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Not defending Zeke’s parents, but I do think most of the Warrior Candidates/Warriors were pushed down that path by their parents. To shorten their lives for them just like Zeke’s parents were asking for because Warriors and their family get to become Honorary Marleyans. They just had a different reason than Grisha and Dina.

Infinite Ree

As someone already pointed out, The Eldians being unable to turn into titans would not stop people from treating them horribly, which is the whole point of the euthanization - if they're not alive they can't suffer. Folks are not just going to turn off their hatred bcuz they're told Eldians can no longer transform. In fact, I think most of the world wouldn't believe it anyway. They would probably get treated worse since they are no longer useful.


Zeke hates himself and wants to spare future children living that way, Eren hates all titans and the only way to exterminate them all is by Zekes Euthenization plan. That's where they agree is that the answer to their problems is ending Eldians entirely. I dunno bout yall, but I don't feel confident in putting trust into people who make grand decisions based on hatred like that smh