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“Where are we going?” Tehya’s eyes refused to move from Alphonse.

“Uh, honestly, I do not know. There was a military camp a few miles back, I’ll take you there.” Alphonse said.

“But I want to stay with you.”

“It’s too dangerous. Those missions I told you about… I’m on one of them right now, it’s why monsters have invaded this world.”

“I know, I see it.” Tehya waved her hand in front of her face.

“The-The system?” Alphonse looked at her in shock.

Tehya nodded. “It happened just before those monsters appeared. A strange voice called out to me.”

“Even so, I can’t bring you with me…” Alphonse looked at her puppy-like eyes. He ripped his vision away from her pouting. “Don’t look at me like that. I can hardly protect myself. Let alone someone else.” Alphonse shook his head.

Alphonse made sure the coast was clear. He couldn't hear any noises or smell and scents. They walked back out onto the streets. It was quiet.

“What is your mission, then?” Tehya said.

“To win a war… pretty much.”

“A war?”

Alphonse sighed. “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you once we reach somewhere safe.”

A sudden arcade-like noise jumped toward them. Teyha’s shoulders recoiled. Alphonse looked at where the noise was coming from. Huge sliding glass doors were wide open, an enormous sign flashed above the entrance to the building. It was an arcade. Lights flashed within, the sounds of games travelled toward them.

“Games?” Tehya looked at him expectantly.

“You think I’m a kid?” Alphonse shook his head, then his eyes lit up. “I’ll race you.”

Alphonse teleported forward and rushed into the room. Using [ Ground Perception ] he made sure it was completely clear. Tehya rushed inside, her giggling quickly being overshadowed by the ringing of the games.

“Wait here.” Alphonse disappeared, reappearing at the arcades counter. Blinking behind it, he grabbed a handful of sweets that lined the back of the wall. Filling them in a tub, he blinked back and handed it to Tehya.

She flashed a sweet smile, and they started playing the arcades. By the time they left, it was already dark. Tehya cradled a huge bundle of tickets in her arms. Despite the bags under her eyes, her smile was brighter than the moon.

Alphonse looked away and shrugged. “I guess it’s too late to take you to the military compound. We’ll find a place to stay for the night.”

Grabbing hold of Tehya, Alphonse leapt up into the buildings. Soon they approached gorgeous houses made of white elegant brick on the city's edge. Large, freshly looked after luxurious gardens sprawled across the grounds.

Making sure no one was inside, he visualised the room beyond the door, then blinked behind it. He unlocked the door.

“Wanting anything to drink?” Alphonse said.

“Oh, pepsi if they have it!”

Alphome walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Let's see… Pepsi, where are you… aha! His hand shot forward, grabbing hold of two ice-cold pepsi’s. He returned and handed one over. Opening up the can, he swallowed the entire contents within. The intense carbonation almost made his eyes water.

“That’s why you don’t drink it all at once.” Tehya said.

“Yeah, well, I was thirsty.” Alphonse shrugged. “Now that you know all about me… I want to know what your life has been like since I was away.” Throwing the empty can on the ground, he looked at Tehya intently.

“There’s… not much to tell.” Tehya said. “Just the boring school life. The most drama I encounter is about my friends breaking their nails, or what boys they’re dating.” Tehya chuckled, but Alphonse could see something hidden within those gem-like eyes.

She’ll tell me eventually  we’ve just met after so much time has passed, especially with me losing my memories.

“So, do you have a boyfriend?” Alphonse squinted his eyes.

“No, why?” Tehya copied him.

“Well, as your brother, isn’t it my job to test if the potential boyfriend is worthy of dating my sibling?” Alphonse said. “It feels like I’m new to all this.” Sighing, a flame appeared within the palm of his hand. He twirled it in between his fingers.

Tehya shook her head. “You’ll get used to it. Just like how I need to get used to seeing that.” She motioned towards the flame.

“You’ve seen nothing yet. If I want to, I can make it completely explode in an earth shattering boom! Or…” Alphonse said, as ice formed in his other hand. Then his body changed, evolving into his monster forms. Displaying them all one by one. Although he was showing off, he didn’t feel bad. It felt natural when he was displaying his feats to his sibling.

Alphonse saw her dainty hands clenched into fists. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, I just want to become strong.” Tehya said. “So you won’t leave me again.”

Alphonse took a breath and just nodded. “Then… I'll help you level. You can protect yourself.”

“Really?” Tehya’s eyes lit up like little beacons.

Alphonse nodded. “But first you need to get some sleep.”

Tehya nodded. Soon, her steady breathing filled the room.

Will I be able to protect her? My very own sister… Somehow, this is weirder than fighting alien monsters on different planets. Alphonse shook his head at the thought and quickly joined her in dreamland.


“No.” Alphonse blinked next to the goblinoid monster, splitting it in half. “Use the reach of your arm, along with the sword, to your advantage. When the goblin lunges in, step to the side and thrust with your own attack.”

Tehya nodded. A cut was marred into her face. It gently bled, causing a thin trail of red to trickle down her cheek. Despite it, she didn’t complain. She leant up against the cool wall of a nearby building as she regained her breath.

Tehya wiped the sweat from her face. “You know, you remind me of my gymnastics coach.”

“I take it that’s a bad thing?” Alphonse smirked.

“Very bad.”

“Then you better drop and give me fifty.” Alphonse watched as her shoulders slumped. “I’m joking, now that you’re tired. We’ll face another goblin. You need to know how to fight when you’re exhausted.”

“I’m mistaken… Your way worse.” Tehya groaned as she stood straight.


Back at the house, Tehya lay flat on the floor. Even after some rest, she was still exhausted from the intense training Alphonse put her under.

“Is this what you’ve had to do all this time?” She said, the floor muffled her voice.

“Something like that.” Alphonse chuckled. “I’ll be leaving tonight.” His eyes turned distant, as if focusing on something that wasn’t there.

“What do you mean?” Tehya groaned, sitting up and looking at her brother.

“The military compound won’t take you in now that you have abilities.” Alphonse said.

“Huh, what makes you say that?” Tehya tilted her head.

“I approached one with a group of survivors that I herded, but they denied me access after seeing my powers.” Alphonse said. “So I need to find you a place that will take in people with abilities. I’ll be back in the morning. Don't worry, I won’t vanish without saying my goodbyes.” Alphonse rubbed her head and headed for the door. “Do you want anything while I'm out?”

“Yeah, pizza.” Tehya looked at him expectantly.

“Pizza, huh? I’ll try my best.” Alphonse laughed and disappeared from the spot. He needed information.


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