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Alphonse walked through the blazing fire as he looked at the dead monster laying on the charred floor. Even with the flames raging, the chef’s hat on the demon’s head was still intact. Not a rip or tear to ruin its appearance. Ah good, it’s okay. I should really think before blasting monsters into little pieces. Shaking his head. He lowered himself, plucking the hat from its head and plopping it on his own.

Apocalypse Butcher Chef’s Hat obtained.

Apocalypse Butcher Chef’s Hat: The hat designated to a high chef of the demonic order. They are in charge of feeding the hungriest of the Seven Evil Monarchs, Gluttony.

Set bonus 3/3 - 30% Increase quality of butchered meat. Skill - Butcher’s Blood Slash: Gather and store the blood of your prey and release it as an attack.

Alphonse laughed maniacally. Luck is finally going my way! He took out the apron from his ring and strapped it over his chest. Looking down, he was rather proud of his look. Well, I admit it’s a strange fashion choice but I still look damn good.

Testing out his new skill. The system had already planted the required knowledge in his head to use it. He placed his hand on what was left of the demon’s chest. Alphonse felt a strange source of energy fill his body. Looking down, the monster’s skin was becoming hoarse and leathery. It was sinking and rapidly losing any of its skin colour, it turned to a dark grey. Withered. The skill does exactly as it says, devouring the monster's blood. Then… Alphonse turned to one of the tree’s that were still standing. Taking a breath, red water vapour began rising from his shoulders, like steam from an engine. Slashing his cleaver at the tree a red line crossed into the bark, splitting it in two.

Well, it’s not exactly the best test. I’ll need to try it on stronger pray. I wonder how strong it will be if I store the blood of hundreds of high levelled beasts? Nodding contently, he began harvesting any meat he could from the Butcher demon. With a handy fire already burning, he took out some foil from his backpack and carefully butchered the meat. Cutting it into sections so that it could cook better. Thanks for the tips, Markus. Seasoning it with salt and pepper from his bag, he readily rested it underneath the coals of the fire.

Soon he sniffed the aroma of freshly cooked meat. Unwrapping the foil a puff of steam brushed up against his face. His lips curled upwards and bit into the juicy meat. It melted in his mouth, the juice of the fat marbling trickled down his chin.

Chef’s Kiss activated

Recipe: Steamed Apocalypse Butcher Demon’s Steak.

Steamed Apocalypse Butcher Demon’s Steak: Cooked within its own juices and perfectly seasoned, you have brought out all of the fatty taste of the Butcher Demon.

[ Rating B ]

+30% from set bonus.

| 63 -> 81 Extra Strength added.

| 51 -> 66 Extra Constitution added.

Trait extracting…

Rare Trait extraction successful.

Apocalypse Cooking Techniques: The cooking techniques of the Apocalypse Butcher Demon is extensive. They have thousands of years worth of experience butchering and cooking a myriad of different races. You can now extract more unique passive buffs from food recipes.


Returning back, Alphonse killed a few mutated deer here, and a few stray wolves that somehow wandered into the forest. WIth a full stomach the faces of the group came into view. Tehya was surprisingly dominant, she was currently arguing with one of the parents, telling him what to do and how to make the shelter.

“Everything alright?” Alphonse said.

Everyone turned round, their faces lighting up.

“Yep,” Tehya said. “Just finished setting up camp.”

“We could have travelled further down the road and stayed in a house or something.” The parent from before said.

“I had some urgent business.” Alphonse shrugged. “Besides, camping is fun. Looking up at the stars with a crackling fire, what’s not to love?”

“Yeah, we set up the wood but I’m not sure if it’s wet or something. It just won’t light.” Tehya frowned.

A bundle of sticks lay in a hastily made fire pit.

“You need to prepare logs, not just sticks.” Alphonse rubbed her head. He walked up to a tree and lopped off its branches. They fell to the ground with a thump, which would suffice as logs to fuel the fire. He then split the logs with his cleaver, cutting them into rectangle strips. He then placed them into a teepee formation and then with a lighter he managed to start the fire.

So tedious without using magic. Alphonse tutted.

“Alright, get some sleep. Tomorrow morning we’ll move to the city.”


The sun crept up onto the horizon, displaying an orange haze as the group set off. Much to the dismay of the parents and teenage girls, apparently getting up this early in the morning was a tough ordeal. Their eyes drooped and their feet dragged. It was evident they had an awful night's sleep. Tehya on the other hand was faring well, a bonus of a heightened constitution stat compared to the other, more normal people within the group.

While on the road heading towards the city of Kreson. Alphonse’s ears twitched as he looked behind him. He heard the rumbling of an engine. Sounds like a powerful one. His guess was correct. A large green vehicle tore down the middle of the road. A man wearing a helmet was standing up from a hole in the vehicle's roof. Both of his hands on a trigger attached to an enormous gun.

As they approached, they stopped just in front of them. They were met with the screeching of the tyres followed by the smell of burning rubber. A clean shaven man rushed out with a rifle in his hand.

“Are you ability users?” The military man said.

“Ability users? No I don’t think so, we just managed to escape the city.” Alphonse shook his head, a look of distress on his face.

“He’s lying!” The parent said. “He used a magical ability and killed a hulking wolf with a swipe of his weapon!”

The soldier frowned, but nodded. “Stay right here, we’ll call for some backup to come take you to safety.” The soldier said something into the radio as Alphonse flashed a smile.

Alphonse and the others patiently waited. Soon, three other military vehicles arrived. Their large guns were pointed at them.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Alphonse took a step forward. The soldiers twitched, their weapons aimed at his head. “I’m sorry, but you really don’t want to be doing that?” Alphonse sighed.

“Sorry, but we have strict orders.” The soldier said.

“Wait! Strict orders for what?” Tehya shouted. Then, she looked at Alphonse. “What you said about them is true?”

Alphonse nodded. “I’d advise you to watch, you need to get used to the sight of blood.”

Before Tehya could make a decision, Alphonse blinked toward the soldier. He was obviously the highest rank here, the detailed badge on his arm gave it away. Alphonse clasped his throat, without giving him a chance to say anything, Alphonse’s grip clasped shut.

The sound of his spine snapping was heard throughout the soldiers. With a thud, Alphonse dropped him to the floor. Alphonse blinked once more, his cleaver separating the military vehicle in two. Bringing with it blood curdling screams as the soldiers had their legs and lower halves cleaved in two.

Alphonse looked at the other soldiers with a grin, they were scared… terrified. They raised their trembling guns at the demon.


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