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"Thank you! Thank you!" Mazarine said cheerily, bowing with unrestrained panache at the attention. "Oh please, I am not worthy!"

"As you say," I said under my breath as my hammer defaulted back into its baton form. I gave it an affectionate glance. If there's one thing that was great about RWBY, one could make any weapon they wanted provided they had the money. Speaking as someone concerned primarily with logistics, that was a fucking nightmare thinking about the numerous specialized shit that every single hunstman and huntress would field. As someone who guiltily bought into the rule of cool however, I had a mecha-shift baton that could turn into Bobby B Warhammer, with another transformation I never really had a chance to field.

''Next time,'' I swore to my weapon of death. "I'll show them the last argument of kings. I shall do so, my sweet weapon of death."

It was important to soothe your weapons emotions. They felt it. As the Machine God wills.

Mazarine stopped her self-worship and returned her rapier to her scabbard. She approached me, hands on her hips, a self-indulgent smirk on her lips. "So....was I a badass or what?"

"I mean, we both ran up the Sea Feilong's back so we are both equally badass," I replied, making her lose the smirk. "I got the big hammer, you have a little toothpick."

"Oh yeah? Well you never beat me in a spar so I don't think you got anything to back up your claims, mister!" Mazarine squawked indignantly.

"Yes I did."

"A fair one, you damn cheater!"

A woman clearing her throat had muted down the cheering. I turned to see a particularly tall woman with a refined figure and bountiful tracts of land approached. She had short black hair, deep yellow cat-like eyes and two cute tufts of cat ears sticking out of her ear. I knew immediately who this was.

''Madam Belladonna," I greeted her, to the woman's surprise.

''My, I had no idea I was that famous," giggled Kali. "And please, just call me Kali. Madam Belladonna makes me feel old."

I glanced up at her from top to bottom. "Not so old, Madam Kali."

"You are too charming," Kali sighed dreamily. "But my husband is so much more. And please, I insist, just call me Kali." She glanced around as the crew had returned to picking up the pieces, helping the injured or cleaning up the ship. "You've earned it." She smiled before turning back to me.

"Sorry about that," I said sheepishly. "Mama didn't raise no ungrateful or impolite boy. Call me Cardin then. My people call me Mr Winchester though it's out of politeness."

''I've heard of you, Cardin," Kali said, tilting her head slightly. She then smiled. "Someone had taken a video of you defending that faunus girl and her mother. That was good of you to do,"

"It is what I do," I replied. "It didn't set well with my family, though.''

Mazarine took the moment to interject. "Young Master Cardin, while I am loathe to interrupt, might I suggest that we return to shore as soon as possible? I may be a utter badass but even I have a limit to how much Grimm I can fight."

Her tone was business-like, compared to the squawking she had earlier.

We both turned to Mazarine and Kali smiled at her. "Yes...You're right." She turned to a sailor who was passing by. "Marky, how soon can the Sunflower get underway?"

The man halted. Well, faunus. He wore a sailor's uniform, or what passed for it. "The Sunflower is undergoing some final checks, ma'm. The Sea Feilong wasn't exactly gentle earlier. Once the final checks have been finished, we can continue on sailing."

''Ah, I see,'' Kali nodded. "Well, don't let me distract you and the men for too long then." The sailor nodded and went along to do whatever duties he had to finish. Kali turned to Mazarine and I. "While that is going on, would you two mind for some refreshments? Tea? Coffee?"

Mazarine looked enthused about getting coffee but I shook my head. "I'd love to but I have a bullhead circling around us." Case in point, the bullhead pilot was making a circling pattern around the Sunflower. "I wouldn't want my pilot wasting Dust."

"The Sunflower has a flat enough deck for the bullhead to dock," mused Kali. "Though doing so would be dangerous in the sea."

''We were only really here to provide support, ship in distress and all of that. We've done that and if you don't mind, we'll be heading back to shore?" I said to Mazarine's visible disappointment. No doubt thinking of the potential rewards that could come from saving Kali. I thought of her frowning and sighed. "The settlement I'm in isn't far. It's a little bit more south though. I'd like to invite you for chat."

''Well, I can't exactly say no to the man who saved my life..." She smiled. "Very well. I can afford some slight delays on my trip."

