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Nazalea Kusuma

I mean, so-hee died. In this episode, the husband basically found out yeon-jin had done that to others beside dong-eun, and the victim died. So maybe that was a glaring difference to the husband.


I find it interesting, that at least verbally, y’all come down harder on Hye-jeong when I find her to be the most sympathetic of the bully friend group. Basically everyone in the group was mean to her and even said that if it wasn’t for their victims it would be her they burnt. She seemed to go along with it for survival and to fit in. While the others got off on it. She comes across as part bully/part victim to me. And being “friends” with them definitely gave her a complex because of their class differences. I mean her family seems to own a dry cleaners. I think her being a desperate social climber as an adult is a direct result from her trauma of being essentially bullied (even if in a different way then Dong-eun was). Hye-jeong learned from them in school how to treat the people below you and that you are safer the more money you have. Which is another reason I think she wanted to marry that rich guy. He would give her “safety” by raising her to a higher social class. Don’t get me wrong, Hye-jeong is still to blame for her actions and deserves to get punished for them but I think she’s a more nuanced character then given credit to.


She sure is nuanced but i sure do not feel sympathy towards her. i honestly dont think she was forced or even coarsed to do the things she did. if they truly wanted to torture her, they would have chosen her after dongeun was gone. I believe she is the same as yeonjin just with a different background. if her background was the excuse, she could have left their circle at different intervals after making enough money to survive but she didn't. Her true character is shown through the way she treats people she believes she has power over. Being of a lower social class does not automatically make her part victim but she sure uses it to appeal if she feels like it will benefit her (she tried to appeal to dongeun with her). Son myeong o was also in her position but no one calls him a victim either To summarize, i think she's a snake like wes said, just a nuanced one.