto Krall’s foot as he snarled in pain.

Noah sighed in relief as there was no crack, but still an anger filled his mind.

Not able to enjoy the speed boost of [Charge], he relied on the full strength of his own legs to bolt to the monster's side. He [Thrusted] his spear into its side, and just like the other, he whittled it down with repeated spear strikes before it fell to the ground with a thud.

Taking a breath, Noah turned to the strongest of the three. Its eyes glanced at him, helpless. But nature was cruel. It was him, or it.

He approached the beast and leapt up onto its back. Its lips twitched, but that was all it could manage. He aimed his spear right for the soft part of the moles skull. Slamming the spear’s tip down, he reaped the life of the foe that had almost taken his own existence. It felt like staring death in the eyes in an act of defiance. What could once easily erase him, was now dead with his very own flesh and blood hands.

You defeated a - Level 29 Giant Mole.
| …

| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 25 -> Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 26

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 25 -> Krall level 26

Noah pulled his spear out of the corpse and jumped down onto the floor. The promise of loot caused his gums to itch in anticipation.

The chest stood on a small mound of dirt. APproaching it, it was locked shut by two sliding bolts. He pulled them open and flung the lid of the chest back. With a thwack, it fully extended, and flopped down until it struck the wood of the container.

Noah couldn’t care less. He dipped his head into the chest and peered within. He was met with a singular cloth hat. It was unassuming in appearance, if a bit bland, but being in a dungeon chest meant it was a piece of equipment.

Grabbing hold it, he [Inspected] it.

Uncommon - Level 25 - Mage’s Hat: A mage’s hat imbued with magic.
| +8 Magic, +5 Mana
| Magic Skills deal 5% extra damage.

Hmm, he couldnt use it, but that didn’t mean it was worthless. People would spend a pretty penny for anything that increased damage and especially magical Stats. He just needed to find the correct person to sell it to.

Noah placed it securely within his backpack then headed down another tunnel. He resisted the temptation of humming a little happy tune in fear of missing out on the chance of his surprise attacks.

Of course he was happy. Dungeon delving was the most profitable business one could be in and thanks to his various Titles, and spotting it first meant that he was going to be rich. It also helped that all the loot was  just for him. Perks of being solo.

It was a strange feeling. One moment he was struggling to feed himself, and now he had the power to hunt for his own food. Soon, he would hopefully be the wealthiest of the Otherworlders. All of that was in spite of the others' natural upbringing.

Calum, Chloe, Cai, Jake, and especially the princess, were now the same as him. He may have been just a common delinquent back on Earth, but now he had a chance at a new life. One filled with adventure, exploration, magic, power. There were simply too many things that made his heart thrum with life.

He just had to ignore their high talent and focus on himself. Peter had told him that those that were talented would be able to have more chances at obtaining rarer Skills or Pathstones. Something about how they were able to commune with the world and influence the pathstones that were open to them.

It was one of the rare points of Peter that Noah didn’t listen to. Noah had personally witnessed those who were hailed as geniuses–only for them to be ripped apart by beasts. Mistakes were an insidious killer. And they were always around the corner if one wasn’t careful.

Noah and Krall skulked through the tunnel. The ceiling was lowering. Well, Krall definitely wasn’t suddenly growing. He ducked his head, narrowly avoiding a sharp piece of rock. He ended up having to get onto his hands and knees to make the rest of the journey, thankfully though, Noah could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Before they reached the end, Noah took the lead to peek through the opening. His shoulders slumped as he gazed at a mole that was covered in armour. More accurately, it covered the sides, and rear of the beast–its weaknesses.

Level 32 Armoured Giant Mole.

His previous strategy of flanking them went out of the window. He had to improvise.

The room was much like the last one, although this one had large stalactites that grew out from the floor. In the centre of the room was another chest. But instead of a common wood, it was a sparkling iron. Or silver. Or, whatever, but it was shiny, and that was the most important to Noah.

The broadcast on Ubos showed all the loot from normal wooden boxes, regardless of rarity. It seemed the new broadcast watchers needed some more visual stimulation. Noah had to admit, it did make it a whole lot more tempting.

Noah watched, scrutinised, and attempted to identify the monster's weakness, but nothing was popping up. So that just meant he had to make up his own weakness. He gazed at the soil floor as an idea formed. It was crazy, but that’s precisely what he needed.

He doubted many others would try it, but that’s why he would continue forging ahead.

Noah ordered Krall to crawl through the tight passageway and charge at the armoured mole. Noah needed time to enact his plan, and what better opportunity than to have his tamed companion create it.

With Krall [Charging] forward, Noah bolted to the side, and began digging a hole big enough for him to fit. He didn’t need it wide, just large enough so that he could move his arms in a striking motion upward.

Krall roared and struck the beast with his club, but his strength, mixed with the highly armoured monster, caused his weapon to snap. It snapped right from where he held it. Surprised, his movement stumbled.

The mole, despite its slow speed, was quick enough to take advantage of Krall’s sudden surprise. It launched itself forward and struck Krall with its stalwart nose.

Krall blocked it with his shield-like arm, but the force was too much for him to bear. His body was hit back, sliding, Krall rolled on the ground to regain his balance–just like Noah had done previously.

To me Krall! Noah shouted within his mind, he had already finished digging the hole. Thanks to his Strength, the mole wasn’t the only one who could dig a hole.

Kral dodged back and turned to run. The mole chased behind him, its mouth was open–ready to consume Krall’s armoured flesh. It was easy to imagine the chunky teeth crushing his armour plating like it was a tasty crisp.

Noah felt the rumbling of the earth. He looked wall-to-wall as the soil caved in at every step of the mole. Gritting his teeth, he patiently waited despite the threat of being buried alive.

Shit, this is crazy. Noah reminded himself with a grin.

The mole was rapidly approaching. Krall stepped over the hole, the mole followed.


Noah activated all his Skills, then [Thrusted] the spear upward. It pierced soft flesh. Red hot liquid sprinkled down onto him, but it only lasted a moment before the momentum of the moles sprint brought it crashing forward.

Wasting no time, Noah shot out the hole, then attacked the underside of the beast again, and again.

The mole wasn’t able to climb back to its feet and so met its demise from the spear barrage of the young human that had invaded its home.

Noah took a relieved breath as the System notifications entered his mind.


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