I nodded and I flagged the bullhead down to retrieve us. As we left the ship, a waving Kali bidding us away, Mazarine wailed at me. "Cardin! What the hell! We could have gotten a reward from her!"

I rolled my eyes, planting my ass on one of the Bullhead's many available seats. "We will get our rewards from her, you damn mercenary. Why did you think I invited her on land? That way, we have the stronger position to ask shit from her since we have her in our grasp. If we stayed there, on her turf, we'd have to moderate ourselves. She could for example, order us thrown off her ship and into the water."

At that, Mazarine hugged her fluffy feathery hat, protecting it as a mother would their newborn child. "Do...do you think she'd do that?"

I glanced up at her. "To you, maybe. That hat of yours is way too large."

''Excuse you! This hat ain't cheap! See these feathers?" She pointed at said feathers, white as snow. "These were made from Nevermores! White Nevermores!"

"There are no white Nevermores," I said incredulously.

She put on her hat, a self-satisfied smirk on her face. "Exactly"


And it turns out, Kali had to meet us anyway. Just as my bullhead landed inside my estate grounds, we received a call from the Sunflower. I stood up from my seat and went over to the front. Apparently, the Sea Feilong had scratched the ship enough that the Captain worried about the boat taking in water. Hence, they had to go to the nearest dock for the ship to settle in shallow waters while another boat could be chartered to complete her journey. 

The news that Kali Belladonna and her entourage would be visiting had set the local faunus population into all sorts of excitement. As for the reason why, Kali and her husband were the faunus MLK Jr and to a people that yearned for equality, they were rockstars in that regard. While the faunus were pretty much excited to host Kali, my fellow men were getting ready to protest. 

Hence, I had to deal with both Lance and Brown gunning for each other in the manor. I glanced at the grandfather clock nearby and saw that the two had been arguing for a good thirty minutes or two. I shook my head and interjected. "Enough," I said simply and succinctly. 

The two silenced themselves but still, they glared at one another. I sighed. "Brown, for the last time, the faunus are not here to protest or some horseshit. They are here because their boat is damaged so until the time they get a new one chartered, they will be staying here." 

Brown sputtered as Lances looked at him imperiously. I glared at him. "And Jeanne, don't take this as an invitation to start disturbances. In this town, all will be treated equally before the law. I don't care if they have animal parts, rainbow skin, or the power to fart sunshine out of their ass. If anyone of you attempt to start disturbances and threaten the peace, I will bring the hammer down to the both of you." To emphasized my point, I took my baton out and gently placed it on the table. 

"And please, don't try to start trouble and blaming it on the other side. I will know," I said bluntly. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I will never understand why people dislike the faunus so much. They breathe the same air as us, feel the same as us, and bleed the same as us." 

"They are unnatural!" Brown seethed. "Animals the lot!" He stood up from his chair, glaring at Jeanne who glared back. "Look at his goat horns and tell me that his stubbornness isn't coming from that! If they act like animals, they will get treated like animals!" 

Fury flashed in Jeannes eyes. "Why you racist son of a-"

"Enough!" I roared, standing up to my full height. Cardin in RWBY may have been a bastard but he was a tall bastard. Hell, I easily dwarfed the two, making them look up at me. That and the force of my suggestion made them cease but it could not be denied they would continue this argument once they had the chance. Shaking my head, I sat back down, motioning to Mazarine to get her hands off her rapier. 

I sighed. "The law of the sea states assistance be given to ships in distress. The Sunflower is in distress and so, we will shelter them and their crew until such time they can go." I looked up at Brown. "Would you reject such a ship from docking if it were your port, Brown?"

The elderly man maintained a frown. "Well....no. A ship in distress needs...help. I...I am not that much of a monster to refuse to help." 

I leaned in. "Then this argument is considered finished. The Sunflower will dock, Kali and her entourage will stay here in the manor while the crew stay at Winchestown. Fair rates will be given to the crew. Is that understood?"

Brown moved to argue but the sight of me glaring at him shut him up. With that, he bowed slightly and excused himself to leave, leaving only Jeanne. I pinched the bridge of my nose. 

"Jesus fucking Christ..." I muttered to myself. Mazarine gently let the battlemode look on her face go as she raised an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Who's Christ?" 

