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Astrid hadn’t planned to be struck across the face, especially not from a black blob of unknown origin, but there she was. Hurtling through the air towards her glorious wardrobe, air tussling at her long frilly dress.

With a thud, Astrid rubbed her aching shoulders. Oh no… am I dead? She fumbled around, climbing out from under the pile of smooth fabrics.

Her hand brushed up against a wet spot on her face. The window within her enormous room was wide open. Astrid scrambled over to the enormous jewel-rimmed mirror and sighed in relief at the reflection staring back at her. It wasn’t bird poop… Can never be too careful with those damned seagulls.

Error - System failure.

Strange words entered her mind. Words that she shouldn’t have heard for another few months.

Conditions have been met: You have reached the age of sixteen.

Reading DNA…

Reading personality…

Reading bloodline…

Class selection in progress…

How have I awakened to my System already? Goddess Iara, how dare you forward my birthday without my permission! She stumbled back. Her immaculate, frilly dress she had hand crafted with her mother was now wrinkled and disorderly, her vision shifted up and onto her face… Her previously frigid eyes now had an alien black x scored into her left iris. With a blink, the x vanished.

Astrid was confused. She couldn’t recall anyone else in history having a strange x scored into their eye. Repeatedly blinking–it refused to reappear. Must have been my imagination.

Class selection error… displaying the list of classes available to your bloodline.



Intelligence/Wisdom based class.

The Psychokinetic uses psychic mana to accomplish incredible feats. The path of this class is limited only to your mind’s imagination. This is a mage subclass, all previous spells for mage are able to be learned. This class can evolve.

Class overview:
| 15 added intelligence.
| 10 added wisdom
| 5 added constitution.
| Objects are 15% easier to control and use 25% less mana.
| Damage dealt with mind spells is increased by 10%
| Extra conditions met - Mind skills are 25% stronger and easier to control.

She'd never heard of that before. Her whole family tree had been nothing but Magicswordsmen, because of their bloodline. Why was this going differently for her? She took a closer look. How could this even be considered a list–it was just one! What did extra conditions mean? How did she even meet those extra conditions? I’ll need to ask my father. Thinking about his steely gaze, she shook her head. Mother it is then.

I don't exactly have much choice, do I?

You have selected - Psychokinetic.

Granting basic mage skills – Error…

Granting basic mage skills.

Legendary - Active Skill learned - Psychokinesis: You can sense matter. Connect to objects and matter with your mind and move them to your will. Larger the object, greater the mental strain. This skill is perfect for those with an unmatched ego and an unhinged… Strong mind. Each skill point earned makes using Psychokinesis 5% easier and more powerful. [ Stage 1 ]

In what universe is legendary considered a basic skill? Anyway, I knew I was destined for greatness! Damn you, Mr Edwards. Then her eyes focused on the words in the middle of the description. Unhinged… hmm, wait what? Astrid thought she heard wrongly. Her eyes squinted at the message before it disappeared.

She didn’t care, it was overwritten by the fact that she now had magic! Focusing on her Psychokinesis Skill, she gazed at a golden cup, it was a strange sensation–she felt a connection with the inanimate object. The strange feeling of mana moved from the inside of her stomach, to her mind. With a twitch of her eye, the cup flew, clashing against the wall with a clatter.

I–I’ll never have to grab a cup again after sitting down on the couch. I’m so… powerful. Astrid chuckled to herself. In her excitement, she grabbed hold of a porcelain vase and threw it against the wall. Astrid’s shoulders recoiled at the smashing sound, the vase falling to the floor in pieces. Damn, I thought it was another cup.

Astrid dashed over. Crouching down, she pinched hold of a fragment. Please don’t be an artefact. Turning it over, the images on the vase depicted a city with high rise buildings encased in an enormous air bubble–swallowed by an endless ocean.

Her heart swirled with heat. Now that she had her class, it wouldn’t be long until she became a Wayfarer. Exploring the hidden cities, scavenging for their relics. Astrid’s hands were taught over flesh.

Thankfully, it wasn’t a proper artefact from the Forgotten-Cities hidden down below. But something one of the artist classes had made and presented to them. I really wish Leena would stop putting tacky gifts from the other noble’s in my room as decoration.

