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Hello everyone!  

It's time to implement some of the changes that we announced a month ago in the FA News & Upcoming Changes post. 

1. Facelift!

We are super excited to unveil the new look for Forgotten Adventures!

We've got a new logo, and a lots of new banners, fonts, and other fun things! We explored a lot of options for the logo and the color scheme, and we ended up going with something that is pretty close to what it was actually.

We wanted something that felt more polished, professional, and cohesive, while still fitting with the FA art style. We're really happy with what we've put together, and we hope you all like the new look!

We might do couple of tweaks on the website in the upcoming days :P

2. Tier Changes

We are restructuring our Patreon tiers - A reminder all of our assets, and the base color variant of all tokens, are available for free, and will always be available for free!  

Scribe (1$) Tier is now RETIRED.
- This means that the tier is now hidden/unpublished, not deleted!  
- If you are a Scribe (1$), you can remain on that tier.  
- If you unsubscribe or change your tier after the Scribe (1$) Tier is hidden, you will not be able to rejoin it.
- The Scribe (1$) tier will retain all it's benefits as it had before, including Dungeondraft Integration access.

Scholar (3$) Tier was renamed to the Wanderer (3$) Tier and will now give access to both complete Dungeondraft and Dungeonfog Integration (when Dungeonfog Integration is finished).

Adventurer (5$) Tier will have access to the pCloud Sync folders ( Soon! - Details below)

The Explorer (10$) Tier will remain unchanged.

The Merchant Tier will remain hidden.
Individuals still on the tier are free to remain.  

New Tiers List: 

Wanderer - $3 per Creation

Adventurer - $5 per Creation

  • All rewards from previous tier.
  • pCloud Sync for Assets, Tokens, Early Access and Dungeondraft packs  ( Launching Next week )

Explorer - $10 per Creation

3. pCloud Sync - Coming Next Week!

We will have Live libraries/folders of our Assets, Tokens, Dungeondraft Packs and Early Access  available through pCloud. These folders are synced directly from Stryxin’s computer, so as soon as content is released it'll be automatically added to your computer!

You'll be able to sync our complete library of Assets and Tokens.

The files are available in PNGs, but we are also converting all the tokens and assets into a .Webp format.
WEBP files have better optimization and also slight compression. The overall size of the Webp folder will be at least 65% SMALLER compared to PNGs, without a noticeable loss in quality.

Additionally, WEBP TOKENS are also further “optimized” for use in FoundryVTT. All Webp Tokens will be now facing south and Tokens that have the artwork going “out of bounds” also include “Scale” in the file name.  Instead of the clunky "Medium/LargePLUS" we used before.

For example a Token with ” *_Medium_Scale150_* ” in the filename has intended scale of 150%/1.5x of it’s 1x1sq Bounding Box.

Apart from Assets and Tokens, Cloud sync options will also include

Dungeondraft Packs
– Contains all of our Dungeondraft Integration files.
– If you have this folder synced and set as a custom assets folder, you’ll receive automatic pack updates.

Early Access
– Contains all of our Early Access files –  We upload everything to EA as soon as it’s finished, before it’s packed for a release.


Because we want to make sure we are getting the best possible optimization (compression without loss of quality) of the Webp libraries, We've decided to slightly delay the release of the pCloud Sync. So we can double check everything and make sure it goes smoothly.

We are aiming for early next week, if everything goes smoothly ^_^ 

4. Assets & Tokens File structure changes

We realize that we just re-did asset file structure at the end of last year, but there was and is a bit of discontent with the scheme we went with. So we've been hashing out a plan for File Restructuring V2 for a while now.

Note: This is for the pCloud/Standard releases only! Not Dungeondraft packs! We're not going to break anything by moving DD stuff around. Whenever we get around to a DD 3.0 we'll deal with adjusting any of that.

Tokens: We are reorganizing creature tokens so that they are organized by Creature Type instead of CR.  

All new releases moving forward will follow the new File Structure changes. The "Mapmaking Pack" Zip will also be updated with the next asset release.  

We deeply thank you all for your support over the years, we hope that you'll stay with us on the next leg of our journey and that the Adventures we had until now wont be Forgotten.

Hope to see you around!



Michael Chester

There don't seem to be any details about the restructuring of file structure for non-token assets. Are those staying in the same place, or was that just an editing issue with the post?


Not much in terms of formatting that I can do in a Patreon post, but I'll be shown off in the next asset release. I'll do a chart of some sort :D

Bart Heird

Love, love, love the new branding! :)

Michael Chester

Something to consider to help out Foundry users would be the Moulinette tool suite: https://moulinette.boisdechet.org/ It has patreon integration (so could be secured to a tier) and will allow users to pull out your images as tiles from within Foundry. (currently I have the mapmaker pack uploaded as a lump on my Foundry instance, but this means that my tile links break when you rearrange stuff if I overwrite the uploaded pack)


There are currently no plans to integrate into Moulinette. We are working on determining how any potential integration with the Forge will work, and will not consider anything regarding Moulinette until after we determine what our setup with the Forge may be.