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Space was the final frontier where humanity had not yet conquered. If the stars were ever in mankind's reach, it would be run dry as the rivers and the forests were. Smith had a fascination of the heavens as some had during the twilight of America's attempts at breaching the skies. Indeed, he had wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up but circumstances landed him in the Army instead of the Air Force. But now, he and Damian's little band were going to be carrying the dreams of humanity into space. 

YoRHa had directed them to a designated landing site in the desert. It would have been easier if they just landed right by the outpost but keeping the place hidden was a primary concern. Honestly, it was a frank miracle that the outpost hadn't been found by the network yet but then again, the sands covered much and shifted in its embrace. 

"Ah, this is just like home," Falafel commented as his squad and Smith strode the sands, their eyes settled on Eden in the desert. YoRHa had directed them to a oasis manned by their soldiers. Frankly, Smith had to admit that it was rather picturesque from how the water seemed so cool and bubbly under the baking sun. Water had to be a prized commodity for the androids operating in the desert. He could imagine how hot it was for them. 

"What do you mean just like home," Hummus shook his head with a whir. "You grew up in Cairo, not the desert." 

"Ey, come on, don't ruin this for me," Falafel shot back. Smith snorted under his helmet as their party strode closer. The androids had seem them arrive and were quickly running into formation to greet them. Not that it was hard to miss them considering how noisy the Marauder was with its servo whirring, heavy stomping and Damian's squad just being chatty. Smith bid the men to pipe down as they came close. A YoRHa trooper walked up, presenting Smith with a swift salute, an open palm over her chest. 

"Welcome to the Oasis, Colonel! We are at your disposal until the Army of Humanity picks you and your men up. Till then we are happy to host you all." greeted the YoRHa soldier. "My name is 35D and this is my outpost. Glory to Mankind!" 

"Glory to Mankind!" echoed the other YoRHa troopers gleefully. Smith returned the salute, an armored palm to the brow of his head. Smith let it simmer before opening up. 

"A pleasure to have you host us, 35D. We are in your care," said Smith. 35D offered him a smile then turned back to her assembled androids. "Alright! Back to work!" she barked out, earning disappointed groans from her fellow androids. Smith had likened their protest to a kindergarten of children being told that there was no more candy. Shaking her head, 35D turned back to Smith. 

"The ship's going to arrive at any minute now, Colonel. If I may, I suggest for you all to stand ready," 35D advised him. 

Smith nodded, letting himself relax slightly. There was a joke here about trains running on time but he kept that shut. "I suppose we'll know when the ship will come." 

"You will," 35D nodded. "Until then, may I offer you and your men anything? Drinks? Food? We don't really have much but er, some boar that was dried." 35D flushed slightly, embarrassed at having little to give the men. 

"Don't worry about it, we're not hungry. Thank you for offering, 35D." Smith said diplomatically. 

"I'm sorry about that. But is there really nothing I can do for you all?" 35D attempted again, eager to make herself useful for the humans. Smith felt bemusement creep on his lips. Every single android he had met had all done the same thing. She looked disappointed at that, clearly wanting to prove herself to them. 

"So, an oasis. What function does this place o for YoRHa? I seem to recall 12H saying that YoRHa doesn't really spend much time in the desert nor does the Resistance," Damian spoke up, his eyes glued to the mixmash of equipment hidden under the shade of palm trees. 

"Well, we are here for the oasis, sir." 35D answered, happy that she was answering a human's question. "That oasis provides clear water for not just YoRHa but also for the Resistance. This also functions as a listening outpost to monitor the desert machines, be a safe haven for any androids lost in the desert as well as keep an eye out for the desertification of the region. YoRHa's gotta make sure that the desert stays here and not advance too far." 

"Important work," Smith surmised. 

"Quite though some of my colleagues believe this place to be a waste of time," 35D snorted derisively. She then perked up. "Speaking of time, the ship is here, sir." 

"Ship? Where?" Smith blinked, confused. 35D took a step forward and pointed upward. The humans turned as one and were beheld to a blade cutting through the heavens. Fire burnt in the sky as a massive grey shape shimmered out of reality. Defying heaven and the natural constraints of reality, the ship descended from the sky. Smith likened it to a bird of prey, with outstretched angular wings and visible talon like weapons. The ship was sleek, the cry of its engines a gentle breeze compared to the roar of a Yggdrasil. It kept aloft in the air before landing overhead. 

Damian whistled. "Wow! They do know how to make an entrance, I'll give them that."  

Smith shook his head. It was time to go and board the thing. The ship gently lowered itself on the sand and landed with a thud. As he strode forward to it, a ramp opened in its rear and kissed the sand. From it poured out...

He had to do a double take. 

Androids rushed forth, all clad in Prussian style uniforms harking back to the Franco-Prussian War, pickelhaubes and all. Drilled in the Prussian fashion, they stood before the ramp. Their officer held out a ceremonial sabre, pressed it against their nose first then at the side. "Present, arms!" 

Rifles clacked cleanly and smoothly against their shoulders. 

"Holy shit, Spirit. They're Germans. Feels like home, huh?" Damian teasingly asked their irate and grumpy squad member. 

"With all due respect, I am Swiss," shot back Spirit. "The Germans are posers. We started it all with our mercenaries. They merely copied our professionalism." 

The two then quieted down as a new android descended from the steps. She was tall and blonde, a Hussar's uniform clad around her frame and the signature Hussar shako atop her blonde hair. On it, Smith noted grimly, was a human skull and crossbones. The android walked with purpose, power. Despite her kindly looking face, there was no doubting that she commanded and people obeyed. She strode on the sand, her boots crunching the grains below her. She halted before Smith, eye-level with him. "Colonel Smith," the android greeted him, her voice pleasingly accented. "I am Camille, administrator for the Central European warzone and councillor of the Army of Humanity. It is a pleasure to finally meet you," she ended with a smile. "Are you ready to ascend to the stars, sir?" 


A/N: A new waifu has entered the scene.


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