More messages appeared within her mind.

Epic - Active Skill learned - Mind Barrier: You can control the matter around you, solidifying it. Excess damage will break your barrier and use half of your mana. [ Stage 1 ]

Epic - Passive Skill learned - Psychic’s Power: Your natural talent and the power of Psychokinesis has reshaped your mind, going under great changes. Psychic powers have 50% increased strength and range. [ Stage 1 ]

Rare - Passive Skill - Psych Domain: With your training, your senses of matter have increased tremendously. You are able to make out movements of anything around you within a radius of twenty feet. [ Stage 1 ]

Rare - Active Skill learned - Crash - level 1: Control a mass of matter at the designated area then explode it with your psychic mana. Deals 120% extra damage. Each point added adds 2.5% extra damage. [ Stage 1 ]

Aw-awesome! Even Kaylan only received four skills when he awakened! Astrid’s eyes threatened to leave her skull at the pretty coloured skills. There were other messages popping up within her head but she ignored them. Astrid’s hands itched. There were skills to use!

Little specks of what looked like dust particles surrounded her in the millions–or even billions–it was hard to tell. With the thought of Crash in her mind, a large section of those specks all gathered in one area, and then boom! She sent Golden cups and rare books hurtling through the air at the sudden explosion.

Ignoring the mess, Astrid opened up the final message within her head.

Name: Astrid Sinwen

Class 1:

Medium Class: Psychokinetic level 1
Upper Class: [ Level locked: ??? ]

Active: Psychokinesis - level 1
Active: Crash - level 1
Active: Mind Barrier - level 1
Passive: Psychic’s Power - level 1
Passive: Psych Domain - level 1

Class 2:  [ Level locked: 10 ]

General Skills:

Etiquette - level 1
Clothes Making - level 3
Clothes Repair - level 2
Identify - level 1


Unallocated stat points: 0

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 6
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 23
Wisdom: 16

While Astrid absorbed herself in her System, a chapping of the door jolted her out from the wall of text within her head.

“What is it?” Astrid shifted her head towards the large, double doors.

“Lord Sinwen has requested your presence my lady.” A calm voice travelled past the doors. It was her personal maid, Leena.

I guess Mr Edwards told father about the… prank. With a sigh, she straightened her dress. Opening the door, she walked into the hallway of her family manor.

“What was all of that noise, my lady?” Leena said with a questioning gaze.

“There was a bug in my room, nothing to worry about.” Astrid chuckled.

“I do worry… I have to clean it up after all.” Leena sighed. “Are you okay my lady? You seem… different?”

“I–” Astrid paused. “I’ll tell you once I’ve survived fathers punishment.” At the thought, her shoulders deflated.

The floors were crafted from white marble, golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling as the light directed her towards the lord's study room. The tapping of her high-heels sent an anxious thrum through her heart.

Astrid stopped in front of two doors, spears were intercrossed above the archway. The punishment can’t be worse than last time… right?

Opening the doors Astrid looked into her father’s study. The smell of old paper mixed with the gentle breeze of the ocean’s salt spray was the usual odour within the room, a peaceful one.

If it wasn’t for a large framed man that sat within a high, satin chair. A scar marred his face, spanning from the corner of his eyebrow, down past his lips, where it stopped at his sharp chin. He was the ruler of the family, Lord Sinwen.

A badge was sewn onto his chest. A large directional arrow over a compass. Wayfarer.

Her mothers elegant stature was standing next to his side. Astrid’s eyes brightened. Her name was Eli, the lord's wife. She held a gentle smile, but her eyes were telling Astrid to be careful.

“Fath-” The imposing man sitting behind the table wrapped his fingers against the solid, polished wood. She wanted to tell him, and her mother all about her awakening. The fact that she awakened early was an almost impossible occurrence, and one for grand celebration… but looking at his overpowering serious aura, Astrid cleared her throat. “My lord.”

“Do you understand why I have summoned you here?” Lord Sinwen’s impersonal voice rattled her ears.

“Yes… But!-” Astrid said.

“Mr Edwards told me everything. Two weeks ago you spiked his drink with laxatives, last week you made him fall by unscrewing the bolts on his chair. And today you decided it was a good idea to act as a ghost as he entered the room… You know he’s petrified of the supernatural Astrid.” Lord Sinwen said.

