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Noah finished cutting open the four kobolds and cleaned out their bladders to the best of his ability with a nearby stagnated pool of water that was separate from their main source.

The bladder’s were quite small, barely bigger than Noah's hand. I’ll need to sterilise them later with salted sea-water and coal, it’s not the best, but it’s all I have at hand.

Part of Noah’s preparation was the use of primitive survival techniques. Sometimes, it wasn’t the monsters roaming around the land that caused the most amount of death to the Otherworlders, but the destructive elements, illness, and not knowing how to survive.

Many from the younger generation didn’t bother learning such techniques, they believed that ignorance was bliss. Until they were chosen, that was. Then they learnt the hard way.

He filled the bladders up with water from the pond and plopped a Purification Tablet into each of them. Then, he tied the opening shut with stripped vine sinew. When he shook the bladder, a miniscule amount of water would drip from the opening, but it wuffice for an emergency supply until he could afford a proper water container from the shop.

Noah moved as quickly as he could without damaging the bladders. The sound may be blocked from the incalculable amount of trees, but the smell of tasty blood was different.

The powerful tang of metal. It made the beasts crazy. It may be from their hunger, or the instinct that boils within them. The need for a hunt.

Noah’s blade was drenched in thick red from the dissection of the kobolds. He threw it onto the jungle floor and picked up another one from the corpse.

“Let’s get out of here,” Noah said.

The hike back was more difficult than usual, all thanks to a bubbling within Noah’s stomach–and a stray nausea that struck his mind.

It wasn’t because of heat stroke, or dehydration. It was something that Noah was aware of that might happen, but never had the luxury of preparing for it. The stagnant water was taking effect, the bacteria was causing sickness.

Noah grit his teeth. Diarrhoea. He would have to increase his intake of clean water as diarrhoea sped up the rate of dehydration considerably. Along with vomiting, it had taken the lives of many Otherworlders.

He was hoping he would manage to bypass it with the increase of Constitution, but it seemed that he was wrong. Well, he had to drink the water regardless, at least he was still alive, and kicking.

As they were moving through the jungle, Noah noticed it was quiet. Too quiet. It usually meant that something had already spooked the birds in the area.

“Stop.” Noah commanded and climbed onto Krall.

From their connection, it was easy to give orders to Krall without having to verbalise them. It allowed him to guide the small kobold to follow his actions.

“It’s too quiet, prepare for an attack,” Noah said. “Don’t sprint through the tree’s to fight, the kobolds most likely have traps set up.”

That’s assuming whatever here are kobolds. Noah hoped it was the case.

Fighting a known enemy was always easier than dealing with something new. Having to learn different attack patterns was a nuisance, but more than that–accidents could happen.

There was a croaking sound to the right, just behind a group of thick trees as Noah readied his shield and spear.

Krall held his spiked club in one hand, and steadied Noah with the other hand.

Noah was aware that he was a bigger target now that he was on top of Krall’s shoulders, but as he became more comfortable, it was worth it. The stat bonus from being mounted was a good help, not to just him, but to Krall as well. They moved behind a tree with a quick check for traps.

Noah hunched his back, creating a small target for any stray arrows that may come his way.

Krall squatted down and awaited his charge. Thraz… attempted to hide his stalwart body behind a tree.

The croaking increased until five humanoid frogs walked into view. Although they resembled frogs, their heads teetered on the cusp of becoming human. Although it would still be a few tens of thousands of years before they reached that stage, if ever. Their hands and feet were webbed. Two of them held bows and held the spare arrows just in their other hand. One used a pointed stick that had thorns attached, while the last had some sort of whip weapon with barbs on the end.

Noah scraped his mind for any knowledge about them, but it ran empty. He couldn’t remember seeing humanoid frog monsters.

A new monster? Noah frowned. Battling the unknown was an uncomfortable sensation. A frog in a jungle… It would be good to act as if their weapons were dipped in some sort of poison.

Despite the risk, Noah wanted to fight. The stronger he became, the higher the chance of survival. He also needed the Coins for armour and other survival utility items. Like a fire starter, for one.

He would have to learn how to fight them. It was better to gain an understanding right now. Noah needed a plan of action.

Dragonborns have a high resistance to poisons, and none of their weapons or body structure indicate that they have high strength. That means Thraz is safe to charge, but one nick of my skin with one of those weapons would spell death without an antidote–which I don’t have. Noah’s eyes shone with intensity.

Noah quietly ripped off two large palm leaves and wrapped them around his hands–fastening them together with some spare vine sinew. If the frogs were poisonous, he didn’t want to touch them by accident.

