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Each generation had its own dreams. Some dreamed to expand beyond what they saw. Others desired to cross the oceans, or to be like the birds and fly freely in the skies. And in his generation, they wanted to touch the stars. And now, a thousand years late, Smith was doing that. He and his men were seated quickly, some force field keeping them in place. While it did keep him and his men seated, a part of him felt it was inadequate for some reason. Perhaps a seatbelt would be fine? Not that it was going to go and keep him fully secure considering the bulky armor he wore. 

The ship shuddered, his stomach rolled as the ship's engines roared to life. For its sharpness, it gave to Smith a flimsy feeling of fragility. He was wrong on that account however. 

"The Swan is a prototype stealth vessel, sir," Camille opened up. The android had seated herself across him, her eyes placed sorely at him. "It is also the fastest. If ever we come into contact with any machine units, we can simply outrun them or evade them." 

"No armaments?" Smith asked.

Camille shook her head. "No, we do. Some light batteries but only for dealing with light machine units. Anything heavier and we are gone." 

"YoRHa has had no issue with sending their units down here," Smith pointed out. 

"Most of the time, it is the Ho.229 flight units. They are fast, nimble, and really far from the priority for machine batteries. They only really get contested when they enter airspace near machine facilities. Vessels such as this one tend to be intercepted," Camille explained. 

"Is that why there's such a long delay with transporting the civilians with me?" Smith asked with a raised eyebrow. "Ya'll trying to find a way to get my people off with the machine's in mind? Actually, what can you tell me of this station we are visiting?" 

"Station 13 was one of the latest space platforms we had constructed. It is relatively new and was itself in the middle of a retrofit when you were discovered. Instead of tools, we have been doing our best to make it livable and comfortable, hence the Council asking for your presence to inspect it," Camille explained further. Her voice was tinged with nervousness. Smith's approval meant a lot to her, it would seem. Like every typical android. 

"I will have to see it for myself," Smith nodded, already listing off the standard requirements for their living. He was pretty sure that the androids knew what they were doing. As far as he had seen, they had a good grasp of the needs of humans. Anemone and White had done their best tending to the needs of his people and they were on the ground. With the full arsenal of the Army of Humanity, he was confident in their ability to provide. He would have to tell her this. 

"As far as my experience went, your people have done much to provide mine. I am confident in your abilities and that of your fellow councillors, Miss Camille," Smith said with a smile. As expected, Camille smiled bashfully. Smith noted that she physically shivered, like how a music fan would react to meeting their favourite idol. She let that feeling go through her for awhile before composing herself, clearing her throat. 

"T-thank you, sir." Camille said, clearing her throat. "W-we do our best." 

As the two leaders spoke and chatted, their soldiers glanced at one another. Damian and his squad in their blocky armor compared to the elegant Prussian styled uniforms of their android counterparts. But despite their clear historical gap, Damian had to admit however between the two, the androids looked snazzier. The color of the uniform didn't matter however. The most important thing was skill. 

"Who's your CO?" Damian asked suddenly. The androids, each one of whom sported veteran looks, blinked at the sudden question. He resisted the urge to laugh. Ever since they settled in, the androids had been quietly keeping to themselves and just stared at him and his squad. Bertha waved at them to come to them but still, they stayed in their corner. 

"I am, sir," a brown haired android answered. Damian turned to see him stride forward, a impressive handlebar moustache on his face. The android quickly saluted him. "Sergeant Raptor, sir. 75th Berlin Rifles." 

"Berlin Rifles, ey?" Bertha quickly spoke up, her face covered by her helmet. In fact, all of them wore it sans the Colonel, his helmet seated on the table he and Camille were chatting at. "What's Berlin looking like right now?" 

Raptor turned to her, his expression was pained. "It...it is not good, ma'm. Machine units control most of the city. The Reichstag is under machine hands. You cannot go anywhere without machine snipers shooting you." 

"Ah," Bertha said. Even despite her helmet, Damian felt her expression morph into a frown. "These fuckers are just everywhere, eh?" 

"Quite so," Raptor nodded. "Europe is a battleground mostly held by machines. It's not a total loss however!" he quickly interjected, sensing the downed mood of Bertha. 

"Oh?" Bertha perked up. Raptor bid one of his soldiers to come forward with a map. Damian nearly laughed at that. Androids far advanced than anything he had seen and they carry maps with them. It made sense, he supposed. Paper does not get hacked after all. Opening the map, Raptor twisted it around. The UN troopers glanced at it and saw it was a map of Europe. From his seat, Spirit hitched a breath. 

"Paris, Madrid, Lisbon..." Raptor began listing it off. "All under machine control." 