“Oh c’mon! We hunt monsters on a daily, what’s a little ghost–”


She flinched.

“If it isn’t pranking your instructor, or the other noble kids–it’s slacking in your swordsmanship training.” Lord Sinwen’s frigid eyes descended onto her like a tonne of bricks.

But I was bored. Astrid fidgeted her foot.

“But, the blame doesn’t solely land upon your shoulders.” Lord Sinwen placed a document within his hands back onto the table. “I have been too easy on you so far, so I have a punishment… With the family guards, you will go down into the Lower District and witness how the people down there really live their lives.”

“Really?” Astrid’s eyes lit up.

Lord Sinwin nodded. “Leena will go with you. Now.”

Astrid turned her heels. Finally, I get to see the Lower District! Goodbye prison!

Leaving the study she made her way to the manor's exit. Two guards stood at either side of a pair of enormous doors, the wood was intricately detailed. The ethereal body of a goddess engraved onto either side. The guards opened up the door as the heavy weight groaned. Astrid lowered her head as the sun shone. Leena, covered her head with a sprawling umbrella. It was summer, and the heat was brought with it as a package of two.

Astrid took a deep breath. She approached the elevator and the sight of the endless oceans made its appearance. Stepping foot onto the clear, glass cage of the elevator the rest of the ship met her eyes. HMS Rebirth, the guiding light of humanity… What was left of it. Gardens and farmland travelled for miles. Luxurious houses and manors brimmed in the middle of the ship. Four guards clad in heavy armour and her personal maid followed closely behind her. They entered the elevator.

“Wait!” Eli said in the hall. Her footsteps were rushed to catch up. The guard placed his iron arm forward as he stopped the doors from shutting.

“Mother, what's the matter?” Astrid tilted her head.

“What mother would I be if I let my child go without their lunch?” Eli pushed forward a basket, filled with food. She lunged forward and left a wet kiss on Astrid’s forehead.

“Leena, take care of her. Okay?” Eli chuckled as she watched Astrid wipe the kiss away.

“Always–and forever–Lady Sinwen.” Leena smiled and bowed deeply.

“Mother.” Astrid’s cheeks turned red. Oh god, so embarrassing. Did anyone see? Her head swivelled.

“Just be careful okay… and don’t get into trouble, promise?” Eli peered into her eyes.

“Of course, mother–I would never. I promise.”

Astrid felt her weight shift as the elevator began its descent, the sight of her mother’s waving arm vanished as the lift travelled down, the playful sun rays were replaced by a deep darkness, filled only with man-made white lights.

“Leena, so what am I doing exactly?” Astrid said. Despite the newfound freedom, her eyebrows scrunched together. She was surprised the punishment was travelling down into the Lower District, usually his punishments consisted of a thousands sword strikes. Dusk till dawn.

Leena swiftly curtsied. “My lady, you have been tasked by Lord Sinwen to study the way the inhabitants of the lower district live.”

Astrid cracked her knuckles. Whatever that means.

The lift doors opened. Immediately the putrid stench of human waste wafted into her nostrils. Astrid looked down, water saturated the cement flooring. God only knows what was floating within. She gulped down a mouthful of bile that threatened to escape.

Her lip curled and eyes watered. Lifting her dress, she took a step into the brown sludge of water. Astrid felt her socks turning wet, and the squelching between each step sent goosebumps coursing up her legs and crawling up her back. The one-story buildings were made of recycled brick, single plain glass windows were the usual, if they had any at all. The people of the lower district were wearing fibres across their bodies that could hardly be considered clothing. The cloth, mottled with dark spots and they had repaired the tears with patches, seemingly repeatedly.

As she walked, all eyes were on her. A young boy stood to the side, entranced. Astrid nodded at him as his cheeks spouted a rose coloured tint. He turned his head.

I should greet the locals… I’m a Sinwen after all. Pride filled her heart as she forced a smile onto her face and approached the young boy.

“What is your name?”

“I- Uh… Joel.” Joel stuttered. His previously rose coloured cheeks turned scarlet, his eyes refused to budge from her.

