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Alphonse blinked forwards before they could fire. His cleaver wasn’t even needed as his fists blasted the soldiers heads away with a spray of wet red mist. It took only seconds for Alphonse to wipe them out. It was as if he was squishing bugs.

The group couldn’t hold their bile as they threw up on the floor. Their eyes looked at him as if he was a monster.

“You… why the fuck did you do that?!” The parent screamed, and he wasn’t the only one.

“Th–that was the military. You’re a murderer!”

“You’re a monster!”

“Tehya, let’s go.” Alphonse ignored the wailing screams and continued to walk.

I shouldn’t have destroyed the vehicles. Alphonse tutted.

Tehya was quick to catch up. Looking at her pale face, Alphonse shook his head.

“Do you want to stay with me?” Alphonse said.

“I do…” Tehya sighed. “Is this what Earth has become now? Our own military trying to kill us for being different?”

“At least they’re not sending us to other planets.” Alphonse chuckled.

“You’re not a monster.”

“Huh?” Alphonse tilted his head.

“I’m saying you're not a monster, don’t worry about what those people say.” Tehya bit her lips. “You were looking out for me.”

Alphonse laughed, holding his stomach. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to cry.”

“Hmm, you sure?” Tehya smiled, jabbing her elbow to his side. “Damn, it’s like hitting a boulder.”

“You’ll soon get there. What level are you now?”

“I hope not! What will happen to my skin?” Tehya stuck her tongue out. “Just kidding. I’m level 9.”

“Well.. Perfect time for you to get to your class advancement then.” Alphonse motioned in front of him.

A herd of goblins sauntered towards them in the middle of the road. Their little green heads were swivelling around. Dark stains covered their weapons and loincloths.

“Alright, take a deep breath. Use your range advantage. They are agile and crafty, keep your eyes open.” Tehya rambled to herself.

It didn’t take long for the goblins to realise they were there as they started sprinting towards them.

“I’ll take care of the archers, you just focus on the rest.” Alphonse said. “I won’t help you other than that for this time.”

Tehya nodded. A hint of a smile crept up onto her lips.

Is she crazy like me? Is that a trait of siblings? Alphonse blinked forward, killing the archers in the blink of an eye. Reappearing next to Tehya, Alpphonse happily waved towards the incoming goblins. Their eyes turned red, they sped up as their little screams filled the air.

You know… They’d be kinda cute if it wasn’t for the giant moles on their faces… and the flesh hanging from their teeth.

Tehya got into a fighting stance as they rapidly approached. Her leg snapped forward at the front goblins chest. Immediately, another goblin lunged its jagged dagger at Tehya’s abdomen. Dashing to the side, her knife sunk into the monster’s throat. Alphonse watched her eyes hesitate for a second before she gnashed her teeth and took a step backwards, maintaining her range advantage.

The fight was drawn on for ten minutes, Tehya would dodge the attack and counter, then step back out of range of the other goblins. Often using her leg to kick the other monsters back to stop her from being surrounded.

Alphonse nodded. It wasn’t perfect; she suffered a few cuts here and there, but her rate of improvement was incredible.

The tang of copper filled the air as corpses littered the tarmacked road.

“Should have levelled up?” Alphonse approached and took out some bandages from Tehya’s bag.

“Mhm, twice.” Her breathing was wild, but controlled.

Alphonse dressed her wounds, thankfully they weren’t that deep. They just managed to break the skin.

“I have multiple choices.” Tehya said?


Tehya told him the classes she could receive, they were ordered by uncommon, rare, epic, and finally legendary. Assassin, Paladin, magic swordswoman, and Valkyrie.

“Well, I think the choice is obvious.” Alphonse said. “What is the description for Valkyrie?”

“Valkyrie: Divine warriors that hold life in one hand and death in the other.” Tehya held her chin as she looked at her system.

“That sounds awesome. What’re the skills?” Alphonse rubbed his hands together.

“Active Skill - Valkyries Oath: Sense when a warrior is about to die and make a contract with them. They will be loyal to only you and fight for your honour. Your chosen warrior will grow with you until the day you send them back up to Valhalla to feast with the gods.”

“Holy shit, that sounds awesome! Next one!”

“Passive Skill - Valkyrie Physiology: Your body's a container for multiple energies. Life, Death, and Divine. Your body is no longer human. Grants bonuses to all of your stats.”