''Greatest fucking thing since sliced bread," I said, shaking my head. I returned my attention to Jeanne. "Now, you really enjoy antagonizing Brown?" 

The goat faunus crossed his arms. "He's the one that starts trouble the most. Do you know how often we are told no when we want to make better farms, or that we aren't allowed to expand our fields, or that we can't own more weapons than the bare necessities?" 

"No, actually. I do not," I admitted. He leaned in. "Well, now you know! If you are really sincere in wanting to improve our lives then do something about him!" 

"I'll see to it," I gave him a non-committal promise. With a grunt, he excused himself to leave. Celeste silently walked up, mop in hand, to clean the dirty boot-marks left both by Brown and Jeanne. Mazarine shook her head, tutting slightly. 

Ï glanced up at her. "Say Mazarine, what do you think of the faunus?" 

She shrugged. "What about them?" 

"You hate em? Love em?" 

Mazarine hummed. "Well...I think they are fine, mostly. I don't know them but I can get used to them in time, I think." 

"I see..." I stood up from my chair. "Well, let's put this talk of politics aside. It's making my damn head hurt. Let's receive Kali and get this entire ordeal over with,"

The ship later docked at the small quay. From the outside view, it was visible for us to see what sort of tender mercies a Sea Feilong is capable of. The sides of the Sunflower had been scratched and chewed, with notable pockets of torn steel and metal here and there. Now, Sea Feilong's with their fast as fuck speed and armor could tear ships apart but their real deal breaker was their ability to blast ships with an energy attack of sorts. Seriously, that shit is fucking overkill already and it left me wondering why humanity wasn't extinct yet. 

A small crowd, mostly faunus was there to greet the gangplank being lowered and from there Kali Belladonna descended, looking quite regal with the mature air on her and the Menagerie Guard following behind her, the law enforcement of Menagerie clad in black and white robes, a chestplate here and there with a golden sash around their waists. 

I strode forward, the faunus crowd parting slightly to let me pass. I halted before the gangplank, with Kali halfway getting off it. Silence descended as the crowd wondered what I was going to say next. I answered their questions as I smiled at Kali. "Welcome to Winchestown, Madam Belladonna. Your ship is damaged, we are here to help. Let it be known that Winchestown abides by law and those in distress will not be turned away." 

With that declaration, I was basically saying that while I was in here, Winchestown would be welcome to everyone, provided they follow the law. Kali read the lines quickly, experienced in subtle texts as she was, and smiled at me. "I'm fortunate then, that Winchestown is willing to help those in distress, be they human or faunus." 

Now, this was all unofficial and all. Kali and I hadn't made noises on political visits and such but no matter where she went, Kali was still the Chieftess of Menagerie and her word, official or unofficial, was still taken as fact. Her endorsement of me would do well to make the faunus here more compliant with my wishes. Their influence wasn't as great as before since the Fang at this point would be run by Sienna Khan and everyone's favourite red-headed bull was suplexing SDC bots with his sword but still, they were respected for all they have done for faunus equality. 

And as such, Kali took her first steps onto the quay and I walked by her side. In the crowd, I could spot a few humans here and there. Non-aggressive but gawking. To be frank, with her guard behind her in their uniforms and banners, Kali looked like a foreign queen visiting. Humans are very much taken by pomp and grandeur. Such things make people curious instead of eager to throw rocks. 

I remembered reading something about Chinatown's and how the original builders of such places essentially took Orientalism to the highest, putting dragons here and there to give their places a sense of awe. Such things supposedly helped stopped the rabid attacks on Chinese Quarters in America as the people who ran the pogroms were also the same people who got taken by the supposed aura of mysticism the East had. 

Considering the display Kali had, I think she knew about the curiosity humans had and took advantage of it. 

''Your crew will have to stay here in the village. My manor is large but not that large," I told her. Kali's smile was immaculate. "No need to worry, Cardin. My men know where to go." 

With that, we ascended from the town and up high into the hill were my estate was. As we went along, many residents had come out to gawk at the impromptu procession. I spotted some dirty looks here and there but mostly, there was amazement at the sight. 

Celeste bowed at the doorway, her hands clasped as she bent forward slightly. Kali's eyes had been scanning ever since she arrived. If she had comments about the state of Winchestown or the manor, she kept it to herself. 

