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Fiyin Cole

Yes that is sara from The Glory. But yea they had completely forgot their best attempt at getting her sentenced reduced which was purely pointing out that she confessed herself rather than being caught while on the run 🤣


The best form of mitigation for sentencing is always a confession, that’s why a lawyer will usually advise a defendant to plead guilty if they don’t have a very clear defence. I do suspect that the sentence being that short was for the sake of the show and not quite how it would go in real life but I don’t know Korean law so I could be wrong


Yes! She is Sara. And the funny thing tho is that I'm currenly watching a drama where her and the main attorney here (I forgot his name, sorry) are the villains and one of the main characters is actually Kim Sejeong, Hari from business proposal. I totally recommend it too if you like supernatural things and fantasy that I know you do, it is called The uncanny counter. I think there is a point when you realise you have watched lots of kdramas just by the fact that you almost recognise each actor.


Also thank you so much for the story, Steph. I really admire how honest and truthful you are. One of the reasons I follow you and like you both so much!


Basically she admitted her crimes which not only shows remorse but the intention of receiving punishment, and that itself is a reason for her to receive a shorter sentence than her accomplice that didn’t admit her crimes. In the US’ states where death penalty exist you can only be sentenced if you plead innocent and then found guilty because pleading guilty automatically means there is a reason for mitigation in the sentence (I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense English is not my first language and I’m a dentist not a lawyer lol)


since I watch this show with my mom this episode was pretty much spend hugging and bawling haha


I like Myung Seok so much! I respect him so much for the way he handled the confrontation and then just admitted he feels embarrassed and wants to leave


Wow what a heartbreaking family story - thanks for sharing Steph 💜 I think it's crazy how you will hear those wild family stories when you get older and then again some time later you look at them and realise that they explain quite a few things about your family and upbringing


From my understanding, you have refugees vs defectors. People who come into the country from a more governmental process, vs people who maybe bypassed those processes. On the other hand, I know Korea as a country has pretty limited government aid, so I could presume that upon entering the country, they are given what they need to get around and get jobs, ect. But that doesn't make a difference if, say, you have racist (don't fight me on this term, literally speaking, race is already completely gray area and used too loosely, but when you hate a person for their entire ethnicity, that is classified as race, even though it's hard for Americans to understand it that way) racist people in positions of power, lowering the equity of North Koreans. They may not be given jobs or treated poorly, kicked out of establishments, ect. I think mostly, people are sympathetic to N.Koreans, but many feel resentment. They will blame them for lowering economy, stealing jobs, higher crime.. The typical "they are spies! They are coming to take over this, that and ugh my life sucks so I have to blame someone!~" mentality. I'd love if someone more familiar with modern Korea comments with insight. Much of my knowledge comes from essays, statements from N.Koreans, or my slightly bitter cousin who served in S.Korea a while ago. (He witnessed truly horrific things at the Korean military base before there were reformations, and had a wife that turned out to be psycho, so I have to take whatever he says with a grain of salt. So all I can really get from him is that he's seen some N.Korean immigrants go through some shite circumstances) Oh! And while at it, am I right that Choi is pronounced "Chwei" or is it more like "Chewy"?


I'm just gonna comment again because the editing thing is being weird, but I wanted to add; thanks for sharing that story, Steph. As sad as it is, I love your guys' stories and that you share them. It always gets me thinking and feeling things I tend to shut down. 🥺


I don’t think Kwan was intentionally being a prick on this episode lol he doesn’t know that Junho likes Woo-young and vice versa.


Oh no, you guys are making me cry even more while rewatching this episode!! Steph, thank you for sharing your family's story and thank you both for being so open and not afraid to show your emotions with us!💜 Your both so sweet!

Gatha Naranath

Stephanie oh my god that story about ur family at the end broke my heart. Thanks for sharing, truly