“Thraz, charge. I’ll flank to the side and take care of the archers.” Noah whispered.

Thraz nodded, and then yelled out. The frog monsters recoiled back at the sudden growl. The draconic man bolted forward.

Noah had to time his charge right.

The first barrage of arrows were fired at Thraz. One managed to penetrate in between one of his scales, while the other simply bounced off. The moment the arrows were fired, Noah charged to the side.

Noah rapidly approached the first archer as Thraz made contact with the frontline.

Noah activated [Thrust] and his arms snapped forward, piercing straight through the archer’s throat.

The other archer was to the side, it hastily drew back another arrow.

Noah swung his spear around as the tip of the blade gouged out a cut from the frog’s forehead. Blood spilled as it stumbled to the ground. It dropped the bow.

Just as Noah was about to thrust again, he felt a sudden force pull his shield. The frog with the strange whip weapon had gotten the barbs of the whip stuck on his shield.

Noah let go of the shield and leapt off Krall’s back. He commanded Krall to attack the whip frog while Noah focused on the last one.

The frog scrambled onto its feet, but the bloodied wound scored into its head was leaking viscous red into its eyes. It was evident it couldn’t see properly as it repeatedly attempted to wipe its eyes.

Noah used [Thrust] once more as his spear shot through its chest, killing it instantly as it fell to the floor. He was about to pull out the spear from its chest, as the shaft had reached around halfway through its body thanks to the power of [Thrust] when a twig snap caused him to twitch his head to the side.

The sound of rushed footsteps made Noah instantly raise his hands as the force launched him to the floor. Noah rolled, regaining his balance, then pulled out his knife.

It was another frog, yet this one was stronger than the rest. It was nearly double the size, standing at around almost six feet tall. Why the hell would their strongest be at the back, out of sight?

He didn’t understand their behaviour, maybe it was taking a shit?

Thraz sprinted past as his newly granted sponsored axe cleaved into the monster's shoulder, completely lopping off its arm.

It screeched out a croak and slammed its head into Thraz’s chest, causing him to stumble back a few steps.

The frog was reaching for something in its loincloth.

Noah was quick to react, before it even pulled the something out, he was already running forward to help out. Krall was busy fighting the last frog as it was more difficult to kill something with a club and similar strength levels.

The decision between helping out the two was an easy one. He could always tame another kobold, but finding a loyal dragonborn who had just sworn to protect his life with an oath was like a heavenly elixir. Like a phoenix granting someone its feather. Sought after, but never granted.

Noah bolted forward, and as the frog pulled out its spike–he was there to intercept as Thraz was brandishing his axe again.

Noah used [Thrust] again, this time with the knife. He felt a heat build up within him, as a sudden fatigue struck his body. Yet he grit his teeth and persisted in the attack.

It stuck straight into the goo covered throat and with a yank, blood spilled down onto his leave covered hands. Noah dodged back as the frog whipped out a dangerous looking spike.

The frog wiped it on the gooey substance on its chest and ignored the blood spilling out its throat. It was about to attack when Thraz barged it against a tree with his shoulder.

I hate high Constitution monsters. Noah grimaced.

Thraz’s axe head was on the ground, yet he thrusted the handle upward as it struck the frog's chin. Then came a headbutt from the dragon born.

The frog stumbled, yet desperately swung the spike as it arced through the air, and marked Thraz’s scaly chest. It didn’t seem to cut through, yet Thraz roared and took a step back while lifting his axe.

He crashed it downward. The muscles in his arms bulged as it throttled against the frog’s skull. A hard, then wet sound rang out before the large humanoid frog slid down the tree, blood followed its descent as it marked the bark red.

Noah stumbled. Exhaustion, and illness, was catching up to him. Krall had finished off its monster, and quickly supported its master.

“Thanks pal.” Noah placed his hand on the kobold's hornless head.

You defeated a - Level 7 Grung.
| You defeated a - Level 4 Grung.
| You defeated a - Level 4 Grung.
| You defeated a - Level 3 Grung.

| Experience is reduced for fighting within a group.

You have levelled up!

| Noah level 4 -> Noah level 5

Noah took a breath, but he knew there wasn't time to recover completely. More than likely the Grung’s had smelt the blood, or maybe they were unlucky running in them, regardless, they had to move.

Weapons, Krall. Noah ordered.

Krall nodded and scampered around, picking up the weapons from the Grungs. Noah was most interested in that spike, but he didn’t have the energy to use [Objectify] just yet. There was no rush.

With all the weapons in hand, they set off towards the valley once more.


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