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It was all finally clicking together inside Panam’s head.
The roars coming from the outside were engines. Judy had dragged them to the best place to get more of that sweet white powder in the city’s outskirts: a truck stop.
It was almost comical that a country that had the technology to usurp people’s memories and replay them for fun still depended on the prehistorical infrastructure of paved roads to transport goods, but Panam couldn’t think about that with the forearm-sized treat currently in front of her.
Stops like these usually had facilities for showering and grooming, but it was more than obvious the gentleman in the neighboring stall had skipped those. His black skin had an almost glossy shine of layers of dried up sweat, and his sour smell attacked Panam’s nostrils, cutting  through the mercenary’s own stink.
That, of course, only made her more excited.
Judy smiled as she saw her pet attack the man’s cock, gripping it tight with both hands at the base as she strained her mouth to fit in that fat, skin-covered cockhead.
“Fuck, at least look at what you’re putting in your mouth first, you fucking slut” added the techie. She would gladly just sit there and watch the show, but a knock on the opposite wall meant that duty called. 
She got on her knees, looking eagerly at that haphazardly sawn-off hole in the wall, but her new partner paled in comparison to Panam’s.
“Oh, come the fuck on…” she murmured, looking incredulously at his size. “At this point, just get an implant or go full fem and get off with your ass, no one likes small cocks!”
One hand was more than enough to handle his entire length, and while she debated internally if she should even put her mouth to work, she watched Panam, whose partner seemed to get even bigger inside her mouth.
The mercenary struggled, feeling his head engorge itself inside her, his thick veins pulsating as her nostrils puffed. Driving cross country while hopped on all sorts of stimulants made the man’s crotch into a breeding ground for rank smells, Panam feeling like she was sniffing the inside of a barn while servicing him.
But even stranger than that was the leathery foreskin that covered him. As much as she sucked and jerked, it didn’t retract. She had to take matters into her own hands, quite literally.
Using her thumbs on the inner part of the hanging foreskin, Panam stared pulling it back, but it felt glued on to his cock.
Lubing it up with her own spit, she worked the head with one hand, while the other tugged at the base, decided to uncover whatever that man was hiding from her.
Unfortunately, her enthusiasm was all but betrayed.
“What the fuck, did something die in here?!” exclaimed Judy as soon as that scent filled the cramped stall.
The rotten smell assaulted Panam’s nose, making her previous meal of Judy’s synthetic cum and very real piss churn itself inside her stomach.
The mercenary thought she had grown used to her partners’ poor hygiene as the night went, even growing to enjoy the nasty pleasure of licking Judy’s cockscum, but this was a whole new level.
That greasy substance wasn’t just stuck to the back of his cockhead, but smeared across every inch of that dark crimson top in thick, yellow globs and streaks that seemed both jelly-like in texture but also firmly stuck against the man’s gland, and some were big and sticky enough to have curly, dark pubes stuck in them like a dickscum swamp.
If that wasn’t enough, his own cockhole, even erect and dilated, seemed to be plugged shut by a solid mass of dried up smegma and pubes.
Against anyone’s better judgment, Panam brought her mouth to it.

This time it wasn't Patreon's scheduled posts not working, I got busy during the weekend and couldn't find time to write the newsletter. Everything should be good for next Sunday, though, sorry about that. And this is the very next section of another preview I've posted before. Sadly, I can't offer more previews of this one as the very next scene includes content Patreon isn't really ok with, so look forward to it on Early Access, or when it comes out on Ao3.

Do you have any piece of media, be it a game, movie, book or whatever that you always end up coming back to?

I mean, there are games that are designed for that purpose, like MMOs, gacha games, online multiplayer games, etc, but I'm talking exclusively about those single-player experiences that are your comfort picks.

I have two of those, Dark Souls and Final Fantasy Tactics.

There's obviously the nostalgic appeal of them being linked to times in my life where things were simply easier, but aside from enjoying the gameplay and other elements a lot, I love how pretty much no playthrough is the same. I've easily beat FFT more than a dozen times at this point, and I lost count of how many DaS runs I've done. There is a multiplayer component to DaS, but I never bought the Remastered edition, so I haven't done any jolly cooperation in quite a while.

After a while, you build enough knowledge to make even the goofiest things work, like Calculator-only FFT runs, or Shield-only DaS runs. I even accidentally finished a SL1 run of DaS once, as I started a new run without knowing what build I would go for, and just went through the motions without actually leveling. Actually, maybe I should chalk that last one up to my terrible attention spam...

Anyway, this topic was brought to you by the constant stare of Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter staring at me from my Steam library as I consider reinstalling Dark Souls for the nth time instead of playing the games I haven't touched yet. Sometimes you just need some comfy bell ringing and hollow killing, right?

Unfortunately, very busy week means very little time for fun stuff, so my routine was basically go to work, come back, help with assorted busywork, bed time. I've managed to outline most of that Sehn x Hilda story, though, and hopefully it should be coming out in Early Access in the next week or two. I'm very excited to get back to posting finished content, and I hope y'all enjoy it as well.

Thank you very much for the support, and see you next Sunday!



I have soooo many hours in From Software games I don't even want to think about it. Fallout New Vegas is my comfort game of choice, even after all these years.


I play through The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past and Super Metroid once every year.