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I should have known dealing with governance was not a pleasant nor easy experience. I mean, I do know, I studied pencil pushing for college. I had done the work in the writing up proposals, or meeting with braindead local officials who were just as effective as a wet paper and just as smart in their career. I knew what I was signing up for.

But holy Christ, dealing with the real deal, despite all the preperation, was still something to behold.

"We are moving the administration from Solitude to Whiterun, no, not because it shall be the capital of Skyrim but because that is the Hold I am to rule. I'm going to be the Jarl of Whiterun after all." I set the paper aside and accepted a new one.

"Yes, I am aware that will make short-term administration a hassle but long term, it will be easier for the paperwork for Skyrim." I set that paper aside and a new one sat on my desk. I glanced down at it, squinting.

"We need to have a budget for the Bards College?" I said incredulously, glancing up.

The courtier coughed into his fist awkwardly. "'Yes, High King. The Bard's College has been a institution that had been funded by the High Kings since its founding. It is to their expectation that they receive their due from the Crown."

Paid by the Jarls of Solitude to say good things about them, no doubt. I sighed. "How much is their budget usually? Well, keep it the same." 

The courtier nodded as I signed his paper and handed it to him. Setting my pen aside, I held up my aching hand. The day of my coronation came and passed. The day afterwards, I got into the task of settling needed paperwork before I left for Whiterun. That and meet with some other dignitaries and the like that was still in Solitude. 

"Why in Oblivion did I want this job again?" I complained, my fingers screaming at me for rest. 

''Because you wanted to be High King?" Irileth supplied. 

And because the Dominion was being smelly and would continue to be smelly, not stopping until they finished whatever nasty objectives they had. I sighed. Man, why did I have to get taken into Balgruuf? I could have arrived as the Dragonborn where I could have started my own harem and went on a power trip around Skyrim. 

Oh well. 

"So, who's next on the agenda?" I asked, turning to Irileth. It wasn't just her in the room with me. Cassius, Gotz, and Mira were dutifully standing around guarding me. Irileth on the other hand had returned to her role as secretary for me. Why, it was just like the good ol' Legion days. Speaking of Irileth, she held up a paper in her hand. 

"A meeting with the East Empire Trading company," she drawled. "Then, your own private meetings with the Jarls." 

''Anyone else?" I asked, burying my face on the table. 

"You've also due to meet with some dignitaries. The Imperial Representative, a petitioner from the Redguards..." Irileth frowned. ''A messenger from the Aldmeri Dominion." 

Everyone with lips to us frowned. 

Even now, no one wanted or liked the Dominion. 

Still, diplomacy was a matter that never stopped resolving itself and trying to cancel the High Elves from meeting me would be a snub. 

''Let's get it over with," I sighed. At that, Irileth nodded and the door was opened. From the door came a woman. Her hair was black, medium-build and Imperial in features. She was slightly familiar to me as well. She took a step in, gave me the customary bow. "Long life to you, High King,'' she greeted me before standing back up. "My name is Vittoria Vici, the representative of the East Empire Trading Company here in Skyrim." 

Ah, so that's who she was. I gave her a smile and bid her to sit down. "Welcome, Lady Vittoria. Forgive me for being blunt but the faster we can resolve our business, the more profit there shall be for the both of us. So, what can Skyrim do for the East Empire Trading Company?" 

If Vittoria was suprised by my business-like manner, she quickly hid it and got to speaking. "The East Empire Trading Company would like to extend its well-wishes to the High King and thus, we would like to offer you a gift." At that, the chest was opened and in came two Company guardsmen carrying boxes. Irileth and Cassius went forward to inspect the chests and found nothing to be suspicious of. "Perfumes, brandies and other exotic products that the East Empire Company produces, for your leisure, High King." declared Vittoria, a little bit of pride leaking from her voice. 

The East Empire Company was the Empire's premier mercantilist arm, chartered by the Emperor to trade and move goods ranging from mundane to exotic. Absolutely wealthy and powerful though their power has taken a bit of a notch thanks to Morrowind suffering from Red Mountain's eruption and a Argonian invasion. 

