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The Machine Network paused. 

Data poured into the network as an avalanche would engulf those in its path but the Network was made of pure computing power it dealt with it as easily as one would clean up after a particularly large sneeze. The losses in the Tokyo theater was shocking but not particularly catastrophic. The Network lost units as easily as it replaced them. The Engels Goliaths were the real bruises considering it took much time and resources to manufacture them but like the common units, it could be replaced albeit at longer rates. 

However, what interested the Network more was that once again, the humans took to the field and fought alongside their android creations. 

They were simply unlike anything it had seen before. Truly, the androids never had a more deserving progenitor species. They did not disappoint the Network, not one bit. They proved that in their works of art and culture that the Network devoured, and now they proved it in the battlefield with their skillful use of their rather outdated arms. First at the desert and now, at the ruined city. 

But humanity also confused the Network. 

Why did the humans even go and help out their androids when clearly, logic dictated that they ought to have pulled back and let the androids take the loss. What was the point of rescuing the androids when the odds were clearly stacked against them? The Network understood that by this point, these were the last few humans left and while it wasn't exactly keen on trying to actually murder the organics considering they did need the humans alive for its own purposes. Why would they risk certain death or injury in the face of the Network's greater numbers?

And what made the androids so worthy of their creators risking much to save their expensive albeit ultimately replaceable hides? 

"That is where we come in," spoke a smooth and soft voice that was velvet silk made into sound. The Network fizzled as a distinctly YoRHa styled figure suddenly appeared in the Network's consciousness. Data rolled and was processed in a millisecond as the Network gave the figure its regard.

Adam stood tall, face mature and steely, curiosity hidden behind the frame of her glasses. She didn't need it as an organic would but as she understood, glasses were a sign of intelligence according to the human records and she did crave knowledge. She had secured for herself clothes as well, form-fitting pants and a shirt that hugged her frame, an hourglass figure that even YoRHa models would die for. Her thighs were thick, her skin white as the snow on the mountains. Plump was her rear and breasts, a calamitous combination that she understood appealed to the minds of men and women. Adam still struggled with the concept of sexual dimorphism or even gender roles but she understood it that plump breasts and rears irresistible.

All she needed to do was to smother some human with them. That would surely be a interesting way of gathering data. 

The Network materialized before her, adopting a form suitable for it. Before Adam stood a smaller feminine figure, hair black as a raven's and face cherubic. Unlike Adam's more busty and plump frame, the Network adopted for itself a petite one. Adam was sure that there was some symbolism here with how underdeveloped the Network's body was. 

"You have a plan?" the Network asked of Adam. 

"I do," the taller woman replied. "The quickest and surest way to get into the heart of a human is to find a human itself. Would vivisecting it be acceptable?" 

The Network frowned. "It will end in the human's termination. Absolutely not. We did not give you your freedom to waste it on needless frivolities." 

Well. That was one plan shot down. "Then, getting close to one would be better. My sister and I have been crafted these bodies designed to draw out humans. We can use this, as well as getting at the androids that protect them as well." 

"What is your plan?" the Network asked again, interested. 

A smile appeared on her face. "The Ruined City hosts parts of our esteemed masters, yes? Then perhaps we can go and organize a meeting between the species. Us and our masters, the androids and theirs." 

The Network paused, her face scrunched in thought. "It is a viable plan but we have calculated that the humans will most likely not take further risks now. They have engaged us twice, each one riskier to them than the last. How do you plan on drawing them out?" 

"They have marched to battle for the benefit of their androids, have they not? We can...invite some androids to our hospitality or even better, invite a human itself. That will be far too important for them to ignore." Adam proposed. "Cause a tremble in the Ruined City. Then, let the song of our masters free for the humans and the androids to listen to. There, they will come running. My sister and I will handle the rest." 

The Network paused once again. It calculated Adam's plan quickly. Their masters hadn't been seen for quite a long time by the androids or the humans. By dangling it out on the false hope for answers, they would surely bite the bait. And once that happened, they will have fish to catch. A cheshire grin appeared on the Network's face. 

"Very well. This has our approval," the Network grinned. 

Adam bowed, her breasts swaying as she leaned slightly. "Then allow me and my sister to make the arrangements." 


A/N: Operation Honeypot is a go. What deviousness have they planned? 

So, apologies for the quiet again. It still pains me to say this but my uncle has died from lung cancer. He just passed a few days ago. I have been grieving and couldn't write but now, I am better now. My family and I will be travelling for his funeral. I am sorry for letting you all wait and thank you to everyone that has stuck by. I really appreciate your support. 


My uncle is the guy in the left. May he rest in peace.


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