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Survive the war on Earth.

Markus grumbled, looking at the message the system had given him. He was sitting on a hill of corpses. The fur was soft for such a murder creature. But nothing can be softer than you, can it Mifflepuff? His hand sifting through the snow white fur of his cat companion lifted the corners of his lips.

My family… I’m coming. Deciding he had enough rest, he ran through the streets. His family restaurant was calling to him, turning the corner, and the familiar sight was ruined. Glass was shattered and littered the floor. The sign that used to swing from side to side in the breeze lay on the floor, broken. A furry humanoid was smashing at the door. It had an elongated snout. Its lean muscles rippled underneath the creature’s dense fur, a dark, wet blade was attached to its hip. A wooden, round shield strapped to its back.

“Mum, dad!” His shout echoed through the streets. The monster jolted, its beastly eyes looking at the enormous man.

“Get away from my damned shop.” Markus snarled. He bolted forward, his heavy steps leaving behind cracks in the concrete below. Golden metal seeped out from his shield, covering his arms and creeping out and smothering his chest. His shield transformed into hulking metal plates that moulded around his arms, finishing by growing sharp studs from his knuckles. Although his speed wasn’t fast, the monster didn’t run. Instead, it fought. A dark-red tinge emitting from its beastly eyes.

Markus dipped his shoulder downwards, rotating his hip and pivoting his foot. His arm lashed out, uppercutting the monster to the jaw. He created a dense impact, making a snapping sound as the monster was sent hurtling into the air and fell with a thud. Its jaw hung loosely, razor-sharp bloodied teeth lay scattered on the ground.

Mifflepuff ran forward, its skull separating into sections. Her enormous tongue flicked forward, coiling around the sizable furry-humanoid. The monster struggled, but its eyes were dazed from the intense impact. Soon, the creature disappeared from the world. Consumed by the fluffy-white cat.

“Good job, Mifflepuff.” He patted her head as purring was emitted like a muted bike engine.

Markus rushed to the shop, his shoulder slammed into the door. The hinges ripped off the wall as they slammed to the ground.

“Mum, dad?” He shouted within the room, feet thudding onto the wooden floor. He headed straight for the back room. He noticed it was locked. His armoured hand clasped around the handle and yanked it clean off the door. With a gentle push, the door opened with a creak. A mop slapped his face, leaving chunks of leftover food and the wetness of dirty water. Wiping it off, he saw two familiar faces. Tears formed and twisted into a stream. “I’m home.” Markus’ voice quivered.

“Son?” A trembling voice scratched at his ears.

Markus reached forward, corralling them into a deep hug as he lifted the middle-aged couple off of the floor.


“Where’s all the monsters? I’m fucking bored again. And hungry… dammit.” Alphonse kicked an empty can on the street. The light-metal rattled against the concrete. His eyes drifted to a shop that had huge letters above it. “Super-market.”

“Food.” Alphonse’s eyes lit up. He rushed in as they all you can eat buffet stared back at him.

“Spam.” He picked up a tin. “Canned cooked pork?” A sharp claw grew from his fingertip as he sliced the tin open. Taking a whiff, he began salivating. He placed the entire block of pork in his mouth and chewed. Soon, the entire stock had disappeared and moved onto the next food item. In record time, he wiped out the entire super-market. Nothing was left.

Patting his stomach, he continued his pathless adventure.

Alphonse approached a large series of buildings that hid behind a wall that surrounded the entire area.It was an enormous building that splintered off into sections. Outside the buildings was an asphalt field that had a basketball court built into it. It’s a school, there’s a lot of screaming. Just as he stepped past the gate, glass shattered and a wretched scream followed. A student was flung out from the window, then a wet thump smashed onto the floor. The screams cut off.

Alphonse bolted into the school's courtyard, reaching the student. He had already stopped breathing, his neck twisted from the fall. Alphonse reached the wall where the student was ejected from and leapt up, his hand latched onto the broken window, three stories high.Pulling himself through the window, shards of the shattered window crashed onto the carpeted classroom, it wasn’t a soft carpet but it was hard and coarse like strands of wire. Alphonse looked up as the sound of broken glass alerted the monsters within, they were veiled in a long pitch-black cloak. He could only make out the razor-sharp claws gleaming underneath their draping sleeves.

Alphonse immediately transformed into his monter forms. His senses told him they wouldn’t be an easy opponent to defeat. A flame budded from his hand and encased the cleaver clutched within his tight grip.His [ Verify Weakness ] skill activated, a thin line was scored into the monster’s skin, located directly at its elbow-pit.

Alphonse was about to move forward when the monster completely and entirely vanished from the spot. It wasn’t like Alphonse’s Flicker-Step ability where he left an afterimage, but it was like teleportation.

He couldn’t react in time. A powerful blast impacted his chest, it sent vibrations outward and despite his armoured exoskeleton protecting him; the force seeped through and ravaged his insides.

His body hurtled through the air, crashing into the brick classroom walls and smashing through them. Red, viscous liquid shot out from his throat. His body stopped after crashing through the third wall. The monster appeared in front of him once more, but Alphonse was ready. Although it was difficult, his senses and prediction were slowly getting accustomed to the high speed of his monstrous opponents.

Ice formed on the floor, encasing the monster's feet and then legs. Impeding its movements. Alphonse’s blazing cleaver slashed toward the weakness area that he had spotted. The monster dodged, dipping its shoulder. Alphonse missed the elbow-pit he was aiming for. Instead the blade chopped into its bony and muscular biceps. The smell of burned flesh from the [ Fire Brand ] skill filled the class.

The monster stomped on the floor, shattering the surrounding ice around its legs. Its body blurred, trying to free the other leg.

I don’t think so. Alphonse grinned, his strong beetle and ape infused arms coiled around the monster's torso. His black-shadowed teeth gorged into the side of its nape, with a chunk of its hood missing, its face appeared into view. No nose, no ears, blackened skin that had appeared to be scorched in an inferno. The monster’s deep, abyss-like eyes stared into his soul. Then Alphonse bit down again. Separating the humanoid monster's head from its body.

Alphonse had no time to celebrate his win as another one appeared in front of him before the monster’s fist blasted him away. He spat his stomach bile out like a shower, covering the monster before his body was sent hurtling back through the walls once more.

A wretched scream filled his ears like a pleasing music. Alphonse wiped the blood from his lips as he looked through the broken walls of the classrooms. The monster was teleporting around the place, its claws gouging out its own skin. A futile attempt at trying to scrape away the flesh-eating acid.

I’m getting sick of being treated like a fucking ragdoll. Alphonse’s feet smashed into the floor. He shot forward like a freight-train reaching the monster in only a second. He grabbed hold of its skull and smashed it down onto the floor. The force crumbled away from the floor as they fell down. Alphonse didn’t waste a second as his foot stomped down onto its throat, his cleaver slashed down onto its weakness area. With ease, its arm was lopped off, dark-blue liquid sprayed out like a cascading waterfall. Its breathing halted.

The screams continued. The fact that the monsters hadn’t killed everyone already by now. Meant that they were playing with their kill. Alphonse bent down and devoured the monster until nothing was left.

Void-Walker consumed

| 32 dexterity added

| 29 constitution added

| 19 intelligence added.


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