"I thank you for the gifts, Lady Vittoria," I thanked him diplomatically. "Is there anyway Skyrim can thank the Company for its hospitality?" 

She smiled. "The East Empire Company wishes to simply continue our amiable relationship with Skyrim, a relationship which has proven profitable for both the Kingdom and Skyrim." 

My eyes simply resisted the urge the twitch. Seriously, just tell me what the hell you want. "Surely, there must be a boon that I may grant the Company?" I said, leaning forward. 

Vittoria nodded. "There is a matter that Skyrim might assist the company. The Company wishes for stability to return for trade to recover. Recently, our ships have been suffering from reavers that have taken advantage of the Imperial Navy still trying to rebuild itself. We would like to ask, in the name of trade, that Skyrim assist the company in combating the pirates." 

Damn, wasn't the piracy problem a quest in Windhelm? 

''I was under the impression that the Company maintains its own navy ships," I asked. Vittoria nodded. "We do maintain fleets, High King. However, there is only so much we can spare and the Empire is loaning out some of our fleets to act as temporary Navy ships while the Empire rebuilds." 

Ah, that makes sense. And pirates are always a problem. "I see no issue with this. How can Skyrim use its navy?"

"Although the Company would want ships to help protect our trading vessels, it is far better to nip the issue in its bud rather than putting in temporary solutions. The Company is actively searching for the pirates base of operations. Once it is found, the Company would like to request Skyrim's assistance in pushing them out. In the meantime, dispatching your longships to help guard our trading vessels is also requested." 

I nodded. "I will see to organizing it, Lady Vittoria. Rest assured, I will not allow pirates to fester while I am High King." 

''Truly, Skyrim will benefit from having such a strong High King, and so will our trade," Vittoria praised me before she left. 

Irileth snorted from her post. "Something funny?" I asked her, curious. She shook her head. "No, all these diplomatic games. It's a charlatan's act. I find myself growing tired of it." 

''Ah, I get you,'' I said, stretching my legs. "But you know how it is. So, send in the next man!"

The Imperial Representative, dressed in fine furs, strode in. Just like Vittoria, he gave me the usual pleasantries. "High King Balgruuf," he bowed at me. His greeting of me was basically the assent I needed that the Empire approved of my election. I smiled at him. 

''Welcome, Honored Representative," I greeted him. "Please, take a seat and let us discuss business." 

The Imperial nodded and promptly sat his ass down. We looked at each other. ''How may Skyrim serve the Empire?" I asked, my tone telling him to get on with it. The man wasted no time. 

''The Emperor wishes congratulations on your election, High King. He is made aware of your remarks of loyalty and thanks you for it, in such trying times." The Imperial started. "He only wishes that we did not live in such terrible times." 

I gave him an exaggerated sigh. "Alas, we cannot choose when we can live. We can only choose how to react to it." 

"Well said, High King," praised the man. "In that vein, the Emperor has decided to act. The Imperial Legion has seen fit to restore order in Cyrodiil however, the Legion has been focused on stabilizing the roads and in reconstruction efforts and thus, the Legionaries available are not sufficient to police some cities. The Emperor requests Skyrim dispatch men and material to garrison certain problem cities such as Braavil and Chorrol."'

I raised an eyebrow. I knew that in the aftermath of the Great War, some cities got gripped by lawlessness and such. I think it was Braavil. But Chorrol? "What seems to be the issue exactly?" I asked, leaning on my desk with a Gendo pose. 

"Braavil has been gripped by lawlessness, rioting and such. And as for Chorrol, legionaries have been vanishing from their posts left and right. We believe it to be daedra," the representative said, utterly straight-faced. "It's been such a problem a regiment of men who was supposed to reinforce Chorrol vanished in the night." 

I gave him a look. 

"And it's pure coincidence that Chorrol neighbours Hammerfell?" 

''There was a great storm in the night that it happened." 

"Right..." I drawled. "Tell me then, is the Emperor deeply concerned about the daedric threat in Chorrol?" 

The Imperial nodded. "He regrets that such a thing has to happen and wishes to make amends. He would like to ask Skyrim's support in that matter." 