"Welcome to the manor," I greeted her. "Apologies for the run down state of things. The previous overseer wasn't exactly industrious in maintaining the place." 

Kali laughed. "Don't worry Cardin. The company here makes up the lack of paint." 

Despite myself, I blushed. This was a mature woman, would a motherly voice and aura. Who wouldn't be?

"Let's get you all inside," I coughed.

Kali and I retired to a much more private room, sans for Mazarine and her guards being there to keep watch over the both of us. Celeste was a frank miracle worker in her ability to tidy up the insides of the manor. My study was bereft of dust, the dirty kind and not the magical kind. Shelves galore, my books now filling them surrounded us. Behind my desk were two large windows showing a view of the back garden, and the bay and sea beyond. Below us, a rug from Vacuo, with colourful crisscrossing designs. A golden chandelier to offer light and a painting of Father Dearest on the wall behind me. Mazarine stood at my flank, dutifully standing sentinel while Kali occupied the seat infront of me, two Menagerie guardsmen behind her. 

The scent of biscuits, cheese, and tea dominated the room as well the warm embers of fire and wood burning slightly from the marble fireplace on right side of the room. 

Kali gracefully took hold of her tea cup, sipping from it before letting out a sigh of pleasure. ""Ah, I've had a taste for Mistralian teas. They make it so well," She praised. 

"Since it came from there, I have no doubt that mastered the art," I answered politely, my porcelain tea cup resting on my oak desk. Well, it wasn't exactly mine yet since I was here at the grace of my father but until he says otherwise, I'm calling dibs to all the items here. 

Kali later would return the tea cup in her hand to the desk. She looked up at me, smiling slightly. "Cardin, I would like to thank you and your men for rescuing the lives of myself, my attendants, and my crew. Menagerie owes a debt of gratitude to you and your huntress."

At that, Mazarine puffed her chest in unashamed pride. I laughed. "And don't forget the pilot, we did come here on his bullhead." 

"Oh, the pilot as well. You, them, and your Huntress saved us in our time of need. Please, I would like to reward you and your men for your service. As long as it is in my power, I shall give it freely," Kali continued with a smile.

Naked greed brightened in Mazarine's eyes. I reserved mine inwardly. Having Kali under my gratitude was something I was going to milk dry. Who wouldn't if they had the wife of a head of state owing them something? Even if Menagerie wasn't recognized, it was still a country in its own right.

''It would be best to ask them what they would want as a reward since I cannot speak for them in that regard," I answered. "However, there is something I would like to ask as my own personal reward." 

"Oh? And what does their employer want as a reward?" 

My lips curled upwards. "Now, we've passed by Winchestown and as you saw, it's a sleepy little village. Farms, cottages, and more. Honestly, it looks like it never left time. That I plan to change. Consider it establishing a colony a growing colony needs people. Now, we know for certain that Menagerie, while large, is poor in resources and in turn, industry."

The guards bristled at my words, clearly not being a fan at me basically calling their Kingdom dirt poor. But Kali knew better and nodded.

"That is unfortunately true," she sighed. "We do get immigrant faunus who are tired of discrimination in the Kingdoms so they immigrate to Menagerie in the hopes of a life free from persecution. Ghira and I welcome as many as we can but there's only so much we can take."

"That is where my proposal comes," I spoke up. "The refugees that you take, I want groups of them that have skills. Soldiers, engineers, doctors, teachers and all those wonderful professions. To be more proper, I'll offer you a written proposal if you wish. But back to what I was saying, I want people to come here, to Winchestown."

I paused, to see how Kali reacted. So far, she looked inquisitive. And so I continued. "Furthermore, we are also aware that the Kingdoms short-change Menagerie especially Atlas and the SDC with Dust and other important technologies." 

Kali nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. The SDC offers Menagerie near exorbitant prices for Dust, citing distance and cost of transportation for them."

I sighed at that. "It is a terrible system, to be frank with you. However, Vale is not subject to such drivel, thankfully. So, here is what I also propose. What Winchestown makes and buys in imports, we will export it to Menagerie at honest rates.  Timber, agricultural products, natural minerals, you name it, I shall sell it." 

