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Noah raised his hand and peeked through the foliage high up above. Everytime the sun flashed through a gap in the tree’s it would cause a searing pain on the surface of his red skin.

It was a brutal reminder that this place wasn’t intended for humans, or at least not any of the ones from Earth.

He reached up and felt the skin on his nose. It was taught and tender to the touch. Noah rubbed it a little as searing pain struck down his spine. A roll of dead skin followed his touch. The first layer had peeled away. After touching it–an itchiness that wouldn’t go away nibbled at the skin underneath.

Resisting the temptation to scratch it and the beating pain that felt like a migraine under every inch of his skin, the valley appeared into view.

Noah scoured the valley entrance and after discovering that it was safe, they all entered.

Entering the cave, Noah propped his back against the wall and slid down until his backside touched the cold floor. The cave was like a safe haven from the intense sun as relief overtook his senses.

He could no longer feel the beating rays, nor was there constant tension around monsters appearing from the depths of the jungle when he least expected it.

Krall and Thraz stood guard at the cave entrance as they took shelter. They provided a layer of security that no one man could create. He originally wasn’t planning on trusting Thraz and he would sleep intermittently with Krall on watch. But the oath had changed everything.

He could now trust the enormous tank of a lizard, which was reassuring–

Noah suddenly shivered. From his battered toes all the way up his spine, to the base of his skull. His stomach bubbled and something lurched up and into his throat, then ejected out of his mouth. Noah vomited.

His nostrils stung and the rancid taste of bile only wanted to make him puke once more. He wiped his mouth with his hand, then rubbed it into the soil of the cave floor.

Weakness overtook his body as shivers then kicked in. Ah fuck, I’m ill.

Noah opened up the shop.

Common Antibiotics x8: Used to treat common bacterial infections in people or animals.

| 200 Grace Coins.

Grace Coins: 153

God dammit. Noah groaned.

With the weakness, came tiredness. Noah battled to keep his eyes shut, yet the allure of rest was too great.

Keep an eye–out–Krall. Noah nodded off as darkness took a hold of him.


The glistening light from the sun was no more, instead it was replaced by a pit of darkness as Noah peeled open his eyes.

He felt like he had gone through hell and back during his sleep. A putrid stench wafted from a corner of the cave right next to him. Noah spat in disgust at the state of his trousers.

The intense shivering grabbed hold of him like a phantom, as if it didn’t want to let go. Noah wretched, yet nothing was coming out anymore. Just a dry heave that he had only experienced when on a severe night out with the gang. It wasn’t that he wanted to drink, but when the superiors came knocking, it was bad to be the only one left out.

It was another reason he volunteered himself to come here.

He wanted to be free. Free from the shackles of the government, away from the confines of the gang. Noah wanted strength, and for that, this place was the only way to realistically gain the power for that freedom.

Noah growled as he reached for another bladder of water. But it was just out of reach. Krall bolted forward and handed him the container of water.

Is that concern? Noah shook his head as he moved his sight from Krall’s lizard-like eyes.

He untied the bladder and swallowed the contents in little sips. The last thing he wanted to do was to spew it all back up by drinking too fast.

Two of the bladders lay flat on the cave floor–dry as a bone. It looked like he had already drunk two of them during his sleep as he doubted Krall or Thraz would be interested in his pitiful water situation. The benefits of having monster-like stomachs.

It was a luxury that he didn’t have.

A sudden pain assaulted his mind as he clutched at his head in the foetal position.

Diarrhoea; vomiting, migraines, fever, fatigue, nausea, itchiness. Noah was going mad from the symptoms of severe sunburn and the waterborne illness from consuming stagnant water.

Thraz approached and said something, but his words were muffled. Noah barely managed to retain his consciousness, but it was already fading. Before his sight turned to black, he noticed that Krall had disappeared from the cave.

His situation was unknown.

Flashes of home emerged within his thoughts. He thought he had rid himself from them, but they were like a penetrating sickness.

