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Alphonse panted as he looked at the dead corpses of the Void Walkers within the room. The strange internal punches and teleportation abilities made for frightening opponents. Alphonse had to rely on his toughness and durability to lure them in closer and use his magic and beastly abilities to counter them.

Using his highly controlled fire, he managed to cook their body parts within the palm of his hand. It probably won’t give me a very high rating, but it’s better than nothing. Alphonse grabbed hold of the cooked leg and chomped down. Swallowing the flesh and bone whole.

Chef’s Kiss activated

Recipe: Roasted Void-Walker

Roasted Void-Walker: A being that treads on the void. They were born in it… moulded by it. They are interdimensional creatures, the strongest among them can tear open space and use it to teleport to different planets.

Oh my god give me that ability… right now. A wide grin flashed onto Alphonse’s face.

[ Rating C ]

| 64 -> 77 dexterity added

| 58 -> 70 constitution added

| 37 -> 44 intelligence added.

+20 dexterity and Unique skill Force-Punch granted for ten hours.

Skill extracting…

Epic skill extraction successful.

Epic skill - Blink 1/3 : Teleport a short distance in any direction, distance is determined upon your intelligence stat. This skill can evolve.

Blink has taken over the skill Flicker Step.

Flicker Step removed.

Screw Flicker Step, as long as I can bloody teleport! I need to eat more of these damned things right now. Where’s more? However, all that remained was silence.

With the school finally quiet, Alphonse reverted back into his human form. He walked into the largest classroom of all, desks lined up the room as it ascended. A bunch of students were cradling each other, trembling. A rancid ammonia smell wafted throughout the room, Alphonse looked at the dark stains that covered their skirts and trousers.

When I was faced with certain death, you didn’t see me pissing myself… Alphonse scoffed.

“A-Alphonse?” A timid voice quivered from the students.

Alphonse’s eyes sharpened and walked up to the girl that spoke. Even though he wasn’t tall, his gaze sent her back in recoil. “How do you know my name?”

“Tehya… You’re Tehya’s brother… “

The name sent a shockwave through his brain and down past his spine. His heart felt like it was being torn asunder. “Tehya…” It sounded familiar as it rolled off his tongue. “My sister… I have a sister?” Alphonse clutched at his heart.

The girl nodded, her eyes scanning his blood drenched clothes.

“Where is she?” Alphonse said.


“Use your fucking words.” Alphonse grabbed hold of her shoulder.

“I last saw her at the gymnasium.”

As soon as the words entered his ears. Alphonse teleported away, as if he disappeared from reality altogether.

Entering into the large gym area, a thick scent of copper was absorbed into his nostrils. The floor was drenched in a thick layer of red. Light glimmered from the puddle, illuminated by the windows that sprawled along the ceiling of the enormous room. A pile of bodies lay in the middle. Blinking again, he appeared in front of them.

Judging by the reaction of my heart, I should be able to recognise her face. That’s if I do have a sister… Turning over all of the bodies, their horrified expressions greeted him. Some of them were missing pieces of their flesh, others had lost limbs. Alphonse felt nothing. Grabbing hold of a female body, he threw it to the side as he looked at the others below her.

After looking at all the faces, his heart had no reaction. She’s not here. Alphonse took the form of the beasts and used his sensitive nose. The blood was overpowering but he focused on the smells that were wafted towards him around the building.

He took a sniff, a familiar scent entered his nose. Void-Walkers. Alphonse blinked repeatedly as he left the building. Smashing his foot on the floor, he leapt up all the onto the building. His enhanced vision looked at a group of Void-Walkers moving in the distance. They held a number of humans within their grasp.

Alphonse bolted forward, then blinked at the edge of the roof, sending him hurtling through the sky. While in the air his body took all of the forms of the monsters he had absorbed. Landing on another building he blinked once more. He crashed down in front of the retreating monsters. His beast-like eyes rested on a girl that was being held at the front. His eyes widened, it felt like a hot poke was thrusted through his chest. Then, his eyes shifted to the Void_Walkers as an ungodly rage took hold of him. He could feel his stomach go on a rampage, all of his insides and intestines shifted under the pressure. A wide open mouth emerged from his stomach, white teeth flashed. A long, tough tongue hung down. Alphonse blinked forward, his face reappearing like a devil that had overdosed on steroids.

He crouched down, swinging his leg around like a whip. It impacted against the Walker and it was forced to drop the girl.

Alphonse grabbed hold of her and retreated, he didn’t want to risk using blink and injuring her so relied on his powerful legs. He was about to leap up onto a building when a gust of wind was directed to his side. Alphonse turned his body, protecting the girl from any damage.

I can’t escape… Blasting through a building, he quickly placed her down and immediately faced the monster’s chasing him.

A flame sparkled to life within the palm of his hand, he lobbed it forward as an intense blaze exploded in the middle of the Walkers. Alphonse picked up the girl and bolted as fast as he could. He wasn’t expecting to hit them with the explosion, but a deterrence.

Alphonse ducked into a dark alleyway, he focused on his ears. The coast was clear. He looked down, a large pair of beady eyes looked back up at him.

Despite his monsterly appearance she held no outward fear, but he felt the faint tremble of her arms that betrayed her.

“Tehya?” Alphonse said, his voice had changed. It was more beastly than before. Thanks to the forms, it also changed his throat.

“A-Are you going to kill me?” Her cool voice entered his ears.

Should I tell her? What if I’m not really her brother? Ah fuck it, you don’t usually think anyway. With a sigh, Alphonse reverted to his human form. “I’m Alphonse.”

“Al-Alphonse?” Tehya stuttered, her warm palm brushed up against Alphonse’s cheek.

He could feel his hurt tugging within his chest. Without knowing how or why, tears fell. Then, a harsh impact slapped against his cheek. “Wh-What was that for?”

“Ow!” Tehya held her hand, her eyebrows furrowed, but she couldn’t hide the tears streaming from the corners of her eyes. “Why did you leave me? Where did you go? How could you do that?” A string of questions barraged him.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know.” Alphonse wiped the tears from his eyes. “I have no memories of my childhood.”

“None? Whatsoever?” Tehya said.

Alphonse shook his head. He grabbed hold of her hand. “Does it hurt?”

“Felt like slapping a stone wall.” Tehya shook her head. “You really have no memories?”

“None.” Alphonse said. “The earliest thing I can remember is me waking up on a mothership in space, I was given supernatural abilities and trained by the military of said ship to go on missions to other planets and complete the missions and devour its resources for their own gain.” Alphonse took a deep breath and nodded. He watched as confusion was written all over her face. “You think I’m crazy, huh?”

“From one mental asylum to another…” Tehya mumbled. She stared at him intently.

Alphonse looked around, the stare was quickly becoming uncomfortable.

“You know, I always told myself if I ever saw you again I would…” Tehya stepped forward, Alphonse’s shoulders became stiff. Tehya clasped her arms around him. “I… understand everything you did for me back then… Thank you… Big brother.” Tehya’s quiet murmuring turned into a torrent of tears and sobs. Her cries filled the alleyway. “I love you.”

Alphonse felt something inside him snap. His arms tightly embraced his sister. “Tehya…”


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