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Exciting news everyone!

As promised, we now have Live libraries/folders of our Assets, Tokens, Dungeondraft Packs and Early Access available through pCloud for Adventurer ($5) and higher tier Supporters!

These folders are synced directly from Stryxin’s computer, so as soon as content is released it is automatically added to yours!

Assets PNG / WEBP
– Contains all of our Mapmaking Assets, Tiles and Textures in either .png or ,Webp formats.
– PNG files have Lossless quality (No compression) and thus have higher file size.
– WEBP files have better optimization and also slight compression. The overall size of the Webp folder is at least 65% SMALLER compared to PNGs, without a noticeable loss in quality.

Tokens PNG / WEBP
– Contains all of our Tokens in .png or .Webp formats.
– PNG files have Lossless quality (No compression) and thus have higher file size.
– WEBP files have better optimization and also slight compression. The overall size of the Webp folder is at least 65% SMALLER compared to PNGs, without a noticeable loss in quality.

– WEBP TOKENS are also further “optimized” for use in FoundryVTT. All Webp Tokens are now facing south and Tokens that have the artwork going “out of bounds” also include “Scale” in the file name

For example a Token with ” *_Large_Scale200_* ” in the filename has intended scale of 200%/2x of it’s 2x2sq Bounding Box.

Which means that for recommended scale in Foundry, You should set the Scale(Ratio) to 2 in Token Image Settings.

Dungeondraft Packs
– Contains all of our Dungeondraft Integration files.
– If you have this folder synced and set as a custom assets folder, you’ll receive automatic pack updates.

Early Access
– Contains all of our Early Access files –  We upload everything to EA as soon as it’s finished, before it’s packed for a release.

How to get access and also a Showcase/Setup video can be found on our website:


Make sure to watch the setup video!
Because there are couple of quirks that are explained in it which you should be aware of. 





Do I have to join or is it enough to follow your updates here? ^^


Not sure I understand the question? This is just an option, how you can get automatic updates of our content. We will still post all new releases as separate downloads.

Victor Ling

Why did you guys switch to pCloud? I have been using pCloud for over a year now myself and I really like them. However I have never seen anyone else use them. I am really curious why you guys made the switch?


Mainlu because Google doesn't allow you to sync shared folders anymore, they removed that functionality late last year. After a long research and testing multiple options, pCloud was the only service that meets all our requirements


Adventurer Tier here I come!


Will you be updating zip files or offering downloads of the webp files or do I have to use pcloud to get those?


That makes sense. Will you be updating the existing PNG files to all face south?


Yes and No, we've rotated all the older ones that were facing north or northeast to face south/southeast. However we are keeping the southeast/diagonal facing tokens in PNG format since they fit within their bounding box and thus don't require the extra scaling - which many other VTTs don't support and we need to keep tokens compatible for all platforms.


I applied for the pdrive access on Wednesday but still nothing.


Everyone who is eligible get's access granted the next day. In your case, you are not at the appropriate tier. As is mentioned in the very first sentence of this post: > ... Live libraries/folders of our Assets, Tokens, Dungeondraft Packs and Early Access are now available through pCloud for Adventurer ($5) and higher tier Supporters! As well as 2 times on the website, and in the setup video. ----------- If you up your tier to Adventurer, you'll get access (no need to resubmit the form). If you downgrade the tier afterwards, access will be revoked - again as mentioned on the website and in the video.


Ah my mistake I thought I was I've just upgraded so should it come through automatically now or do I need to resubmit?


No need to resubmit the form, you are already in the database. Next time the script runs (~5 minutes after midnight Central Time) you should receive invites to the selected folders.