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Dennis Janssen

The sunglasses are magical - we see her Eyes through them but others just see blackness.

Gorge Montoya

The show will most likely give more background on why Riñea and Pursenia now call Rudy boss, it’s a beast people thing. There is a neat little character trait that I always though was cute about Rinea that can easily be missed. Even in the light novels it was a very ‘show don’t tell’ type of thing. Once you know more about beastfolk, watch this again and see what jumps out.


So yeah... Rudy got "a little" carried away in this episode. I remember when I read these chapters in the light novel I was thinking "Umm, Rudy? What the fuck bro?". Light novel readers have been anticipating the outrage for these episodes on places like twitter for a while now. I have to say the backlash these episodes got was a lot milder than I thought it would be. The show hasn't really gone too much into it yet so I'll avoid going into any specifics in case this is elaborated on in a later episode/OVA. Linia and Pursena are big time bullies who terrorised the pupils and faculty of the university for years with their gang of Beastfolk until an incident caused them to clean up their act a bit. Of course, this doesn't justify Rudy sexually assaulting Pursena or imprisoning them without food or water for 24h. Just saying that I wouldn't feel too sorry for them as they have likely done comparably bad things and show no hint of remorse for the things they have done. I don't think they've covered Beastfolk culture too much in the anime. Their reaction after he released them is pretty normal for members of the Beastfolk. Their chilled attitude and calling Rudy "Boss" is because he beat them in a fight, thereby demonstrating that he is extremely strong and so he is now the "leader of the pack" and worthy of respect. I won't go into it any more than that as it'll be explained more in the future. Linia and Pursena were able to beat Zanoba because the Beastfolk have a unique type of voice magic that paralyses their opponent (This happened to Rudy when he was captured by the Beastfolk in S1), that's what Pursena was about to do before Rudy made that cloud of dust. Even without that, Linia and Pursena are very strong by normal standards. Rudy has a very skewed power scale as he's grown up and trained with people like Paul, Ghislaine, Eris, Sylphie and Ruijerd. Plus, he's fought the strongest person in the world and so everyone seems weak in comparison. This is also why he's always so polite and doesn't interfere or press anyone unnecessarily as the last time he did that, Orsted killed him.


There's a lot of context and internal monologue being glossed over from the novel--like how Rudeus figured out that Pursena was about to cast voice magic, not bite her hand lol--but I think they're doing that on purpose so that they can get to the more exciting stuff in the next arc sooner. This arc is definitely more slice-of-life and a bit weird like you said but it should pick up in the latter half of the anime and only keep getting better from there. Also, I love you guys! You guys have great chemistry and always put a smile on my face so I'm very thankful for the content!


Thank the gods for all the Manga readers in the comments clearing up some of what's going on lol I was definitely feeling a wee bit uncomfortable with Rudy in this ep. I've been defending his oddities until now, but this time I was like "😶 nope. Can't defend this one" perhaps Zanoba is a bad influence on Rudy? 😂 his crazy must be contagious.

Hakurei Oni

The episode kinda skipped a lot of context so just for clarification so that it makes a lot more sense: -Linia and Pursena are the school bullies, they didn't challenge Zenoba to a duel consensually they just jumped him and they run around the school attacking and beating students like a gang which is probably why no one cares that Rudy beat them up and kidnapped them. -Linia and Pursena are more animal-like than the show lets on, because Rudy beat them in a fight they view themselves as a part of his pack now and he is their leader, which is why they call him boss and are fine with him groping them and tying them up. he's the "head of their pack" so to speak. -This one is more for fun, but "Nuhni" means "fuck you" in beast language. in the novel Pursena has an extreme potty mouth and basically says "fuck" in every sentence but they couldn't put that in the anime for broadcasting reasons so they replaced her saying "fuck" with her saying "Nuhni". So just keep in mind that every time Pursena is talking to someone and says Nuhni she's essentially just cursing them out in beast language.


Idk I hope they slow down and let this arc cook, it sets up a lot for the future especially in terms of relationships. I will say that so far I have no complaints, some context is missing but nothing critical.


In the novels Pursena says fakku (f*ck) nano to end her sentences, they used the beast language in the anime because of TV censorship issues.


Also, I don't think you realize that to Rudy this has turned into his actual Religion. He isn't joking when he calls Roxy his goddess. When he prays, he prays to Roxy. When he refers to what's in the box as the "holy relic" it is actually how he feels. Throughout all the novels even much later in the series he always puts Roxy on a pedestal. So he really feels like the beast girls desecrated something that he holds sacred. Eventually, his religion goes on to incorporate even more in later volumes.


The sunglasses that she wears are actually a magical implement that the King made Fitz wear as a guardian mage to Ariel. It allows Fitz to see any time that Ariel is in danger.

tracee miasco

do they read these late comments. I hope they do because theres a lot of clarification and insights.


What Rudy did to her is dumb/pointless and he was overreacting over a statue he can easily fix, but let's not feel too sorry for Linia and Pursena who tend to bully the other students. A behavior that can be explained by the way bestial culture works. That's why, since Rudy "defeated" them, they call him boss. A culture where strength/power is respected. So they see him as a bit of a leader of the pack now. I don't know if I'm making myself clear about this. In a way, Wes is right, this is the origin story of a gang. But not a bad gang, insofar as Rudy is going to calm down some strong-headed people and get them to evolve in the right direction, which appeals to the management of the academy.