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2B opened her eyes. 

The light settled quickly, her android body not needing any time to 'wake up' as a human did. She could spring to action should the situation call for it but she found little need to. She would do anything, give anything to make the moment in her arms last a little bit longer. Lying on her side, a tuft of white hair dominated her vision, his chest rose and fell softly. 

The moment they shared played in her mind. Over and over again, how hot his touches were, how soft and tender he was in making her feel so good. The way 9S just worshipped her body and made the high of combat look tame compared to the intensity of his love. 


Right now, 2B still didn't understand it as deeply as she would have liked. Love wasn't something tangible with instructions and guidance. There were no blueprints for it, no plans for her to form a basis for strategy. It....it simply was and something for her and 9S to navigate together, whatever pitfalls may come their way. Their blindfolds had long since been gone, placed at the side. Here, she would rather see 9S with her own two eyes instead of seeing them through the tint of her blindfold. 

She felt she saw things clearer now without such a thing around her eyes. She knew that practically, it was nothing more but a piece of equipment that helped her in combat but even 2B wasn't obtuse enough to not see the symbolism errant with something covering her eyes. 

Every single decision she had made, it was made for the benefit of YoRHa and for the goal of furthering the aims of humanity. 

But now, here, the choice she had made was hers and hers alone. 

Was this what freedom felt like? 

If so...it felt...good. 


The battle-model glanced down and was beheld to twin blue orbs, much like hers. "9S," 2B's voice was soft, like the breeze in the early morning. 

"You're....you're still here. I thought I was in a dream," 9S chuckled boyishly, his laugh piercing 2B's senses with the caress of a lover's kiss. Her inner core swelled. 

"It wasn't a dream. It was real," 2B replied, her hand placed directly against 9S's soft cheek. Was he always this soft? 

"Thank goodness. I would have given everything to get that dream back," 9S replied. For some reason, her cheeks felt warm. 9S would do anything for that dream to come back to him? 2B presented herself as stoic, firm but damn this boy for making her feel so warm and giddy and...and....

She took a breath. 

"Well," 2B cleared her throat, eyeing the very interesting wall ahead of them. "Keep on being a good boy and maybe, just maybe, it could happen again." 

The battle-model gasped as 9S leaned in, snuggling against her chest, as a puppy would show affection to their beloved owner. Then, he glanced up at her, smiling wide and eyes twinkling with the brightness of stars. "Aren't I a good boy already?" he whispered tenderly. 

"A-ah," 2B was at a lost for words at his boldness. Her cheeks felt warmer than a sauna, hotter than the kiss of the desert sun. 9S showed nothing but innocence and submission, but his submission did not feel like surrender but an attempt at dominance. 

This could not be. 

"Y-you, Nines, you cannot jus-" 2B stammered, trying to regain control of herself. A soft moan left her lips as 9S leaned in, exhaling against her skin. 

"Calling me Nines now, 2B?" he whispered again into her ear, his voice just so soft it was like caressing her ears. Her legs grinded together, the tight sensation sending a wave of pleasure coursing through her body. She gasped again, feeling his hands snake on her stomach, twiling circles on her expose belly. "N-nines," 2B gasped, her breaths steamed and hot. She moaned again, 9S's teeth biting against her neck, his tongue following. Her back arched as his hand, smooth as silk, snaked down and forcibly opened her legs. "Ah~!" shivered 2B as his fingers found her clit. She was hard there already, and sensitive. 

His teeth left her neck, finding this time her earlobe. Her left hand, free to do as it wished, wrapped around her breast. 2B squeezed, moaning gently as 9S's fingers ran circles around her clit, pressing and flicking her sensitive nub. "Ah~! Nines!" 2B's moans picked up as 9S pleasured her hungry body. She felt him harden at her side, his cock a pressure against her hips. How she wished for 9S to just take that and insert it inside her, how she desired him to take her again as he did before. 

But 9S controlled himself, continuing on in his pleasuring of her nub, settling onto a pace that just drove 2B wild. 

"I'm going to-!" 2B found herself gasping, not knowing what to say on what that sensation was. Only that it was going to feel so good. Her moans bounced against the walls of the room, loud and primal. Her desires left her lips freely as 9S brought her to the brink. She felt it, swelling inside of her. She was close. So close. So so so so close!

"N-NINES!" was 2B's cry as her back arched again, sheer pleasure rolling through her as she came, her climax forcing itself out of her core and body. Her tongue lolled out of her cherry red lips, saliva dripping down on her chest and skin. Her breaths were heavy and greedy as she settled on the bed, her inner core settling into the motions of calming down. She turned to look at 9S who had leaned in and took her mouth with his. 

A few minutes later, 2B sighed in bliss as she held 9S in her hands, his head nuzzled against her. 

"2B?" 9S perked up. Still in the haze of her orgasm, 2B looked up. "Mm?" 

He then whispered three words to her. Words that would turn a man into a demon to protect what they held dear. What would make any girl flutter and fly higher than what the birds could. Words that pierced 2B deeply, and sweetly. "I love you," 9S whispered. 

Her lack of a physical heart meant nothing to 2B. She felt herself skip a beat. Embracing tightly the smaller scanner, she whispered it back, sincerity and earnestness swelling from her core. "I love you too,"

Together they lulled in their embrace, their own little world the only thing that mattered to them. They stayed quiet, merely letting each other listen to their breaths, their sighs, the sweeling of the black boxes. 

"2B...what...what if Command tells us to stop? Relationships are forbidden, after all." 9S asked, glancing up at her. 

2B considered this. Emotions were prohibited. Relationships were frowned upon especially between members. But this was her choice. And that was the only thing that mattered. After a long life of constant unhappiness, of doing things that made her hate herself. She deserved this. And she wasn't going to give this up. 

"They'll have to go through me," 2B vowed, her words firm and sharp as Virtuous Contract's steel. That answer seemed to mollify 9S who chuckled. "And they me. I wouldn't give this or you up for anything." 

It was then the door swung open, the click of the automatic lock loosening. It opened with a creak as 12H walked in. "2B! 9S! Where are you guys! We got a mission to d-" Her speech died in her throat as she walked in, the stares of 2B and 9S levelled her way. Sagelike wisdom crept on her face. 

"Ah," 12H said, slowly closing the door. "I just remembered that Miss Anemone needed help with something-okay, seeyoulaterandbye!" 

The door slammed shut, leaving 2B and 9S to awkwardly stare at the door before turning to each other. The absurdity of the situation settled quickly and soon, their laughter echoed in the walls. 


A/N: I woke up and wanted cookies. Let me share this with you guys.


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