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The rampaging mole struck its body against the tunnel walls. Noah wasn’t able to make it in time and the impact crashed him against another wall. Rubble weighed down on him, but he couldn’t stop.

Krall blasted through another tunnel, but stopped. In a sudden motion, he sprinted back the way he came and emerged from the tunnels.

The mole king was expecting them to be on the other side, so it had prepared its body with that in mind. Noah stabbed the monster with his spear and retreated once more like a ghost. [Shadowed Presence] made it difficult for the mole king to find his body through the shadows,and darkness. Adding the high tiered scent tracker into the equation made it impossible to track the young human-kobold duo.

It went on for a few minutes as Noah pierced new holes into the mole's body every moment that passed. The beast was also getting sluggish as time passed, the savage wound from the first attack was still bleeding.

Noah blasted out of another tunnel for a new attack, but the mole had finally read his moves. it reacted in time. Snapping its head to the side, Krall was struck back, and a tremor on the ground followed it.

Krall wasn’t able to get up in time. He hissed in pain. Knowing he was injured, Noah quickly detached himself from the reins, and bolted to the side.

He [Thrust] his spear to the beast's eyes, but it blinked the moment it saw Noah attack, deflecting the blade. Noah spat, the beast was smarter than he thought. It was learning.

Stumbling back onto his feet, Krall took a step, but he was forced to limp. Noah grimaced. With Krall out of the fight, a lot of his strength was lessened.

The wooden upper platforms were now right above him. Taking a glance, his brows rose. An Idea formed. He commanded Krall to climb the stairs to reach the platforms above, of course, that meant Noah now had to take the brunt of the mole's rage.

About to engage Krall, Noah stepped forward and struck the beast with his spear. It was forced to ignore the escaping Krall and focus all its attention on the weak human. Blood trickled from his head, making the scent tracker useless. The overpowering stench of copper was too easily detected by the sniffling monster.

Dodging another charge from the mole, Noah sprinted back into the tunnels. They were not mostly flattened and most of the cave had its structural integrity ravaged. He grinned as another plan formed.

Noah retreated further within, the mole followed. Rock was crushed, the walls collapsed. Noah was certain the ceiling was close to follow. Just a bit further, finally, dirt from the ceiling sprinkled down. Cracks formed, causing Noah’s heart to palpitate.

Instead of running away, or to the side, Noah sprinted straight ahead–straight for the mole king. He lunged his spear at its eyes, but it had dealt with the same attack for too many times. Instead of closing its eyes, it brought its nose up to protect them.

But Noah had no inventions of continuing his attack. Returning his spear, he bolted to the monster's side, and continued past it.

It roared in anger and smashed its feet into the ground. A large tremor surged toward the escaping Noah like a wave, but Noah simply used his sprinting momentum to leap forward, and out of the man-made tunnels.

The tremor attack from the mole king caused the ceiling to collapse. In front of its face, the cavern collapsed. It snorted and turned, it was the fastest it had moved. The beast stomped toward the entrance as the ceiling collapsed behind it.

However, it was still too slow. Just as it was about to reach the ending of the tunnels, the ceiling collapsed around it. Its head emerged, but the rest of its body was swallowed by the mountain of rock above.

Now Krall. With a rumbling roar, Krall descended from the sky. He leapt off the platforms that were at least twenty metres high. [Kill Command] made his arms swell as he swung a solid clump of metallic rock overhead. The rock cracked against the beast's horn, shattering it from the impact.

The mole kind swayed its head side-to-side. The impact had dazed it. Taking advantage of the stunned state of the mole king, Noah used his Skills, and plunged his spear into the beast's eyes.

Pained groaning transformed into a deep silence.

Noah took a breath and gazed at the mess the fight had created. Rock was blasted everywhere and was scattered around the entire floor. Blood splatters from the first wound he had created had stained the battlefield red, evidence of the diabolical wound his [Charge] from the shadows had caused.

Taking a moment to listen out for any intruders, Noah grinned as only silence remained. The others must be afraid to approach the lair of the king. Using the opportunity of safety, Noah took great delight in the next System notifications.

You defeated a - Level 36 Giant Mole King.

| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 27 -> Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 28

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 27 -> Krall level 28

You have cleared the Dungeon - Mole’s Lair!
| Grace Coins rewarded.
| You have gained the World's First Title - [Solo Delver I]: Be the first to clear a dungeon. +5 to all stats.

| You have gained the World's First Title - [Dungeoneer I]: Successfully clear a dungeon. +3 to a stat of your choice.

Noah sighed in satisfaction with a grin on his face. It was the greatest reward of all. The loot was just the bonus. If he was the first to clear multiple, then all his Stats would undergo a massive change. The strong become stronger. The rich get richer–it was all the same.

Placing the Dungeonner I Stat reward into Will, Noah moved on to the other messages.

[Unbreakable Reigns] has reached the peak of Level 1.
| [Unbreakable Reigns] Level 1 -> [Unbreakable Reigns] Level 2
| [Unbreakable Reigns] Level 2: Impact from hits reduced minimally.

[Shrouded Presence] has reached the peak of Level 1.
| [Shrouded Presence] Level 1 -> [Shrouded Presence] Level 2
| [Shrouded Presence] Level 2: Shrouded area has increased minimally. Rate of detection is reduced minimally.

[Thrust] has reached the peak of Level 2.
| [Thrust] Level 2 -> [Thrust] Level 3.
| [Thrust] Level 3: Damage increased minimally.

[Strengthened Body] has reached the peak of Level 2.
| [Strengthened Body] Level 2 -> [Strengthened Body] Level 3.
| [Strengthened Body] Level 3: Your body’s durability has increased minimally.