Ugh, he smells. She resisted the urge to pinch her nostrils.

“Joel–it’s a good–powerful name.” Astrid said. “What are you doing standing here?” Her inquisitive eyes met with the young boy’s.

At the mention, his shoulders slumped. “My parents… they’re in the hospital.” His eyes were red. Dark circles formed underneath.

She hesitated for a second before her hand clasped around his dirt ladened hand. “Take me there, Joel.”

With a solemn nod, he dragged Astrid by the hand. Astrid looked at the boy, his eyes gazed at the basket of food in her other hand. “Would you like some?”

The boy took a sniff and deeply nodded. With permission, his hand disappeared into the basket. Nimbly taking out a pastry, he placed it in his mouth. He’s quite cute, but I still hate kids. Needy, smelly, noisy.

As she looked at the young boy a blinding flash of light assaulted Astrid’s eyes. The air around the streets spun like a vortex. It sucked the breath away from her lungs. She felt a sudden jolt as a blast of heat brushed past her body, before a gust of dust and dirt turned everything black.

Her arms waved around to feel something… anything. A sharp ringing was the only sound that she could hear. Astrid furiously rubbed at her eyes. A warm wetness smeared the gritty dirt into her makeup.

Astrid coughed and spluttered, trying to dislodge the dust that had entered her mouth. The ringing in her ears waned. The sound of screaming rattled her mind–a name that brought terror with it. Leviathan. The name buzzed in her mind.

Astrid's tears expelled the dust and debris from her eyes. She looked at the blurry images around the streets. People lay scattered. Blood pooled around them as a coppery tang wafted into her nostrils.

Astrid scrambled to a nearby body. Dust and the trickle of blood made his face almost unrecognisable.

"Joel…" Astrid’s hands trembled. His breathing was faint. Clicking and hissing entered her ringing ears.

If it was the Leviathan, that only meant one thing.

“Astrid! Are you okay?” Leena ignored the gaping wound gouged into her arm as she held on to Astrid.

“Mmm.” Astrid mumbled out of her numb lips. They had turned blue, as if she went swimming in the frigid winter's ocean. “We… need to heal him.”

“My lady, we need to get you back up to safety.” Leena’s brows dipped.

Astrid nodded, a prickling pain emitted from her eye. A hotness flushed her heart. Gritting her teeth, she clambered up to her feet.

“We need to get the lady back to the elevator, right now.” Leena’s voice turned serious as she barked at the guards.

The tallest out of them nodded. He grabbed hold of Astrid. Then, a red light flashed as the grinding of mechanical gears filled the streets. A loud siren boomed throughout the Lower District.

He displayed a frown through his helmet. “The Lower District has gone into lockdown.”

Leena paused. “What do we do then?”

“Find a place to defend for now.” The guard said. “We’ll head to the hospital, it has built-in defence systems.”

A sharp croaking-clacking sound made its way into Astrid’s ears. She looked up as shadowed figures made their appearance from the streets grim alleyways. Fish heads glued to a small human body. A thin layer of slime seeped from its pores. They grasped weapons of all kinds in their webbed-hands.

“Leviathan Spawn.” Astrid mumbled, she clenched her hands into fists. She reminded herself of what her family stood for, the spearhead of humanity. Then, an intense heat filled her heart. The family's mantra popped into her head.

Fight, bleed, and die.

She felt something within her mind crack. Astrid stood up. A black X was imprinted onto her iris. She looked at the smallest of the Spawn, it just reached her hips in size.

She felt an energy well up inside her. The mana swirled from the bottom of her stomach and travelled into her mind. Instinctively, she activated her Psychokinesis ability. Astrid snarled as she felt a tug within her brain, her hand reached forward, directing her skill.

The little Spawn’s eyes bulged. It was difficult to get used to at first, but with a stinging pain, like a needle-prick touching her strange iris, she pulled the monster's eyes out of its skull. Then, Astrid clenched her fists, crushing the eyeballs as pink-water fell and joined the murky river that had formed below them.

Its wretched scream entered her ears, she raised her hand and Crash. The area around its head exploded, and so did the Spawn. The rest of its body flopped to the wet floor with a splash.

This is magic.

You defeated a - Spawn Hatchling - level 2!


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