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The half-elf double-checked the now glowing lines etched on the forest’s floor, hurriedly fixing the sigils inside the circle with the tip of her finger. The ward was not even close to an impenetrable barrier - that was way beyond her abilities as a first year student - but it would act as a sentinel, warning her in case the perimeter was breached.

Despite the night’s cool breeze, Seri’s sweat poured away under her travel-worn coat, her heart thrashing inside her chest. It was much easier to get away when she traveled alone, she thought. She didn’t need yet another layer of worry on top of her already very inconvenient issue.

She couldn’t hear the crackling of the camp’s fire when she reached the tranquil lakeside. After readjusting her glasses, laid her cane on the grass and, after a deep breath, let her coat fall to the floor.

The full moon made the still waters look like a polished silver mirror, illuminating the shore with an almost ethereal glow, shining and revealing the half-elf’s body, who wore nothing beneath her coat.

Seri was an underachiever in many areas of her life, and unfortunately that applied to her physical features as well. While growing up, she managed to avoid both the supple grace of her elven blood and the stout and stock of her human side, a much too slender frame with only a hint of femininity on her hips, made worse by her complete lack of poise, unremarkable stature and questionable posture.

Her complexion would be entirely sickly pale if not by the layers of freckles covering her in a reddish tone, matching her long, wavy hair. Seri’s emerald eyes were mesmerizing, big and round, but were hard to appreciate beneath the thick layer of often scratched-up glass from her specs.

The poor half-elf had many issues with her body, but all of them paled compared to the newest one, that thing protruding from between her legs.

It didn’t match her at all. Two shades darker than her own skin, and thicker than the girl’s own wrist, her newfound maleness looked like the result of a badly fumbled body swap spell, and, in a way, it was. The grotesque size went past her knees, and swayed heavily with each of her movements.

She had tried all sorts of negation spells, numbing creams, freezing baths, even tying the damn thing up, all to no avail. Once it hungered, there was only one way to quell it.

With a sigh, she took her hands to it, feeling its absurd weight on her palms. She needed to do something about it soon. Seri had been called anemic before, but she never considered it an actual possibility until she nearly passed out after all her blood had gone downwards.

Every touch sent small jolts through her body, making the muscles on her thighs and butt flex involuntarily. Even the glade’s fresh air made it tingle, but she needed more. Her hands haphazardly moved through it’s length, not able to fully grasp it as they went up and down, feeling each and every pulse of the throbbing veins.

The corners of her vision went dark as it soon became more and more engorged. The thing’s top, covered in a thick layer of skin, drooled like a hungering beast, splashing the grass in strands of its pearly saliva.

Seri bit her lower lip trying to muffle her own soft moans. The monster’s spillage ran down itself, making it slick as it was finally reaching its peak, the previously asleep shaft now pointing upwards, almost reaching the girl’s face, dousing her nostrils in its sour and potent musk of a breeding beast.

She clumsily kept going, her newfangled toy too big, too thick, too bestial to be handled with her wiry hands. Even as it begged for more, she feared for the worst. What if she squeezed it too tight? What if she accidentally broke it?

Joining her hands into a makeshift hole, she milked herself, feeling the contents of her aberrant sack climb up her hole and squirt off into the moon-laden grass, each one of her testes bigger than her own fists. It was sensitive enough for her to feel its insides begging to be squeezed and used further, but she just couldn’t, what if, what if…

“By Alarick’s dick, what the hells is that thing?!”

Like a cat, Seri jumped, all of the hairs on her tiny body standing up.

“V-Vee?! W-Wha- I mean, h-how-

“Honestly, when you said you got cursed, I imagined something else down there…” said the pink-haired girl, nonchalant in the face of that debauched scene, her aquamarine eyes glued to Seri “I even put money on it with Bones, I said it would definitely be some freaky tentacle thing, or at least something purple, but it’s just a… well, sorta regular dick. I guess I gotta pay up now…”

Even crossing her legs and putting both her arms in front of it wasn’t enough to hide it. Seri mouthed words, but she couldn’t even begin to come up with an excuse.

“Oh, you’re wondering about your ward? C’mon now, a toddler could evade that thing… Or… this?” she said, looking down to her own body “I told you I slept naked!”

Seri should have known Vee would be able to dispel her ward. She was a Brandbearer after all, but the half-elf could barely think about that with everything in front of her.

Even through all the emotions rushing through Seri’s mind, it was impossible to not feel a pang of jealously upon seeing Vee’s naked body, sun-kissed and battle-hardened, the human towered over her in height, and her trim muscles made the half-elf look like a dried twig. Even the pink fuzz beneath her arms or the scar that crossed her defined abs only added to her allure, and not to mention that one thing between her svelte legs.

Topped by the same pink fuzz, its heft rested on top of that fat sack. It was big, but it fit her body perfectly, even the peeking red of her covered cockhead was fiery like her own personality.

“Either way…” continued Vee, approaching with curiosity, snapping Seri from her trance “Having trouble keeping your new puppy in check, huh? Having those urges lines up with the rest of the curse, yeah… Though, if you’re trying to get some… relief, you’re kinda doing it wrong” she said with a smug, teethy grin.

“W-Wrong?” said Seri, still stunned on the ground by how casually the Brandbearer navigated the situation.

“Well, yeah, but its a given since you weren’t born with one… You gotta put some muscle into it, ya know? Actually, let me just give ya a hand…”

Hey folks. I don't wanna bore y'all with updates. I'm alive. Things are not great. Things haven't been great for a while, actually. Hopefully this isn't the last you see of me. 





Your updates are never boring, and it looks like your writing is still as amazing as ever. It's nice to hear from you again, even if you aren't doing great. I hope 2024 will bring some improvement to your situation.