In other words, mother fucker regretted signing the fucking Concordant and putting Hammerfell away. Jesus fucking Christ Titus Mede, what the hell was going through your brain? In hindsight, I suppose he acted on available information at the time and didn't really have a choice. Still, this shows promise that the Emperor wants to subtly fuck over the elves while rebuilding. 

''Skyrim suffered much during the Oblivion Crisis," I spoke up after a few moments of thinking. ''You will find many Nords willing to fight, to make sure the Daedra aren't as much a problem as they are." The Imperial Representative sighed in relief. "However, what will Skyrim gain from this...Daedric assistance?" 

''Lower prices on food imports and funds to construct a temple dedicated to the construction of a new Temple of the Divines wherever one wishes and however Skyrim sees fit only as long as there are no references to the supposed Ninth Divine, in accordance with the Concordant." 

''Would there be no opposition then if Skyrim wishes to build a temple to honor Tiber Septim, the man who found the Empire?" 


I nodded. "The Emperor asks to bring peace to Cyrodiil. Skyrim accepts!" 

I received another nod but not before the Representative bowed. "It is suggested that the Nords you send prepare for a desert enviroment." 

''But isn't Chorrol temperate?" 

''The weather gets difficult sometimes." The Imperial insisted, totally and utterly straight-faced. 

''I'll keep that in mind" I smiled. My smile became thin as the Imperial left. I turned to Irileth who was nursing a bemused expression. "So, Daedra in Chorrol. How utterly dangerous," I remarked. The dunmer shook her head. "Is Skyrim going to send its sons and daughters to fight in Hammerfell?" 

To be honest, there'd be plenty of Nords, myself included, who would be willing to go to 'Chorrol', just for free. 

"Whoever said anything about Hammerfell?'' I gestured with my palms. "It will just be very coincidental that a bunch of Nords appeared in the Alik'r. You know how it is, there's millions of Nords all around Tamriel after all." I stretched on the chair. "Who's next on the chopping list?"

Irileth glanced at her paper. She frowned. That all but told me who was next. 

The door opened and in came a slender looking woman, golden-skinned and clad in black and golden robes. She bowed at me, a sweeping gesture before rising up and looking down at me, figuratively since she was a fucking High Elf and literally as the bastards stood incredibly tall. 

''I am Elenwen, Emissary of the Aldmeri Dominion,'' the golden-skinned woman greeted, her voice somewhat melodious but quite foul to the ears. Not in the sense it was terrible but in the sense that she sounded fake as hell. "And I come to Skyrim bringing greetings and well-wishes to the new High King of Skyrim.'' 

From behind me, Irileth resisted the urge to reach for her blades. I put my best face forward as I regarded the Thalmor diplomat. "I thank you for your words, Emissary Elenwen. I will be the first to admit that I am curious on why the Thalmor would send such a wise and striking Elf of your standing here?" 

Elenwen laughed. To some, it might be soothing. To me and my housecarls, it sounded mocking. "Contrary to what many believe, the Thalmor and the Dominion wish nothing but peace now that the war is over. In that spirit, we wish to establish an Embassy here in Skyrim, to facilitate understanding between the Dominion and Skyrim." 

"I see..." I drawled. 

Her eyes glinted. ''We would then, request for the opportunity to tour Skyrim for prospective sites to establish our embassy, High King." 

Bitch, your prospectors are just going to be Thalmor trying to suss out pockets of Talos worship, aren't you, you slag? 

''And what need for prospectors, honored Emissary? We Nords know our land best and as such, we can simply direct you to prospective places." I smiled, trying my best not to grit my teeth. Elenwen nodded. "That may be the case, High King, but with your ascent and plans to move administration to Whiterun, we wish to establish closer relations with you there. After all, you are the High King and not the Jarl of Solitude." 

Well. That made sense. 

Now, what can I do? I could absolutely tell Elenwen and the Thalmor to fuck off but I can only snub them so far. "You are aware however that only diplomatic personnel will be allowed to step foot on Skyrim?" 

She nodded. "Of course, High King. The Dominion trusts that the Empire and by extension, Skyrim, is abiding the points of the Concordant. There is no reason for the Thalmor to send Justiciars into Skyrim to enforce the treaty." 

