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Noah charged at Thraz and unlike the first attempt at moving together with Krall, this time he could feel the extra control his mount had in his body.

The bouncing was reduced somewhat, enabling Noah to keep his spear accurately pointed at his target. Although it still wasn’t perfect. It provided the aim he needed to hit his mark–which just happened to be Thraz.

Krall’s clawed feet dug into the ground and roused up the soil from the jungle floor. The extra strength that the mounted skill had given him caused the veins on his legs to bulge outward. He snarled with his vicious fangs on display as his eyes were filled with a need to show that he was no way weaker than the bigger dragonborn in front of him.

With that hint of pride within Krall’s eyes, they charged against Thraz.

Noah held his spear under the pit of his arm, and pointed the tip straight for the shield in Thraz’s hand. The aim was true. Thraz displayed a playful grin, yet when it was the lizardman displaying the emotion, it looked somewhat twisted.

Thraz shifted his weight and dodged to the side. The shield that was defending his body was moved flat, and struck Krall’s legs.

Krall grit his teeth and leapt up to dodge the attack, despite also holding Noah’s weight. Noah held on with one hand, and repositioned the tip of his spear at Thraz’s skull and thrusted it.

Thraz was quick to roll to the side as Noah’s spear barely missed his skull, but the dragonborn wasn’t willing to give up his position. His enormous hand snapped forward and latched onto Krall’s leg in mid air.

Krall snarled at the sudden grip, he was about to panic when his master’s mind calmed him down. Krall bent his knees as his stature became shorter. Noah used the opportunity to fall from his back and with the command of [Thrust], his spear, instead of striking the open skull of Thraz, contacted the shield as the dragonborn’s arm was hit backward. Thraz lost grip of Krall.

“To me, Krall!” Noah shouted as his mount listened.

Noah didn’t have to leap up at all to climb onto his shoulders as they charged at the stumbling Thraz.

False step, Krall. Noah thought with urgency.

Krall screeched and stumbled. It looked like he had tripped, yet at the last second Krall blasted off with his other foot and moved to the side of Thraz.

Thraz wasn’t expecting the sudden movement, he was still green behind the ears and wasn’t used to fake outs.

He raised the shield once more as Noah activated [Thrust].

Noah’s spear slammed into the shield, but this time he had the mounted bonus. His arm screamed in protest as Thraz was blasted off kilter.

They didn’t stop. With another step, Noah pointed the spear against Thraz’s throat. The tip pressed tightly against the scales as they pressed inward.

Just like that, a human and a kobold defeated a genetic freak of a dragonborn.

False step… It was a basic movement skill from the System to confuse the attacker, or make them flinch in preparation for an attack. In martial-art terms, it was a feint.

He didn’t have the skill but–

There was a sudden sizzle in the air as a skill essence crackled, then flashed into existence. It was something that Noah could never get enough of. But as the light settled into a dull grey that depicted common rarity, his excitement was stifled somewhat as he let out a puff of humid air.

He already knew what it was going to be when he took the fight with Thraz into account. Noah just hoped it would be a higher tiered version of it.

Noah placed his hand upon it as the words entered his mind.

You have obtained the Common - Dexterity - Skill Essence - False Step.

Dexterity based Skill - False Step: A feint of your movement can open up untold opportunities in your opponents defence.

Do you wish to accept it? This will take up a Dexterity Skill Essense slot.


It was an easy choice for Noah. Although it wasn’t as good as a movement ability, he understood the importance of unpredictability in fights from his days in the gang. It heightened the effectiveness with feints, and when used properly–and sparingly–had a high level of efficacy.

[False Step] also had one of the highest known evolutions from a Common skill. There was speculation made from the Earthlings from one of the higher rated warriors–A D ranked warrior by the name of Anastasia Owens. She was one of the higher rankings within the Ubos Otherworlders, and others believed her success was attributed to the smart usage of the [False Step] Skill Essence.

However, when she used it, it no longer looked like the [False Step] Skill at all. Spectators from Earth believed that she had taken it all the way to Epic rating, but Noah doubted it.

Evolving a common skill all the way to Epic was a monumental task–impossible in his eyes. Although it was difficult to get a grasp on it as all the Otherworlders kept their Skills a secret from the general public, and absolutely didn’t tell anyone in Ubos. It was what he believed.

Although her skills were excellent, he imagined she reached Rare rank. After all, the highest warrior of humanity had only reached low D-rank, and it was a good gauge of abilities when they were leaked from a betrayal.

Melvin Beck, he had a sword skill named Fallen Blade. It was the skill that brought him to the peak of humanity. Yet from his own mouth, he had said that it was barely Epic grade. No matter how hard he tried, regardless of the near death experiences he had forged. It refused to grow.

And he died shortly after.

Trust. Noah sighed.

Melvin, from the constant struggle of life and death, confided in his so-called ‘best friend’ for only one time during his time on Ubos. Yet it had gotten him killed.