"So in exchange for people, you shall trade us goods that Menagerie needs," mused Kali.

I nodded. 

"It is a fair thing, Cardin. But you are asking Menagerie for its skilled workers," Kali pointed out. "Workers that would be important in building industry in Menagerie." 

''A fair point," I nodded. "However, we both are aware that no Human Kingdom would try and invest in Menagerie nor would they consider allowing Menagerie to invest in them. The other Kingdoms don't even recognize Menagerie as a sovereign state. However, I do." I stressed. It was true that Atlas, Vale, Mistral, and Vacuo don't see Menagerie as a fellow Kingdom. It was viewed by the kingdoms how Britain looks at Sealand. For the first time, Kali actually frowned and her guards bristled seeing their Chieftess upset. I decided to continue. "I am the doorway to the rest of the Kingdoms and the world economy. I think we all know that Atlas sells Dust to Vale at generous rates thanks to Vale providing Atlas much of its food in imports. Think of the benefits Menagerie could gain from accessing that market, the profits we all can make from shared industry." 

"I would have first to talk with my husband and the rest of the council about this. Such a big decision, I cannot take for all of Menagerie," Kali said, after a moment of thinking. I nodded. "Please, take as much time as you need." 

We both know that you ain't going anywhere, not while your ship is being repaired and a new one is being sent your way. I got you here in the eagle's next, Kali. And we can talk as much business as you want. 

''Once you've made your decision, I am willing to put everything into paper all that I have said, right here and right now." I smiled. "And if you need to call Menagerie, feel free to make a call. The CCT works quite well, despite the distance." 

''Then, might I excuse myself while I make the call?" Kali asked sweetly. 

I nodded and with that, the Belladonna matriarch stood up to leave the room, her bodyguards trailing behind her. As they left, Mazarine poked me in the side. I glared at her. She had a look about her face, a look of someone wondering about something. 

"Wouldn't it be prudent for you to inform your father about this first?" Mazarine poked me. 

''And what? Have him dictate the terms? A bit weird for him to give orders to his exiled son, yeah?" I pointed out. "Remember Mazarine, I am banished, persona non grata, exiled. I am practically dead for daddy dearest, thanks to my pro-faunus views. He cannot speak for me and I do not have to report to him." I turned around, folding my hands on my desk. "I'm alone now. And I will make something myself, by myself." 

Mazarine bristled behind me. She sighed and went back to standing on her post. "If there's something you want to say, say it." I told her. 

''I..." she sighed. "I'm just expressing some concern, Cardin. The decisions you are making, the talks you are doing, it isn't decisions fifteen year olds ought to be making."

At that, I slumped. "I..." I can't exactly tell her that I'm mentally a twenty-three year old. "I can hardly complain in my position, can I? In this, I have to grow up. And compared to others my age, at least I have money and you with me." I turned to her, smiling. "I suppose I'm not that alone, yeah?" 

Uncharacteristically, Mazarine's cheeks turned pink. "I...I supposse," she cleared her throat, looking away. Before I could comment more, there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in!"' I said aloud. At that, the door swung open and in came Kali, her scroll in her hand. "My husband wants to talk with you," Kali said, holding aloft her scroll. I blinked as the screen showed a man, black haired, and with the biggest muscles I have ever seen. 

''Greetings," Ghira Belladonna rumbled. He did not speak. His voice was a low rumble only few men were capable of. "So you are the one that saved my wife?" 

''That I am," I replied. "Cardin Winchester, at your service." 

"Ghira Belladonna, Chieftain of Menagerie." The giant introduced himself. "And I have members of the Menagerie Council with me." There was a slight tug as Ghira turned his scroll around and showed off different faunus in various states of clothing in a little room. The camera then turned back to Ghira. "Apologies if we seem out of it. It's night-time in Menagerie and I had to call the council on short notice." Oh fuck, I forgot that Menagerie was in the other side of the world. 

"Don't worry, Chief Belladonna. If anything, I should apologize for waking you up in the middle of the night." I said honestly. 

"Oh, he's polite for a human." I could hear one of the councillors snicker. "If only the rest of his species had the same courtesy.