[Spear Proficiency] has reached the peak of Level 1.
| [Spear Proficiency] Level 2 -> [Spear Proficiency] Level 3.
| [Spear Proficiency] Level 3: Damage with spears has increased minimally.

[Shield Proficiency] has reached the peak of Level 1.
| [Shield Proficiency] Level 1 -> [Shield Proficiency] Level 2.
| [Shield Proficiency] Level 2: The impact from physical hits has reduced minimally.

Noah struck a grin as he gazed at the Level ups. Progress was being made.

You are being watched

| Akrum, the Mounted Terror has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.

| Lenid, the Monster Hunter has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.

| Srussea Corp. has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.

| Ekralo, the Beast Tamer has sponsored you.

| Grace Coins added.
| Nathan Kayne, the Master Fisher has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.
| Kromlin, the Eldritch Being has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.
| Alissa, the Blood Witch has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.
| Meelo, the Delver has sponsored you.

There were a lot of sponsors, but that was only normal for being the very first to complete a dungeon. Especially all on his own. Noah doubted clearing the others would net him so many sponsors like this time, but it was something to be savoured as he gazed at the added Grace Coins.

He couldn’t wait to get back and get his house all built; along with seeing what all the other rooms did. Oh, that was right. That meant he had to trade with the others. Well, what could possibly go wrong. He just hoped that they had common sense with the prices of items. Or maybe the princess could make some of the knights to go to the professions he needed.

Thinking of the Hub area, and the need to hurry up. Noah walked over to the glistening chest in anticipation. Krall limped over with him.

Opening the almost silver-like chest with a thunk, a large staff made of spiralling wood made its appearance. A glimmering blue metal was intertwined between the wood. It looked grand as it easily put the Uncommon mage hat to shame. Noah picked it up.

Rare - Level 25 - Sceptre of Life: A sceptre that thrums with the power of life.
| +15 to Magic, +5 to Mana. +10% increased Healing Power.

Noah couldn’t help but whistle at the new piece of equipment. A percentage increase to Healing Power would fetch for a significant price, and he already knew a potential trading partner for it–the princess.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t an item for him. He was about to turn around when he noticed a lot of papers that were littered on the table. It was just like the small village before, but surely they weren’t connected?

Curiosity pulled his fingers towards the sheets of paper. But it only made his eyes widened when he saw the same exact maps as before. Just like the village’s maps, the islands off the coast of Ibaxar were circled.

He was beginning to speculate if the original people of this land made a collective effort to evacuate to the islands, or if his original idea of them hunting for treasure was true.

Sifting through the other papers, he picked up another piece. It wasn’t a map, but rather, it was an image of a harpoon, or spear.

Anchorage Isles. Relic of the Seas - Leviathan Piercer. The tips of Noah’s fingers ran along the text on the page. At the bottom of the page was a two in roman numerals; II. Furrowing his brows, Noah grabbed hold of the map and noticed it also was numbered. It was page one.

They were the only ones marked with page numbers. It all made sense. They were all in search of the so-called Leviathan Piercer. Just the name of it made his blood boil. The fact that it was a spear, and that it also might have something to do with fishing only aggravated his excitement further.

He now had another aim. Make his way to the Anchorage Isles in search of the relic. Just from the name he could tell it was a Legendary weapon, maybe even further if it was possible? He clenched his hands around the two pieces of paper and stored them within his bag before heading back onto the wide cave.

Krall picked up a stray piece of paper that was on the floor. Just like all the others, it was blank, but then he turned it around. Jumbled, rushed black scrawling was etched over the entirety of the sheet of paper. From corner-to-corner, it must have been written in desperation.

“For the love of… My sweet Jaine… Don’t, for the love of the gods–just run. Get away from here. Don’t try to find us in Anchorage, for we–are already dead. Head inland–as far as you can go. Go to Namuris. And remember–THE MIST IS COMING.”

Scratching his head, he brought it to his mouth, and licked the blank ink. His head recoiled backwards, then shook it at the taste. Clicking his tongue in disgust, he crushed the piece of paper into a ball, then threw it into the depths of the cave before heading over to the mole king.

“Krall, get over here.” Noah snorted, amused at his companion.

Noah kicked the monster. But he was disappointed to find out that it wasn’t a loot pinata. He pouted. He wanted a Skill Essence or Pathstone. How stingy was it for the dungeon guardian not to give him anything?

Krall approached the mole king and kicked it and took a sniff at the monster's heart. Eyes widening, Noah couldn’t help but think that it was the same as last time. Krall must be ready for an evolution. Noah was right.

Two hands entering the hole created from Noah’s spear, he tensed, then ripped open the wound with all his might. It didn’t take long before he had the heart within his hand.

Noah grimaced. He had never seen a monster evolve by eating hearts, but maybe this was a peculiarity with this world's kobolds?

About to place the heart within his mouth, Noah commanded him to stop. Since he was too focused on the early advantages, he wasn’t too concerned with Krall taking the armoured kobold evolution, but now it was different. He had to start thinking of the future; the far future.

Noah questioned what Krall would become if he took the attributes of the mole king. If he ended up walking on all fours instead of bipedal, then he wouldn’t be able to use a weapon in the future. But, if he could take the burrowing capabilities of the mole king, then that opened up a lot more paths for him. After all, it was incredibly dangerous delving into caves. If Krall could dig, it would be like having an escape excavator with him.

He weighed the pros and cons, and in the end, he decided to let Krall eat the heart. He didn’t know when he would next find a dungeon, so at the current Level, it was the best monster to use.

“Go on then.” Noah nodded to Krall.

With an excited expression, it seemed as if he wanted it more than him. With fangs bared, Krall sunk his teeth into the enormous heart.


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