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Chinese Wall


Mad Men, Season 4, Episode 11

Chinese Wall


Robert Bauman

I think Megan basically telling Don it could be a no strings attached situation was exactly what he wanted to hear. IMO that whole situation started off as her genuinely trying to be helpful, and then once it got flirtatious she made a move (even when he's a mess Draper still looks good haha), and we know how little self-control Don can have. I don't really think she comes off as conniving or manipulative - maybe a bit naive, but it's definitely another potential mess Don is creating when he doesn't need to.

Denisse Brito

I think Meagan seduced him and she knew exactly what she’s doing. The way she talked, the same she moved. She was flirting the whole time and has been. The parallels on Don’s and Roger situation on those shots in the couch was pretty cool. Both ladies were wearing yellow and seemed happy and content. The way they were sitting was the same too and both wanted to make their men happy. The only difference was that Roger looked miserable and Don looked so guilty(at least to me).


That's a good point. Don is guilty as hell. Roger is miserable as hell. You know what? They both deserve it too lol.