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"You want me to what?" Smith blinked, leaning forward to see if he was hearing it correctly. 

"The leaders of the Army of Humanity request that you head in atmosphere to inspect the station and see if it is up to standards," explained Commander White, her arms crossed as she glanced up at Smith's holographic image. Contemplation broke out all over the Colonel's face, considering White's request. As he did so, White continued to speak. 

"You will be met by some of the leaders, sir. They'll chaperone you up above. I will also dispatch some of my androids too for this. You will have every need taken care of." White explained, ending with a nod. She herself felt this request was rather a bit too forward considering that her superiors had kept themselves aloof from Smith despite being one of the first to know of his existence. White had to admit that was impudent of them to do though she doubted Smith really cared much for that since his priorities were his people. 

"So, an ascent up to space," mused Smith. "I'll be the very first in my family to be an astronaut and it only took a thousand years or so."

White afforded Smith a small break in her steely visage. "I imagine it must be exciting for you," White said, aware that for most of the humans there, space was only something a select few had done in the old world. But now, that chance was being dangled in front of him. Who in their right mind would refuse such a thing? 

"I'll be sure to go. Anything I have to bring?" Smith asked. 

"A security escort from your troops and perhaps some food and water just in case that you won't find what we have there agreeable," White advised. She knew that the Army of Humanity had pulled all the stops to make the station more than sufficient for habitation but Smith didn't know that. He would first have to see for himself. 

"I'll contact you once I am ready," Smith said, offering White a salute before cutting off the call. Smith leaned back, his mind swirling with emotion. Going to space was a dream for the boys and girls of his generation. He had grown up watching the shuttles launches that NASA did and if he hadn't decided for a career in the army, he would have definitely tried out for the Air Force then NASA. And now, he was going to go into space for what was essentially inspecting humanity's home for the foreseeable future and he suspected, something more. 

If the entire leadership of the Army of Humanity was there, he highly suspected that they were there not just for the red ribbon cutting but to also take a measure of him as much as he would of them. It was only natural he supposed for them to do so and wonder if their investment in humanity would be worth it. He would have done the same if he was in their position. 

He pressed a button on his table. "Sergeant Damian. Take your squad down here, please." He spoke into the intercom. He leaned back, his hands clasped as he waited for the intrepid sergeant and his men to arrive. Not a moment later, there was a knock on his door. 

"Enter," he said simply. The door swung open and in came Damian and his squad, confused but nevertheless ready to hear what he had to say. They offered him a salute. He nodded at them to be at ease. 

"We're here, sir," Damian said, his stance at parade rest. "We're not in trouble are we?" 

Smith shook his head. "Oh no. I have a task for you all if you feel you are up for it." 

Damian perked up. Interest flashed in his squad's eyes. Damian pressed. "A task? I thought we were grounded?" 

"Yes, well, I have the other squads on guard duty with the other android forces currently with us and you all have seen the most action for now. But to get to the meat of it, Commander White is inviting me up into space to inspect the space station that the androids have been refurbishing for us," Smith explained slowly, his words sparking even more interest in their eyes. 

"Space? You need my squad and I to watch over you, sir?" Damian asked 

"Oh yeah. You can't expect me to go by myself now, can you? I'd get lost," Smith said, his face tinged with amusement. "Unless of course you want this assignment to go to another squad?"

"Oh, hell no. We'll take it," Damian quickly nodded. He quickly turned to ask his squad. "What do you guys think?" 

"You kidding? Of fuckin course we have to take it! It's space!" Bertha exclaimed, excitement in her eyes. 

"I second the motion. I've always wanted to go to space. I heard it smells like bacon. I've always wanted to know what bacon smells like," Hummus nodded. 

Falafel snorted. "Now that you put it like that, you're making this mission sound haram for me and you, Hummus. Did you forget who we are?" 

"I will never forget how handsome I am and how ugly you are, my friend," grinned Hummus. The two men rolled eyes at each other. 

"Space...what sort of equipment should we bring here?" Spirit piped up.

"Hm, the androids will be sending a shuttle, I believe. That shuttle can support us all, obviously. What use would be going to space if we all died?" Smith said, leaning back. "Though you lot will have to make do without your YGGDRASIL"s. This will be a Marauder job." 

If the YGGDRASIL was the UN's heavy weapons platform, the Marauder was its backbone. To fight the Legion, conventional forces couldn't just go and fight them the old way. More was needed. The Marauder was the third generation of power armor developed by the industries of the world to make sure that the armies of humanity could survive the battlefield. 

"Man, I haven't worn that since Africa," Falafel remarked. 

"Time to get used to it again then. Doubt it'll fit with your fat ass," Hummus snorted. 

"Oh, shut up boys. My ass will always be better than all of yous," snorted Bertha before turning to Smith. "We will be with you, sir. I promise you, I am better conversation than any of these slags," 

Smith chuckled. "Well then. Time to get dressed, all of you."


A/N: More slice of life stuff. Chill chapters for days.


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