I felt a sort of surrealness in this. Making an important trade deal in the equivalent of Remnant Zoom. Such is life in Remnant. "Quite," Ghira rumbled yet again. Man, he should teach me how to rumble like he does, and lift too. ''So, Mister Winchester, my wife tells me that you wish a trade agreement with Menagerie?"

I smiled. 


Ghira Belladonna

"He seems earnest," one of the councillors remarked. The rest of the council nodded. Ghira had to concede with their observation. 

It was twelve in the evening when he was awoken by a call on his own personal scroll. A miracle if Ghira had to be frank considering how spotty the CCT connection was. Groggily, he checked it and quickly answered it since it came from his wife. His heart almost fell when Kali told him that her ship was attacked. He had half the mind to mobilize the Menagerie Guard to get to her but she assured him that she was alright, rescued by a Winchester of all people. 

Ghira knew of the Winchesters, the uncrowned pretenders to the throne of Vale. He knew of their attempts to become King though it was mostly ignored by most of the population and only the few powerful families of old Valean money listened. He also knew that the Winchester's were big supporters of human supremacist groups that targeted the faunus. And so, he had a hard time in believing his wife's claims in being saved by a Winchester. 

But he had also heard of something, a rumor, that one Winchester wasn't so prejudiced like his family. So much so there was a video of him in the CCTNET defending a faunus in a cafe owned by his family. Was it perhaps him? 

To his surprise, his wife nodded. The very same Winchester who was now offering Menagerie favourable terms for access into the global markets, in exchange for skilled labor. 

And so, he roused his council at the unholy hours of the night and gathered them into his manor, where he revealed what was happening. 

To call them disbelieving of him was an understatement. And so, they squeezed into one of his rooms, using his scroll to video-screen him and his council. It was rather makeshift and it proved a problem squeezing them all in frame. Hell, the spotty net connection made communication difficult but still, they fought on. 

''Mangerie..." Cardin Winchester's voice was spotty and a bit garbled but he could be heard. ""Menagerie offers a untapped market. It may be poor in resources but it is rich in people, hardworking and industrious. To deny investment in Menagerie is a poor economic decision that frankly should have been amended a long time ago. I see Menagerie for what it is, a free and sovereign Kingdom with potential as high as heaven." 

That was how Cardin started his pitch and if Ghira had to be honest, his praise had made him and the council preen. He had to laugh at how some small amount of praise was enough to get them to be flattered. He knew the style of speaking of Cardin, business speak, as it was called. But after a lifetime of insults and other such things, it was a breathe of fresh air. 

And so, Cardin made his offer. Skilled workers for access to the greater markets of Remnant and fair prices. Once he made his speech, Ghira requested some time to talk with his council and think on it. 

''I say we take it," the same councillor from earlier said. "To be frank, there is not much here in Menagerie. Better that they be put to use and their skills don't get wasted." 

A murmur of agreements rang around the the table. 

"And deny ourselves the ability to make our own industry, our own economy?" A female voice spoke up. Heads turned to a woman, clad in black and red. Her skin was a dark brown, eyes cat-like much like his wife but predatory, watching and always scanning. Ghira resisted the urge to sigh. 

Rousing important councillors in the night didn't go unnoticed and of course, Sienna Khan had to go and butt in the discussion. As if stealing leadership of the Fang wasn't enough, Sienna had to go and butt in his governance of Menagerie. Not too overtly, after all. If Atlas heard that the White Fang was actively yelling in the council chambers of Menagerie, they would come in and burn Menagerie down to the ground. 

Hence, Sienna was here to simply observe and make comments. 

To his frustration, her influence far outstripped his. He and his wife, they were respected. But Sienna? She was feared. The same councillors that had been agreeing earlier now looked apprehensive, murmuring Sienna's sentiments. 

Akela, the councillor who was supportive of the deal, pushed on regardless. "With all due respect, Sienna. We have no heavy or medium industries. Look outside of this window. We are like a tropical getaway instead of a proper kingdom. We need investment."'

"And all we have to do is offer our people," Sienna said in no small amounts of sarcasm. Akela, bless his heart, leaned in. 

''I said no such thing, Lady Khan." Akela said, the wolf-faunus eyeing her with narrowed eyes. "Menagerie needs lien. Our population is idle and have little work to speak of. An idle population means our economy is static. The offer by Winchester offers us opportunities." 