His mother was a gambling addict, while his father was an abuser. Then they left him. Abandoned him. The government was supposed to look after him, but they were as useless as his so-called parents were. Just like always, Noah had to fend for himself. Although it was different. Before he at least had a roof over his head, now he didn’t even have that. All he had was the streets.

Leaving me…again. Noah tightened himself into a ball as the shivering continued. His eyes closed in pain, and loss.


Noah groaned awake. It was still pitch black outside.

The pain was reducing at a steady rate. I refuse to die of a damned fever. Noah spat inwardly.

It was then that the space in front of him sizzled and crackled. Shock and surprise took a hold of Noah’s body as the rotating stone of a Pathway blessed his vision.

He wasn’t expecting one so soon. But if it was because he had held on throughout his illness, then that means…

The picture on the stone was naught but a common one, yet it filled him with delight. It was a picture of a brain with two muscular, flexing arms stuck out from each side of it.

Without hesitating, Noah grabbed hold of the stone.

You have obtained the Common Pathstone - Willpower.

Pathstone - Willpower: With a powerful control of one's will, they are able to endure what others cannot.

Do you wish to accept it? Y/N

“Yes,” Noah said with a weakness to his voice.

You gained the Common Pathstone - Willpower.

The three Pathstones have been acquired, granting class based on current Pathstones.

Noah grated his teeth as he sat himself up against the cool wall of the cave. He was given a large selection of basic classes, ones that he simply skipped past for he knew what his target was.

Although fighting on Krall’s back was sometimes a pain in the ass, it wouldn’t be long before he had a proper mount. Something like a strong, stealthy feline, or a boar that could cause mayhem on the battlefield. With some luck, he could even gain a party of them–if he had the skills for it of course.

It was why he had worked so hard, and spent countless hours taming stray dogs and cats on the streets. Or the time he skulked through the darkened streets at night stealing various items for some spare cash. A loyal warrior was a lifeline, one that he had recently learnt from Krall.

He didn’t want to steer away from that decision. Noah was adamant.

Passing by the countless Paths such as; Warrior with differing armour specialties, Ranger with varying weapon proficiencies, or more strength based stealth classes, he landed on the one section that he was most interested in.

Common Path - Beast Tamer: United, the tamer and beast work as one to battle against their enemies. Command your companion to attack, defend, and protect.
| Stats per level: Str/Dex/Con 1, Will 2

With all the pathstones combining, depending on what class was chosen, it would grant an extra stat point. The Beast Tamer focused heavily on their pet, so with the extra Will, it granted extra strength to the beast.

However, Noah wasn’t all that keen to heavily rely on Krall or any other beast he would tame for that matter. There would come a time where he couldn’t stay mounted, like within a cave or any tightly enclosed space.

No. He was after something else.

Uncommon Path - Mounted Beast Tamer: From your experience and usage of Mounted Combat this specialised variant has unlocked. United, the tamer and beast work as one to battle against their enemies. The mounted variant of the Beast Tamer relies on the natural advantages beasts have and combines it with the user's own strength.
| Stats per level: Dex/Will 1, Str/Con 2

Noah attempted to smile, yet in his weakened state–it looked more like a wicked grin than anything else.

From the Might Pathstone, it gave him the ability to learn an Uncommon Rarity Class.

Now that he had the Willpower Pathstone, it was time to use the Rare Pact of Two Skill Essence he had gained from the first mission.

Pact of Two: Your tamed monster fills your body with a beastly strength. In a small area around your pet, you duplicate half of its stats and add it to your own.

Do you wish to accept it? This will take up a Willpower Skill Essense slot.


“Yes,” Noah said as the heat scalded the insides of his arm, all the way into the rest of his body.

The Skill was like a brand that imparted the knowledge of how to use it within his mind. It was like turning an illusionary dial within his mind, then faintly within his vision, a circle appeared around him. He somehow knew that he was the only one capable of seeing the faint line. It was around five metres in diameter around him as the centre, yet he couldn’t feel anything. No extra Strength in his arms, nor a boost of Constitution that could help him from this damned fatigue and sickness.