Damian scanned it quickly. "And from what you told us, Berlin is contested?" 

He nodded. "Yes, sir. Rome, Berlin, Geneva. It's a bit of a stretch to say that Central Europe is sort-of our territory but we managed." 

"Geneva is contested?" Spirit suddenly asked. Eyes turned to him. The Swiss Trooper had nearly gotten out of his chair. Aware of the attention, he slowly sat back. "Yes sir, Geneva is being contested right now. It's a push and pull. One day, areas of cities are ours. The next, the machines take it back. It's been like this as far as I remember. But...with you all here....things are bound to change," Raptor ended, his voice hopeful. 

"And they will, we promise you that, Sergeant," Bertha nodded, her voice a firm vow. "These machines will regret ever coming to Earth, yeah? It's going to be just like Independence Day!" 

"Independence Day?" Raptor asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Some cheesy movie way back then," Damian interjected. "A bunch of aliens show up and blow Earth's cities, humanity unites and beats back the aliens." His voice was matter-of-factual. Damian had seen the movie in theatres and he had to admit that while it was a campy summer blockbuster, it was an epic campy blockbuster.

"A movie...?" Raptor said the word slowly. "What is a...movie?" 

"Ya'lls don't know what a movie is?" Bertha asked, bemused. Upon seeing the blank looks on their faces, she resisted the urge to sigh. Damn the machines for not letting these androids experience life. 

"Tell you what. When this is all over, we all can watch Independence Day. I think I have some tapes left at the bunker. What do ya'll think?" Damian offered. 

"Oh, definitely!" Bertha enthused. She turned to Raptor. "You and your lads can come watch with us!" 

Raptor blinked at the enthusiasm present on the humans. Despite their helmets, they all just brimmed with life. He had to admit that he had no idea how they were going to be like and being told that he and his squad were going to accompany the Councillor down to meet them way before the others...after thousands of years of not seeing them....

"We'd be honored, sir." Raptor smiled, after such a long time. 

Then just as she was going to speak more, the ship's intercom blared to life. "This is your captain speaking. We have left the atmosphere and the space station is in sight. If you would like to see it, I am opening the windows for you all to get a view of space. Thank you, and I hope you've enjoyed the cruise." 

"Oh this, we have to see!" Bertha announced for the group. "Where's the nearest window?" 

As if on cue, metal panels began to slide open, revealing glass. Excitedly, Bertha stood up and quickly strode over to it. The others followed, slowly and tentatively. Damian strode close and saw...heaven. 

Like a thousand twinkling lights that shone in the darkness, the stars blazoned with glowing light. Thousands upon thousands of gentle brightness. The distant purple and green nebulas, the shining pearl glow of far galaxies. The ship lurched slightly, turning. A gasp left him as he saw...home. Earth...Terra...Gaia, hundreds of names went through his head but only one stayed permanent. 

"Beautiful," Damian whispered. 

The planet was brighter than Damian could remember. He saw the landmasses of the planet, brimming with life. White puffy clouds that seemed like kingdoms in the sky, the deep blue ocean so bright and flowing. He saw mountains, hills, and plains. Damian's eyes feasted on a cornucopia that mankind had dreamt of seeing since its inception. The seas and the islands, the peninsulas and other monuments of the planet. 

From where she stood, Bertha quietly cried. 

"Would you look at that...I can see home from here!" Hummus grinned excitedly, the arid sands of the Middle East in full view. "Ibrahim, it's home!" 

"I can see that, Aaron," Falafel said quietly, his eyes beholden to the smorgasbord of Earth. 

"Home..." Spirit whispered. 

Damian each felt their emotions deeply. This...this was their home. Their planet. He...didn't really consider himself sentimental by any means but seeing this...maybe he was becoming that. And seeing their planet like this...why would he not fight for it? 

"We are turning now into the Space Station. If you look to your right, you will see it," Camille suddenly spoke from behind them. They all turned, Smith and the councillor standing close together. Smith was smiling, his eyes twinkling in delight as he too saw what they were seeing. 

Damian followed the councillor's advice and turned back to see what would be humanity's new home for the meantime. 

"Holy shit," he swore. 

The space station was massive, like a giant redoubt in the heavens. It stretched far, its base was circular with three great towers, and its upper body turning thinner and thinner. In the light, it looked either white or silver, Damian couldn't really tell. He had to admit that a part of it looked like it was a rocket ready to be fired or a cannon. 

A giant Star Rail. 


A/N: Sorry about the lateness. Something important happened IRL and it knocked me out of writing for awhile. But now I am back and this chapter is just a massive Honkai reference.


SX3 Fighter

The building is no longer called the Reichstag. After ww2 we started calling it the bundestag