It was time that Ghira decided to show his support. "And in defense of the Winchester, he has shown outward support for faunus equality. He saved my wife from a Sea Feilong attack, personally leaping out of his bullhead to smash the sea dragon in the face. If it weren't for him, my wife would be dead." He made sure to eye each of the councillors. ''Not all humans are prejudiced and racist. Him, we can trust." 

"No offense, Ghira. But did we not also trust humans to secure our best interests? And look at what we got," Sienna pointed outside the window. "A worthless island, with little resources to speak of." 

He leaned in. ''Winchester is not those men. And do not act as if there weren't humans who did not stand with us when we fought for our freedom. Cardin went and fought for my wife, risking his own life. If that does not show that he sees us equally, then I don't know what else will." He leaned back, letting his voice a bit more louder than usual. "I trust my wife, Kali. And if she says Cardin is trustworthy then I say he is trustworthy. And so, I call for a vote. To those in favour of the proposal, say aye." 

Slowly, the councillors raised their hand, Akela's own a bit higher. From her seat, Sienna glowered slightly. There was just something Sienna could not understand. Fear, fear of the White Fang was powerful, yes. But respect and love? Nothing could ever triumph over them. 

"And so it is decided," Ghira rumbled, years of self-control not leaking out the satisfaction in seeing Sienna humbled. 

''Before you all decide on this," Sienna gritted out. "Might I remind you that this is a settlement of humans, run by a human. He may promise you the world but how can you ensure that he will not abuse our people?" 

"What do you suggest then, Sienna Khan?" 

"I propose the White Fang send a delegation to ensure that faunus rights are respected," Sienna proposed. ''Perhaps have someone in a position of power that can ensure that the rights of our people are not tarnished? I propose A-"

"Blake Belladonna!"' Akela butted in. Heads snapped to the wolf faunus. He stood up. "I agree with Sienna that we should take steps to make sure that we aren't being lied to but, the representative we should send ought to be someone that has a familiar name for our people to latch onto but also someone that won't be straight arrested by human authorities. And if I recall correctly, is not the Chieftain's daughter with the White Fang?" 

Ghira quickly got what the wolf faunus was saying. He turned to Sienna, his face calm and serene but inwardly, he could go and kiss Akela in the mouth. "Councillor Akela is correct. Someone passionate about the cause but also sensible enough to be diplomatic. My daughter is both." 

Sienna's mouth widened slightly before she pursed her lips in a thin line. It had always been a point of contention for him and his wife that Sienna effectively taken away their daughter and made her do Gods know what. Blake was a Belladonna and her being in Sienna's council was something for Sienna to point out and convince moderates that the original founders supported her when it was anything but. 

''I was going to suggest Adam Taurus, my lieutenant." Sienna gritted out. Uncharacteristically, the councillors bristled. 

''With all due respect, Lady Khan," Akela spoke up for them all. "Adam Taurus is too aggressive, too...passionate. While his zeal is commendable, his methods for securing White Fang victories is anything but. There is also the fact that if Atlas heard that Adam is in a Valean town, it would bring the hammer of Atlas bearing on not just our people but also Vale. I think we can all agree that Adam would start a diplomatic incident and paint the Faunus in much more negative light." 

Oh, he was definitely kissing Akela. 

"Then we are in agreement then?" Ghira said, to the councillors nodding. He turned to Sienna Khan. "Lady Khan, the Council wishes for the White Fang to send Blake Belladonna as a representative to ensure fanuus rights in Winchestown." 

It was a bit presumptuous for the Council to command the White Fang as both maintained its independence from each other. The Council governed Menagerie and the White Fang was simply an organization for the faunus. However, the White Fang relied as much on him and the Council as they also relied on the Fang. 

''I'll...I'll see what I can do," Sienna Khan gritted out. 


A/N: Me-ow.


russell marsh

Please till me in the future the White Fang will crushed under the boots of the imperial guard some day. Good update can't wait for the poll.

The Tallest Tree

MC should balance Vale interests better. He’s currently looking very naive.


As of now, his interests will be Vale’s interests. He does not really need Menagerie but Menagerie needs him. He could always build a pro Cardin Faunus organization by himself, he has an in with Valean Faunus thanks to him making the moves with the Scarlatina chit.