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I think we should post an ep of AoT everyday ;)

Caroline B.

This is by far one of my favorite episodes! I can't stress enough how important this episode is for the whole story! You guys catch on really well! You guys should really consider doing more AoT episodes a week, You guys keep pausing and asking questions that will be answered. Trust me, this season gets JUICY! (;


Y’all have great questions and pick up on things faster than most others. It’s hard to imagine y’all can be so immersed and only watch one episode. Couldn’t be me lol Maybe after you finish DN, you just watch 2 eps of AOT instead of picking up something brand new? That way you won’t be too far behind after the last part gets released this year.

Infinite Ree

Yeah, the one ep per week thing is killing me so I decided to hold off for at least month 🥲


I must say yall have some crazy self-control and good memory, coz i remember having to binge watch all of season 3 in one go

Mich Sm

Dang it, steph is so smart!!!