I briefly wondered how her would like like if it was chopped off her shoulders. 

''If the Dominion wishes to establish an embassy here then you are more than welcome," I said a bit too quickly, not trusting my mouth to slip out an insult. "However, be aware that should your diplomatic personnel or Thalmor ought to be careful. Many Nords lost much in the war and they might take offense to High Elves." 

Elenwen smiled toothily. "Be assured that the embassy will simply be there as a communication point for Skyrim and the Dominion. There is much the Dominion can offer Skyrim. For example, the Dominion would be happy to offer advice to the Kingdom in keeping the roads safe for travellers." 

''I shall keep such advice in a corner of my heart," 

At that, the ambassador left and I openly fumed on my chair. Irileth made her mind known immediately. "Balgruuf, are you serious? Letting the Thalmor in?" 

''I cannot snub them so easily, Irileth," I said, palming my face. "They came offering niceties. If I snubbed them, I would look like a uncultured barbarian who doesn't know peace since to the Dominion, the war is over. Rest assured, I will inform the Jarls about this and they will be watched, 24/7." 

And the Jarls were informed, much later, to their agitation. Later, I absconded myself from the desk to have lunch with them. The Blue Palace had many dining halls and open courtyards to host feasts in. We were enclosed in once such courtyards, a private affair for the Jarls and the Jarls only. We ate and drank first. Once we finished, the Jarls looked forward to return home. Before that, I told them of the meetings which took place. 

"You let the Thalmor into Skyrim?" Ulfric looked near murderous, seething. The Jarls of the Old Holds looked unhappy. The Western Jarls just looked like they sucked on a particularly sour grape. I sighed as I lowered my goblet on the table. 

"My Jarls, the Dominion came offering peace and friendship. There was hardly any cause for me to refuse them entry and establish an embassy," I said, rubbing my head. "Believe me I am displeased at this as much as you but remember, snubbing the Dominion without just cause will simply make us look like barbarians." 

''The High King speaks the truth," Jarl Igmund spoke in my defense. "Skyrim would simply look like we were being aggressive in the face of friendship. While it is distasteful, we are forced to play their game." 

"And so what? We simply bow to every little request of theirs?" sneered Jarl Skald. I shook my head. 

"I will keep the Dominion close,'' I offered. "They cannot activate the Concordant as there is nothing that justifies them sending their dogs here. Hence, they are expected to respect and follow our laws and traditions. I'm sure if their little agents are found in places they mustn't be in, we will have reasons to expel their embassy." 

The Jarls still looked mighty pissed but they calmed down slightly. "And..." Ulfric started. "What happens if their embassy is troubled?" 

I quickly read what he was trying to say. In that, I shrugged my shoulders. ''Oh, we can hardly be blamed for the actions of the wildlife, such as trolls and sabrecats, or if there are bandits here and there." 

Some of the Jarls smiled bloodthirstily. "But would this not allow the Thalmor to criticize us for failing to keep Skyrim orderly?" Jarl Torygg interjected. I smiled at him. "Ah, but my Jarl, that means we must ramp up our security yes? More guards, more cause to say...raise more arms and men?" 

The redhead's mouth opened ajar. Understanding filled his eyes. "I see..." 

Coughing, I turned to Jarl Skald. "Jarl Skald, the East Empire Company has approached me requesting assistance in getting rid of pirates. In that vein, I would like to request for you, Jarl Torygg and Jarl Igrod for ships and men to aid them in this endeavour." 

"And our rewards?" barked the Jarl. By saying our, Skald implied that he and Torygg were equals. Just a little tidbit of telling the redhead that he was recognized as one of the ''lads'' so to speak. 

''The East Empire Company offers Skyrim discount rates on certain luxury items. Plus, monetary rewards and loot from the pirates once their base of operations is found." 

''Solitude would be more than happy to help, High King,'' Torygg added, his eyes narrowed. "Solitude relies on trade and if pirates hurt Trade, they hurt Solitude." 

''You have my men, I suppose." Jarl Igrod yawned lazily, her silver goblet glinting in the light. "They could use the experience in fighting.'' 