A knife to the throat while sleeping, to be exact. All because the System had given him a mission–and the promise of his higher tiered equipment. Although the former was a guess on Noah’s part, not that it mattered, anyway.

“Yes.” Noah shook the thoughts from his mind and selected the Skill.

You have gained the Common Essence Skill - False Step.

Next, Noah had a peek at his current Dexterity Pathstone’s progress.

1st Pathstone: [ Dexterity ]
Skill: Mounted Combat
Skill: False Step

Two collected, three more to go. I need a stealth and movement skill for my third and forth. Not sure what the last would be yet. Noah pondered.

He had a few ideas in mind, but nothing concrete. I’ll just wait and see what I get, no point worrying about it until I actually get it.

“You cheated me human!” Thraz slapped the floor and stood up. “You relied on petty tricks, you are no warrior!”

Noah flinched at the sudden anger from the dragonborn.

He must be from a noble tribe, rather than the ones I have witnessed during the Ubos transmission. Young dragonborns are such a pain. Noah spat inwardly.

Noah shook his hands. “Hear me out, Thraz.”

Thraz took a breath and nodded. “Explain yourself.”

I need to be careful of my words. Although I don’t absolutely need him, he will speed up my levelling process considerably along with providing a safety-net. If he decides to attack then… Noah quickly hid his thoughts from his eyes. Although he was weaker than Thraz, he was too naive. There were many methods to defeat him and using [False Step] was only a minor one of them.

The thought of having to lower himself once more made him seeth internally. Yet, his brain was reminding him about his situation. He could only act how he wanted to act when he had enough strength to do so. So he decided to put on an act.

Young dragonborns had underdeveloped brains, after all.

“That’s right, I’m no warrior.” Noah sniffled, tears formed at the corner of his eyes. “I was brought into this damned hell without my consent. Ripped away from my family and friends, just like you, Thraz.”

Noah’s shoulders trembled as his voice raised. Thraz took a step back as he looked around, unsure of how to act at the sudden outburst of emotion.

Noah continued, “I’m doing the best I can to live through this hell. You are fine, aren’t you? So big and strong, with scales to protect you from harm! Well look at my skin!” Noah widened his red raw arms, cuts, and scrapes etched into them by the dozens.

Tears fell from Noah’s face as he stomped forward, his finger poked into Thraz’s broad chest. “Look at me, I’m puny in comparison! I have to rely on such tricks to survive this place.” Noah slammed his spear into the ground. “Go on then, hit me if you must! Kill me!”

Thraz opened his mouth, then shut it, before opening it again. He was completely befuddled.

“Sorry, Noah,” Thraz said and placed his hand on Noah’s shoulder. “You are right, I am truly sorry. You beat me, even with using a trick, you beat me. That means you are a great warrior! I look up to you, truly!”

“Truly?” Noah wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Truly!” Thraz nodded. “You are incredible!”

“You truly mean it, Thraz?” Noah cracked a small smile. “You aren’t going to kill me?”

“Of course.” Thraz struck his chest. “On my dragon-heart, I swear to not kill you.”

Oh shit, an oath from a dragonborn. Noah’s eyes widened. Now that holds its weight in gold, no, not even gold–something even more precious. Noah’s smile blossomed into a wide grin.

“Okay, thank you,” Noah said.

Wouldn’t be the first damned time I’ve had to grovel. Noah spat internally.

“Right, let’s get out of here. But first–” Noah crouched down at one of the kobolds and took out his knife from his waist.

Noah was at first hesitant in doing something so bloody in front of the dragonborn, especially since kobolds looked quite similar. Best not let Thraz know that. But he now had his word that he at least wouldn’t kill him. He knew a few things about the dragonborns, but the most important was their oaths. The pride of a dragon, it was a peculiar thing.

He carefully plunged the blade into its stomach, making sure to evade any vital innards such as the stomach, or more importantly–the bladder.

With the Grace Coins he had earned, Noah had chosen water purity tablets over utility items such as a bag or waterskin. And now he had to get his hand dirty to make sure that he had a supply of water. Although the bladder from a kobold wouldn’t be a great size, it would do for an emergency supply.

“What are you doing?” Thraz inquired.

Krall had finished the scouting and returned. He was first taken aback, but curiosity also got the best of him as he crept forward. He craned his neck from the side.

They’re like cats. Noah chuckled inwardly. Just humanoid, and with scales.

“In this heat I need something to hold water, if not then–” Noah paused as he wiped the sweat and blood from his forehead. “I’ll die within a couple days, maybe even less.”

“Humans are pitiful, aren’t they?” Thraz mumbled. Or that’s what it was meant to be.

Noah shook his head and with a few more careful cuts, he held the bladder within his hands. It was leaking yellow fluid that reeked of ammonia. Noah squished his nose into the side of his arm at the putrid smell of copper and piss mixed together.

Next up was cleaning it out, filling it, then tying it off with some jungle vines.

“Let’s finish up quickly,” Noah said.


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