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We’ve seen Mob’s ???% before when he fought Hanazawa in season 1

Moroni W

There were some extra details in the manga during this arc. Dont remember perfectly but Mogami was slightly tweaking the girl’s personality at points to make Mob dislike her more. When she was on the ground and Mob told her to apologize Mogami essentially thought ‘Wow, even after all of this he’d leave her be if she apologized’ so he made her stab him with a box cutter before the big brick to the back of the head. May be mistaken on this but I think they hurt the cat too


I recommend you guys on watching "Descendants of the Sun" its a kdrama show :)


I hate to say it, especially because I really didn't want to watch the show, but it's getting so good, and I related way too hard to Mogami and Mob, not on the strength to do anything and succumbing to it bit, but basically on how far you can be pushed to breaking if you don't have something to hold onto. Someone to trust even when you can't trust yourself and how important that is to have when you are absorbing so much from your negative environment. Been through something very similar and all I had to look at for guidance was BTS lol sounds so cliche to say though..