“No longer human… Well okay, that sounds a little dodgy I have to admit.” Alphonse scratched his head.

“Is-is it bad?” Tehya frowned.

“No, not really. Your mind is still human, but your body is going through changes… Like puberty.”

“You’re not helping Alphonse…”

“Any other skills?” Alphonse nervously chuckled.

“Active Skill - Divine Judgement: Power your weapon with the energies coursing in your body to release a devastating attack. Attack is enormously increased after sending a warrior to the afterlife.”

“What the hell… your abilities are so much cooler than mine?” Alphonse dropped his shoulders.

“Really?” Tehya raised her eyebrows.

“Don’t get cocky.” Alphonse ruffled her hair.

“What was your first ability?”

“My first was a trait called hunger. I could eat more than regular people.” Alphonse nodded.

“Pff.” Tehya tried to hold back her laughter, but in the end she clutched at her stomach.

“Yeah, keep laughing. It turned out well in the end… Somewhat.” Alphonse said. Well, apart from being conscripted into an army against apostles from the deadly sins and virtues.

As they travelled, Tehya was testing out her new strength. She flitted around the road, lifting up entire cars and punching holes in trees. She’s like a little t-rex. It’s irresponsible to give little girls supernatural abilities. Shaking his head, the view of a towering city came into view.

From miles away, Alphonse could smell the humans within. Along with blood and gunpowder. Walking into the city, numerous monsters roamed the outskirts. Alphonse’s guess was correct, the monsters in the city were far stronger. So it was confusing why the survivors would want to make their base here. What are they thinking?

With Ground Perception turned on. He placed his hand on the floor as an image of people flashed into his mind.

“They’re in the subway. Let’s find the entrance first.”

After carving out a bloody path from a myriad of different monsters. Alphonse and Tehya looked down a drab tunnel. Plastic bags, food containers and disposable coffee cups were thrown around. Looks like that was all here before Earth turned to shit.

The entrance to the subway was blocked by a massive sheet of chain link metal. Walking down, Alphonse gazed at a group all holding weapons. Being startled, they quickly approached.

“Stop there.” A young man walked forward. He was wearing a school uniform, tall with long hair. Given Tehya’s reaction, he seemed to be quite handsome. He was holding a spear, the tip was surprisingly sharp considering the lack of places to get a decent spear. Damn pretty boys. Good loot always drops into their hands.


A High-school girl and a man in his twenties… The girl has a few injuries while he is completely unharmed. Not even a scratch with all the monsters up there, I wonder how strong he is.

“The names Charles.” He continued. “I’m in charge of the watch. You system users?” Charles gazed at the newcomers.

“We are looking for a safe place away from the military.” The young man said with a gentle smile on his face.

He seems so carefree.

“Aren’t we all?” Charles nodded. “Can I get your names before I let you in? I also need to lay some ground rules.”

“Sure thing.” He pointed to himself, then to the girl by his side.. “Alphonse, and Tehya.”

“Alright, I’m going to need you to lay your weapons to the side.” Charles motioned towards Tehya’s knife.

“Of course, we wouldn’t want to cause any trouble.” Alphonse chuckled and nodded towards Tehya.

Placing the knife along with the other weapons on the floor, the metal gates groaned open.

“Alright so first things first. The leader down here is called Winston. He demands obedience, but he’s not a bad man. You’ve got to take command after all, it’s a result of the times.”

“Oh, like I said, we don’t plan on making any trouble down here.” Alphonse said.

Charles felt a chill travelling up his spine as he peered into those animalistic eyes. It was like looking at a wild beast… or demon. Sweat formed on Charles’ forehead.

“R-right…” Charles started walking as the duo followed him. “There is food down here, but don’t expect too much. It’s strictly rationed and only those who go out to hunt and scavenge are able to help themselves. It’s their reward.”

“There he is.” Charles motioned towards a tall, middle-aged man. Fresh wounds covered his arms. He was wearing a tank-top and cargo trousers, finished with boots that swallowed the hem of his trousers. The man was standing over a table with a map, alongside a group of others.

“Winston, we have two new fresh meat.” Charles said.

“Oh?” Winston’s head craned up. His deep-green eyes peered at the newcomers.


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