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“Name’s Winston.” He walked forward, placing his hand forwards. “I’m sure Charles has notified you of the rules down here?”

He had a capable air around him, someone that wasn’t afraid to make tough calls when needed. Alphonse was reminded of Lucus, the image of the blonde haired young man making the decision to leave him for dead within the cathedral was burned into his mind.

“He was thorough.” Alphonse clasped Winston’s hand. The gruff leader’s hand was almost double in size.

Alphonse felt the pressure in his hand increase drastically, but it only tugged at his lips. It’s cute, like a little puppy trying to dominate its father. Should I break his fucking hand? However, he looked at Tehya. This needed to be a place where he could leave her safely, and without troubles. The pressure was lifted.

“You have the eyes of a warrior. We could use a man of your talents around here.” Winston slapped his shoulder.

“What makes you say that?” Alphonse chuckled.

“I was in the military,” Winston said. “It becomes a habit to watch the eyes of the people, to see who’s a threat or not. You never know when they could be concealing a weapon.”

“Well, I have no use for a weapon.” Alphonse said. “I don’t plan on freeloading either. We’ll help out in the hunting party.”

“That’s good to hear.” Winston walked into the middle of the station. His voice raised. “Alright, everyone listen up. As you’re all aware we’re having food shortages right now. If you are fit and able I expect you to help out. You know I can’t house people here for free.”

Alphonse watched as the people began muttering amongst themselves. Many of them had families down in the station’s tunnels. They had people to look out for, and provide. The younger people gnawed on their lips and stood forward.

“I’ll fight.”

“Me too.”

“If it’s to provide for my family… I’ll join as well.”

Winston nodded at the voices. “Then gather your weapons, we leave in ten minutes.”

Alphonse stood near the entrance with Tehya. The survivors’ beds comprised cardboard boxes flattened to the floor. The only item keeping them comfortable in the drab tunnels were their sleeping bags, if they were lucky enough to have one. While, the other survivors just had to rely on the clothes on their back for warmth.

The air was also hazy, and musty. For a normal person it would be difficult to live down here. Especially the elderly.

They didn’t have to wait long before everyone was gathered and ready. Alphones could immediately tell who was the main hunting party. They gripped weapons that were clearly not made for Earth. Some of the swords had engravings etched onto the blade. While others had bows and arrows from goblins.

The ragtag group of survivors only held Earth made weapons or tools; like knives and bats. They would be of little use without the proper knowledge to use them effectively. Looking at their terrified faces and the trembling of their shoulders, Alphonse shook his head. They’ll either piss themselves or run the first chance they get. What’s even the point of bringing them? Their only use is for human shields. Even then, it won’t save much time.

“Alright, now that we’re all gathered here I just want to make one thing clear.” Winston stood straight, his eyes peering down at everyone else. “Once we’re out there, listen to everything I say. Your life will depend on it. When I say jump, you jump. When I say you defend, you defend… Do I make myself clear?”

The newly recruited survivors bobbed their heads.

“Same goes for you.” Winstod spun his head towards Alphonse.

“Of course.” Alphonse nodded.

“Okay, let’s go.” Winston unlocked the corrugated metal wall, moved it to the side.

With the group all walking out of the station. Alphonse could already hear the thumping of footsteps, it wasn’t close, but it wouldn't be long until they were spotted.

“We should go that way.” Alphonse nudged his head in the opposite direction of the monster, whatever it was.

“What?” Winston frowned, then his eyes widened as he looked past Alphonse.

A wolf the size of a car sauntered down the street. its eyes, like orange lanterns, peered forward. Alphonse could feel the bloodthirst radiating from the monster. It was a predator that had just witnessed a free meal.

Alphonse watched Winston and the others, curious how they would react. He had a hunch that they could defeat it, if they all worked together. Especially with Tehya’s new legendary class, he was curious how strong it would be compared to Lucus and the others. Maybe even stronger? He felt sorry that Tehya was about to become a test subject.

“Get ready to fight!” Winston shouted, then he turned his head as the other survivors were trembling. “Get your shit together, now that it knows we’re here it’ll tear through that gate like paper. Do you want your family to die?” His words seemed to have some effect as they steeled themselves.

At the order, everyone got into a fighting stance.

“Are you ready?” Shaking his head, Alphonse looked at Tehya.

“Let me guess, not always will I get the chance to choose my opponent?” Tehya smirked.

“Oh, you’re a fast learner. You take after your genius brother.” Laughing Alphonse walked forward. “But this time, I’ll support you and the others if needed. Remember, don’t put yourself in danger needlessly. Working in a group can be even more treacherous than being solo.”

Tehya nodded. Winston frowned as he watched Alphonse.

The wolf dashed from the spot, its heavy weight shattering the tarmac underneath. The creature had a metallic tang to it, wafting into Alphonse’s heightened sense of smell. Hmm, strength possibly in the eighties maybe higher? It’s so hard to tell. My instincts are telling me it's not a threat… for me that is.

He watched as Tehya got into a fighting form. The little knife she held in her hand likely wouldn’t be able to do anything to the monster. Unless her abilities were greater than he expected.

“Here.” Alphonse handed her the spare cleaver that he had within his ring storage.

Grabbing hold of the cleaver, she nodded. The wolf rapidly approached, Tehya dashed to the side. Light exploded from her back, like a halo. The light branded into her back and shot down her arms, the markings were intricately detailed, but it wasn’t the beautification of them that got Alphonse’s attention. It was the power it held. A divine strength seeped into Tehya’s hand, then exploded forth, raking across the dense fur of the wolf.

With a deep gash, the wolf snapped its attention onto Tehya. Fog expelled from its nostrils, it was ready to pounce… and kill.

Before it’s savage maw could clamp down onto Tehya. She lowered her body to the ground and snapped a kick to the creatures’ chest. Scrambling to her feet, she ran besides Winston and the others. Winston looked at her with widened eyes.

“Alright, frontline ready!” Winston shouted, the wolf was quick to react as it hurtled towards them with bloodshot eyes.

Looks like Winston and the others from the hunting party aren’t that useless after all. Alphonse watched as they fought the wolf. Those at the front would block the damage with their shields, while the others with bows would fire in between the attacks of the wolf.

Tehya relied on her superior body to flitt in between the shields and lash out with her powered attacks. It resembled Aura in use, empowering the body. This was different however. He could feel the power of life and death with each attack, followed by a blast of divine power. Such an amalgamation didn’t make much sense but his eyes didn’t lie.

Soon the battle ended in a victory for Tehya and the others. Tehya crouched over the monster as it was struggling to breath.

“Do you want to continue your battle by my side?” Tehya gently asked as she rubbed the fur of the beast.

There was no answer, but Tehya smiled. With a flash of bright light, Tehya sprouted a pair of large feathered wings. Divine mixed with life energy swirled around her, as if she was the centre of a raging storm.

Then, the enormous dire wolf crawled back onto its paws once more. Its eyes filled with life… and intelligence.


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