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This was supposed to be available yesterday, but apparently I don't know how to schedule Patreon posts, so here it is, sorry about that!

It all started a couple of months ago, when a client of Sehn’s, after his usual routine of being flogged and pissed on, shared a small online forum dedicated to the reselling and auctioning of used garments.
“Psh, so what? I’ve sold used panties before, that’s nothing new…” she replied absentmindedly, until she took a look at the listings.
“XXL girlcock jockstrap, worn for three squat days at the gym”
“Slobby NEET striped panties, worn for a week while I waited for the water in my apartment to get fixed”
“Rave girl thong, neon green, worn for all four days of the event, possibly covered in other people’s fluids”
“MILF panties, worn for five days, no showering, anal hairs included”
The only thing filthier than the listings were the prices.
And who else happened to live with an over seven feet tall oni with the exact equipment to produce those goods? It was too good to pass up, even if Hilda needed some… incentives to get to work.
“C-Can I take them off? It’s starting to get… uncomfy…”
Hilda’s weapon of choice was already a fan favorite amongst collectors of the forum. The boxer briefs kept everything tight and in place, a necessity when you’re dealing with someone as blessed as her downstairs. She just avoided white undies for the exact reason the clients loved it.
Her underwear was white, once, in a distant past. As of right now, the entire fabric had this yellowed hue from soaking in her fragrant sweat for a whole week, making it tighter than it should, displaying every inch of her privates, semi-transparent, showing the oni’s red skin.
Hilda’s big bulge, once packed tightly with her soft shaft resting on top of her fat nutsack, couldn’t resist the temptation of her own scent. Her cock, in a semi-permanent state of half-chub, pointed sideways, almost escaping its fabric confines by the lower part of the underwear.
The oni’s grooming was never the best, and that meant that her bounteous green pubes were as humid as a rain forest, climbing out of her underwear in a happy trail that reached for her belly button, partially covered by a pouch of belly fat. It worked almost as a self-fulfilling prophecy: the unending pubes created a lot of sweat, which in turn made things moist, which in turn created a lot of sweat.
That also meant that her whole crotch area was damper than the rest, drenched in cocksweat and other fluids, with stray droplets of pee that hung to her plentiful foreskin peppered across the fabric. The pains of having her urges unattended also helped with the final product, as she was drooling a steady stream of pre that made the fabric right next to her head translucent.
“Wait a second, turn around, let me see the other side”
With an embarrassed groan, Hilda turned around, and Sehn wasted no time. It was impressive that, even having barely two thirds of her height, the purple-haired girl had no problem commanding the oni around. Putting her glass on the table, she grabbed Hilda’s copious rump and spread it without regards for the girl’s privacy.
Hilda’s pubes made their way through her taint and conquered even the middle of her butt, crowning that puffy rim in a wreath of green, proudly displayed as the soaked underwear hugged every crease of her backside and dyed the once pure white in an even darker streak of yellow that ran right through the middle of her ass.
“Oh, you’re so nasty!” she added with a giggle. Just airing out her underwear already made Hilda’s scent travel through the living room, the sour notes of sweat stinging her nose.
“O-Ok, is everything good? Can we move on now…? I… kinda need a shower… It’s getting a little… itchy…” said the oni, blushing, her words barely a murmur.
“Not yet, the client wants extra sauce!”
“E-Extra sauce? I mean… I can handle t-that on my own just fine!”
Ignoring Hilda, Sehn rummaged through the drawers under the TV rack.
“Nah, I’ll be glad to help” she replied with a sly smile, clicking and revving the white vibrating wand.

The plot thickens. Another section of that Sehn and Hilda story you've seen in Sunday Funday 01. Hopefully you get where the story is going now.

I'm doing a quick rundown of things in the newsletter, then posting a bigger update later so I can reference it, but I've decided where to take Patreon for the following months.

Patreon will stay paused for June. Even though I'm getting better at maintaining a routine and producing content, I can still do better.

Patreon will be unpaused for July with only the Fan ($2) and Admirer ($5) tiers live. I'm not in a condition where I can take more commissions or host more polls, so the focus will be on WIPs, full quality releases and early access. During the month of June, I'll message every patron on the higher tiers individually to make sure they have switched tiers.

I've given this a lot of thought. I know this is an underwhelming, or maybe even controversial decision to downsize the content I offer, even more after the revamp last year, and I completely understand if people cancel their pledges over this.

Unfortunately, the main motivator for this change is financial. After all my medical problems, I've been put in a tough position, and the income from Patreon, even lessened by offering just the lower tiers, would help remedy that situation.

I hope my explanation doesn't come off as a call for pity, either. In the end, it's a business decision, and I can only hope my content is still enticing enough to keep your support even after the changes go through.

Kinda hard to transition to fun stuff after talking about financial problems, but hey, did you see that Dungeon Meshi had an anime announced?

Dungeon Meshi is one of the few manga I tried to keep up with before I started reading weekly chapters, even if I let chapters pile up for a bit. It has a great premise and is just extremely funny, both from a writing and art perspective. What got me into it were crops of Marcille's face being used as reaction images, too.

Back in 2019, Trigger animated an ad for the newest volume, and I could only dream of them picking up the whole thing. I guess that dreams sometimes become reality, cause it's really happening.

I would definitely recommend checking at least the first few chapters, then yell at me if you end up disliking it (you won't).

Thank you again for your continued support, folks, and see y'all next week.


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