Skald grumbled but said nothing more. "Give us three weeks to muster," he said simply. With that, he left, Torygg and Igrod following, no doubt to discuss how they were going to organize their shit. I turned to the Jarls still without their jobs and boons. "My Jarls, the Emperor has sent his representative and asks Skyrim for men. Apparently, there is trouble in Braavil and Chorrol."

"What sort of trouble?" Jarl Leila questioned. 

"Apparently, rioting in Braavil and legionary disappearances in Chorrol." I sighed dramatically. "Apparently, it is due to freak weather and Daedra these legionaries are vanishing. It is simply a coincidence that Chorrol lies right next to the Hammerfell border and strangely effective men show up in the Redguard armies." 

Their eyes quickly got on to what I was saying. "And this is going to be the policy of the Kingdom? Making a...stance?" Ulfric gritted out. 

I gave him a look. "I promised, My Jarl. I keep my promises." 

''Then Eastmarch pledges men to Chorrol to aid in these...disappearances,''  Ulfric sighed, trying to keep his rage in check. 

''The Rift would like to assist in restoring order and law in Braavil," Jarl Leila added. "The Law is important after all and hearing such chaos grip Cyrodiil leaves me aghast," So said the Law-Giver.

''And so does Falkreath," Jarl Dengeir interjected, looking very pleased. "Rest assured, Falkreath has plenty of men to spare." He's sending the troublesome Thanes and Nobility into Cyrodiil, I realized. The three left, leaving me with Igmund, Korir and my father. 

''What will you have of Markarth?" Jarl Igmund asked. I glanced at him and turned to Jarl Korir who stood tall at the attention. 

''Jarl Korir, pray tell, what can you tell me of Saarthal?" I suddenly asked the Jarl of Winterhold. He scratched his head at the sudden question. 

"Saarthal...it was the city established by our ancestors, when they first arrived to Skyrim.'' he answered. I nodded. Turning to Igmund, I placed a hand on his shoulder. "My Jarl, I would like you to send men and women skilled in mining to Saarthal, start a dig, so to speak." 

Korir and Igmund raised an eyebrow. ''I am happy to do my duty, High King, but attempting to open Saarthal?" Igmund asked for the both of them. I smiled, not exactly going to tell them about the Eye of Magnus which lied deep in the bowels of Saarthal. 

''I have come across something which made references about a powerful artifact in Saarthal. Such a thing ought to be in the possession of Skyrim, as is our heirloom, yes?" 

"I suppose..." Igmund said, still unsure. "And our...rewards?" Jarl Korir asked, licking his lips. I smiled.

''Well, such an endeavour must need infrastructure to support its, yes?" I hinted. Korir eyes widened. ''Then you have the support of Winterhold!" 

"And for Markarth?" 

''Consider calling in the favour, Jarl Igmund. Whiterun marched with no questions asked. I call upon Markarth to do the same." I told him. Igmund looked grim but nodded. They both left, to return home and prepare. And such, I was left alone with my father who was sitting down the whole time. I approached him. 

"My Jarl," I greeted him. He laughed, shaking his head. Looking up, he smiled. "When we return, that will no longer be. You are ready, more than ready." 

I knelt before him and he placed a hand on my shoulder, fatherly pride in his eyes. 

''My son, I am proud of you," he said, smiling as wide as there were stars in the sky. 

I smiled back.


A/N: Dawwww. Thanks dad.



Balgruuf needs to walk a thin line with Ulfric. Zealotry is good when it backs you, but it can easily turn on you as well. Balgruuf's methods of carefully planning things out might wear thin on the more action oriented Old Holds, no matter how wise it is.


Pretty much. The Thalmor is a berserk button and seeing an embassy of them in Skyrim? Why, it could be the best invitation to start a diplomatic incident. And no doubt, the Thalmor are aware of that fact.


I really hope that starting up a potential dialog between Ulfric and others heads the civil war off at the pass. Maybe send an expedition through the Sea of Ghosts to try and see how Solstheim is doing?


At this point of time, Solstheim is still existing and being there. The only time it gets concerning is when Miraak tries to come back and unlike Harkon, he's not exactly in a place where we can touch him.