I need Krall to see the effects of it. Where is the damned lizard anyway. Noah grumbled.

There was no difference in his body after the new class. The change in stats per level only took effect when he gained a level.

Now that he was feeling a little better, he remembered that he could now select a level five mission–the higher tiered Monster Tamer mission.

Level 5 Mission
I - Kill 15 Kobolds with your tamed monster.

| Reward: Common armour piece.
| Grants Uncommon Willpower path Skill Essence: Kill Command.

Choose this mission? Y/N

There wasn’t anything to think about. Noah understood the importance of sticking with a single mission pathway. It was the difference between receiving world first bonuses. The most dedicated reaped the rewards. He was also most likely one of the first to reach level five, although obviously not the first.

I must have been so close, if not for falling ill, I would have taken the world first title. The thought left a sour taste in his mouth–although maybe that was the lasting putrid tang of vomit.

Noah took a fatigued breath. “Yes.”

You have selected - I - Kill 15 Kobolds with your tamed monster.

Now I need to hurry up and recover. Noah groaned and sat up straight.

Where’s Krall? The thought was annoying him, he laid his eyes on Thraz at the mouth of the cave.

“Where’s Krall?” Noah asked with a weak voice.

“You’re awake?” Thraz sauntered over with his neck bent against the cave ceiling. “Humans really do have pitiful bodies.”

“Yes, Thraz,” Noah continued, “I’m well aware.”

“Your corrupted pet–” Thraz paused before gritting his razor-sharp teeth. “Krall, left.”

Noah frowned. “Left?”

Did the taming wear off? Impossible right? Unless Krall awakened to a mind defence skill somehow… Noah gazed into the dark.

Humans–and other races by the looks of Thraz, were capable of gaining Skill Essences and Pathstones, but it was just the same for the various monsters. Although it worked a bit differently. To the monsters, it just granted bonuses and Skills related to their bloodlines. Like evolving.

“Hey, you said before that you were sad about being taken from your home world,” Thraz said. “Right?”

I guess I did say that, huh? Noah thought.

“I’m also sad,” Thraz continued. “It seems like only yesterday that I was tasting my mothers cooking. Swamp snails smothered in a strange milk sauce, mother refused to tell me what it was… but it is my favourite.”

“That’s because it was only yesterday, Thraz.” Noah said. And god I can only imagine what the sauce was. Noah wretched once more as the dragonborn took back a step.

“Oh right.” Thraz placed his clawed finger to his chin.

You defeated a - Level 4 Kobold.

Grace Coins awarded!

What? Noah was confused for a moment before the realisation hit him.

Krall–You are going to get yourself killed. You damned idiot. Noah grabbed hold of a handful of sand and tightened his grip. His knuckles turned white, yet he could only hold on for so long before his arms gave out.

His mind flashed an image of Krall when he had handed over the water bladder. His eyes, the posture, it was clear the kobold was worried. He could feel a faint connection to his tamed monster, it wasn’t too far away. Krall was hurt.

Is he trying to find me a cure? Noah thought, then grabbed hold of his spear. He sharply exhaled as spittle ejected out of his mouth as he strained his body to stand.

“You would risk your life for a corrupted, lesser monster?” Thraz asked.

You fool. Noah admonished himself as he ignored the question.

“I need your help.” Noah asked the dragonborn that held no obligation to help him.

“I’ll never say no to a fight.” Thraz clutched his sponsored, two-handed axe.

I didn’t think you would, the perks of wanting to shine for his sponsor. Noah thought.

He walked to the mouth of the cave. His legs and arms were shaking, yet something urged him forward. He wasn’t sure if it was for power, for freedom, or something else. But the loneliness of the night ate away at his thoughts.

Noah just knew he had to do it. He had to save his damned, stupid monster.


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